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OhioRiders' Bike Night 8/20/09


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Fights, Pratt, Fights! I have never been in a cat fight, although I do find them quite enjoyable to watch.

No kiddin' dude..... She's makin' you sound like a Nancy boy ;) Time you show her what the back o' your hand is fer!! pimpslap.gif

Are we having a cat fight on the bike night thread?

Yeah...... Pratt gheyed it up with one post. The Ghey Fu is strong with her

She's not allowed into anymore "He Man-Woman Hater" meetings :rulez:

Fonz if you drive, are you gonna be in the mini van or go all out and drive the full size van? :lol:

Was hopin' you were gonna be bringin' your new station wagon ;)

And I prefer to call the van the "Shaggin' Wagon"

I'll be there!

Of course you will...... You're my groupie :D

I must be missing the post.... where is the meetup at and what time?

Polaris Shell or BP. Pick one...... We won't judge

I be :( and you wont get your early bday surprize hehe

Speakin' of which....... Someone still owes me a bDay present :cool:

Edited by Fonzie
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lol i cant help myself being your groupie.. fonzie's the shit!

That's right....... Say it LOUD & PROUD my little love slave!! :lol:

i think your referring to me oweing you a beer? lol you buy me one for my bday, ill buy you one.. then we'll be even haha
Kind of a lame gift exchange ;)

Actually though..... I'm referring to someone who drives a station wagon :)

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Sorry guys! Oh and I'm really sorry Jeffrey Blosser! I won't call you out of character anymore....well at least in public! :p

What the hell are you doing, Pratt? Leave the guy alone. Come on, give him his balls back would ya?


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What the hell are you doing, Pratt? Leave the guy alone. Come on, give him his balls back would ya?


LMAO... Pulp Fiction is my favorite movie!

Me and Pratt go waaayyyyy back. Years ago I met her when she was a damsel in distress broke down on her Buell Blast. We just developed a brother sister relationship, honestly we are so much alike in some ways that we would prob last a month or two if we ever dated.

So when you see us hanging out, ya we are just buddies and always have been. I'm not the guy who is hanging out as a friend waiting to get in her pants.. I have been that guy before, just not with Pratt haha. We are just we are just friends!

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LMAO... Pulp Fiction is my favorite movie!

Me and Pratt go waaayyyyy back. Years ago I met her when she was a damsel in distress broke down on her Buell Blast. We just developed a brother sister relationship, honestly we are so much alike in some ways that we would prob last a month or two if we ever dated.

So when you see us hanging out, ya we are just buddies and always have been. I'm not the guy who is hanging out as a friend waiting to get in her pants.. I have been that guy before, just not with Pratt haha. We are just we are just friends!

Who u calling a damsel? ;)

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