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i think i got set up....has this happened to anyone?

Steve Butters

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Ok well my tire blew out yesterday. I check my tires all the time, checked them before i left my house and got to school fine. Left school and got on the freeway. After 5-6mins of driving my tire blows out, ruining my brand new tire and brand new wheel. I was omw to an interview, so as soon as i pulled over the first thing I did was grab my phone to call them. Literally 5seconds after i stopped on the berm, a car screeches to a halt in front of me. It was to the point i thought something was up and put my truck in D ready to pull away incase they were going to try to rob me or something. The guy gets out and has a jack. So he walks up to my truck and i told him I'm alright and that i can change my tire and he doesn't have to stop. He said no its fine and ran back behind the truck and started to change my tire even though i told him not to. Half way through he starts asking me for money, saying he is risking his life for me *since traffic was literally 3 feet away flying by*...I told him i dont have any money and he kept saying aww man and then i said i could mail him a check because i dont carry those either. Then he started trying to get me to go to an atm, and a cop pulled up. I was getting uneasy because of how much he was pressing the money issue, and was glad to see the cop. Once the cop showed up the guy gave me his name and address to mail him a check and finished the tire quickly and then took off. Kept saying how it was Gods doing that he was helping to try and guilt me. I kinda feel like maybe he put the nail under my tire at school and then followed me until it blew so he could change my tire to try and make some money. He was an older guy, missing tons of teeth, his finger went back the wrong way and kinda flopped around like there was no bone in it; he was a creepy dude. I dont want to press anything or accuse him because he really may just have been trying to help. Has this happened to anyone else? If i can find other people who have had the same thing happen then i will press to do something about it. It was just so coincidental that he was right behind me and stopped almost as quick as i did. It feels like it was set up. If i stopped to help somebody, theres no way i would be asking them for money. I don't carry money around on me, lol ask anyone who knows me; I pay more atm fees than anyone i know. But if this has happened to anyone else on here with the same circumstances, please PM me and let me know and we can talk about it and maybe speak to a police officer and see what they think about the situation...

how do i look up a criminal record check? he said he lives in knox county and gave me an address in fredericktown and his name

Edited by Steve Butters
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Here's is Knox county's public record search: www.coc.co.knox.oh.us/pa/

It seems to be down right now, but try it anyways. I know Franklin county's goes down a lot also.

thanks its down...ill try franklin too

theres 9 hits on hsi name for franklin, but how do i know if its him

**nvm...wrong address and theyre just speeding tickets

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It is really popular in foreign countries. I guess schools would be a good target as you are more likely to get a younger person and many of the women are young and unmarried.

i just dont see how i would be a good target....yea its a nice truck so theres a good chance i would have money on me (which is way wrong)....but why not pick a small car with a cheerleading sticker or something on the back of it

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Ok well my tire blew out yesterday. I check my tires all the time, checked them before i left my house and got to school fine. Left school and got on the freeway. After 5-6mins of driving my tire blows out, ruining my brand new tire and brand new wheel. I was omw to an interview, so as soon as i pulled over the first thing I did was grab my phone to call them. Literally 5seconds after i stopped on the berm, a car screeches to a halt in front of me. It was to the point i thought something was up and put my truck in D ready to pull away incase they were going to try to rob me or something. The guy gets out and has a jack. So he walks up to my truck and i told him I'm alright and that i can change my tire and he doesn't have to stop. He said no its fine and ran back behind the truck and started to change my tire even though i told him not to. Half way through he starts asking me for money, saying he is risking his life for me *since traffic was literally 3 feet away flying by*...I told him i dont have any money and he kept saying aww man and then i said i could mail him a check because i dont carry those either. Then he started trying to get me to go to an atm, and a cop pulled up. I was getting uneasy because of how much he was pressing the money issue, and was glad to see the cop. Once the cop showed up the guy gave me his name and address to mail him a check and finished the tire quickly and then took off. Kept saying how it was Gods doing that he was helping to try and guilt me. I kinda feel like maybe he put the nail under my tire at school and then followed me until it blew so he could change my tire to try and make some money. He was an older guy, missing tons of teeth, his finger went back the wrong way and kinda flopped around like there was no bone in it; he was a creepy dude. I dont want to press anything or accuse him because he really may just have been trying to help. Has this happened to anyone else? If i can find other people who have had the same thing happen then i will press to do something about it. It was just so coincidental that he was right behind me and stopped almost as quick as i did. It feels like it was set up. If i stopped to help somebody, theres no way i would be asking them for money. I don't carry money around on me, lol ask anyone who knows me; I pay more atm fees than anyone i know. But if this has happened to anyone else on here with the same circumstances, please PM me and let me know and we can talk about it and maybe speak to a police officer and see what they think about the situation...

how do i look up a criminal record check? he said he lives in knox county and gave me an address in fredericktown and his name

reading this story makes me really uneasy. i would have told the guy he's wasting his time cause i could call AAA for free. that is scary!!

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i just dont see how i would be a good target....yea its a nice truck so theres a good chance i would have money on me (which is way wrong)....but why not pick a small car with a cheerleading sticker or something on the back of it

trucks and suv's would be a good target because many people have a hard time figuring them out. Getting the spare tire out can be a bitch if you have never done it before.

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i do have AAA...but my man card has a stipulation against calling them for anything other than a tow lol

Nah, call 'em anyway. It's what you paid for.

And at any rate, one of my friends works nights for AAA. He just loooves changing tires. Especially when it's raining! :D

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trucks and suv's would be a good target because many people have a hard time figuring them out. Getting the spare tire out can be a bitch if you have never done it before.

yea, first time i did it i had to look at the booklet that was tucked in the pouch with the rest of my tire changing stuff....my spare is held in by a lock, and its opened through a hole in the rear bumper

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That's just down right creepy. Did you say anything to the cop about your "hero's" actions?

no because at the time i was not thinking about it....yesterday was top 5 of the worst days i can remember....not one thing went right from when i woke up until i went to bed...i didnt think anything of it, was too stressed out about being late to my interview....this morning after work i was driving home and got to thinking about it and realized how setup it seems...i wish i woulda thought more about it when the cop was there with me...i was starting to feel uneasy, but not enough to warrant me saying something to the cop...i didnt even think that it coulda been setup until today...didnt even know i had a nail in the tire until last night when i got home and looked at it...i just thought i was having bad luck and it blew out because it was defective or something

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