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Riding Wayne tomorrow..


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I would but weve got a group together for Perry in the morn

Oh ya?... I was actually getting ready to mention going to Perry instead of Wayne because it's a bit closer for me and I won't have to buy a trail pass. What time are you guys meeting at Perry? Do you guys ride bikes or quads?

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Great great ride yesterday! Dry and fast! My chain flew off...Thought my day was done. Got a new masterlink, back in business. Hot as fuck! I'm off for awhile...bike needs overhauled.

Use some safety wire on the masterlink (on the outside of the chain in between the links like so):


You won't lose a master this way....I tossed a few chains before someone taught me this trick.

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That's a good idea for sure. We tried safety wire around the pins once the link was gone. Was not strong enough.

I've heard that using a strong epoxy or silicone on the masterlink (cleaned & degreased) when you clip it will accomplish the same thing, but the benefit of the safety wire is you can clip it and take the masterlink off without trying to chip off the epoxy. I've never lost a link since using it tho, fwiw.

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