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what should I do


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After all the rain on friday I had to go out to the garage to get something and when I got down stair to go out to the garage I noticed that it was flooded(which the landlord said it does'nt do) I noticed that the water had gotten up about mid way to my crankcase, I have not started it yet. But should I just drain the oil and change the filter as a precaution as to make sure no water had gotten in there some how. What are the chances water some how got in there. I am pretty sure it did'nt but I just want to be safe rather than sorry.

Oh on the flooding the prick landlord said it was our fault because we did not clean out the drain in front of the garage door,and its also our fault that the sump pump was blocked up from said drain. now all of our funiture that is in the basement may be F%$K have to wait until tommorow to know for sure.

Sorry about the rant but I would like to know what I should do about the bike.

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Check the oil level, make sure its not higher than usual. If its good, start it for a minute, let it warm up, shut it off and look at the oil. If it has a milky look at all, (oil + water looks milky)change it immediately. But in all likelyhood, no water got in, its fine.

Oh and Uh..... clean out the drain and make sure the sump pump is operational...... I mean, you rented it and you live there. You didnt expect your landlord to come over everyday and check on stuff like that did you?

Edited by Rod38um
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Check the oil level, make sure its not higher than usual. If its good, start it for a minute, let it warm up, shut it off and look at the oil. If it has a milky look at all, (oil + water looks milky)change it immediately. But in all likelyhood, no water got in, its fine.

If the water got in then that means the oil would get out.

Exactly. I'm sure your oil is just fine. But if you would feel better changing, do it for your peace of mind.

I would be more worried about any of the electrical connections that sat in the water corroding.

Dielectric grease is your friend! You might want to lube up your chain and any moving parts that sat in the water. Keep an eye out for rust showing up.

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I mean, you rented it and you live there. You didnt expect your landlord to come over everyday and check on stuff like that did you?-----------I do not but it is his reposability to ensure all plumbing is working correctly,,But what is pissing me off is that the fucker has not acted the least bit concearned about our stuff and that my wife is upset and that really pisses me off. He is supoosed to come over today and we will talk.

And I have a shit load of pics. And with the bike I am about to check the oil and see if water got in,I also doubt it but with my luck lately it probably full of water

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Do you have renters insurance? If not look into it. Man it is so cheap. I used to have it when i rented. It was like 20 bucks a month at most and would cover stuff like that. I have to pitch some stuff out of my basment that got wet also. But its not worth claiming on insurance.

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Do you have renters insurance? If not look into it. Man it is so cheap. I used to have it when i rented. It was like 20 bucks a month at most and would cover stuff like that. I have to pitch some stuff out of my basment that got wet also. But its not worth claiming on insurance.

I was thinking the exact same thing when I was reading this. I think I paid like 135 a year for renters insurance a few years ago, It can't be that much more now? Anyways, if you're really worried about your bike, just change the oil. Whats the cost of that versus you starting the bike up and water locking it? Goodluck either way!

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As a landlord, I agree that your landlord should ensure the plumbing is in proper working order at the time you rent it. If however it becomes clogged after you rent it, its actually your responsibility. And the sump pump is just like your stove, its the renters job to ensure he operates it properly.

On the flip side of the coin, its the landlords property, a long term investment. It should be in his best interest to make sure you are informed of the proper operation of the pump and also make you aware of any past clogging issues due to leaves and such so you know what to look out for.

That being said, I usually take care of plumbing issues on my dime, simply because I dont want an un-qualified person messing with my plumbing. You may find your landlord isnt as worried about his place and hasn't told you these things or he didnt know himself.

But anyway, I hope your stuff isnt damaged badly and I hope your landlord feels some responsibility if he realizes he didnt inform you properly. I know I would and I would do my best to help you out, had I not properly informed you.....

Good luck though, either way!

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Thanks guys for all the input, I checked the oil and it was fine,So I went to the pony got a filter and oil and changed it anyways, And rod I was a landlord once and I feel that it is the responsability of the landlord to tell the renter of all the issues they might arise,And to the point of the flooding,My first question when I was looking at the house was does the basement flood and he told me no,Hence my opinion he should pay for any damages.

And now he is acting like it was my fault and taking no respnsability and thats what is really pissing me off.

But the bike is fine and running great no damage and for my other stuff we will have to wait and see.

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Land Lord is trying to get out of that shit, punch him in the face but talk to a lawyer if you have to first. Not sure what the rules are here in Ohio.

That first point is called assault, I'm pretty sure its not legal, no call the the lawyer necessary lol

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