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we had a great time.

Cabin was awesome.

roads were great!

3 of us got a speeding ticket in Kentucky for 80 in a 65

there goes $175 down the drain

and lucky me i got a warning on the dragons tail.

51 in a 35 coming out of a corner, there sits a cop.. doh!

we hit little rain. ran into a couple riding a new kawasaki concourse, and they hung with us most of saturday.. nice people, both love bikes, the guy has a CBR 1000 he rides , and does track days on. his wife has a 05 R6. they were from georgia.

everyone had a blast, and the guys that havent been down there loved the dragons tail... as well as all the other roads we hit up.

pictures to come.. but for now..


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OK. Since I wasn't able to go and I'm even more bummed hearing all the cool stories, explain how the ticket thing all went down, temp/humidity, the dragon surface etc. Help me envision it. Man, I hope you got plenty of pics. After you've slept for about a hundred hours post 'em! Glad all got down and back safe, I knew I was gonna miss a good one.

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yea, I am certainly bummed I did not go.

its not as bad as you think.

we had no issues with other bikers. i didnt see one person cross into my lane. one of the guys with us saw a couple, but they were near or on the yellow line, not into his lane. no problems with cars in our lane either.

and honestly for a saturday at noon, the traffic on the tail was not bad, im surprised actually how little of traffic there was.

we blasted up and down 28 a few times as well, and only on sunday when we were leaving was the traffic any bad.

we rode the cherhola skyway all the way through, and that road is amazing as well. nice big sweepers to carry tons of speed through.

i have some video from the tail as well ill be hosting up.

in due time, now i must get ready for work

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OK. Since I wasn't able to go and I'm even more bummed hearing all the cool stories, explain how the ticket thing all went down, temp/humidity, the dragon surface etc. Help me envision it. Man, I hope you got plenty of pics. After you've slept for about a hundred hours post 'em! Glad all got down and back safe, I knew I was gonna miss a good one.

ill go into more detail about the trip later when i have time.

as for the ticket, 4 of us were jotting down 75.. my buddy on the fury in the back.. there was an undercover cop in a white z28 camaro sitting in the medium. we were doing probably 75.. my factory speedo is off by 7 MPH ( tested with GPS) so my speedo was reading 80 so we were doing maybe 72 to 73 mph.. thinking it was a 60.. cop pulls us over.. tickets 3 of us for 81 in a 65. my buddy on the fury got out of it cause his bike can barely do the speed limit lol.

as for my warning on the dragon, there was a cop at the begining of the tail. we went 30 by him so no look from him. but then we picked the pace up, another guy that went with us was on a new VFR as well. he was faster than i was and was probably 40 yards ahead of me. i came out of a corner on the throttle pretty nice came out of my lean and getting ready to setup for the next curve.. there in my peripheral vision a grey caprice with blacked out windows.. i jsut caught a glimps of him nudging his wheels to the left and trying to pull out.. but got caught behind another bike.

so i figured hmmm maybe he wil pull him over.. so i got on the pipe some more.. and left him back a aways.. but then i was like shit... i gotta stop somewhere, so i didnt really know how fast i was going when he did clock me, so i just slowed to 30 mph and rode what little of the tail was left at 30. pulled off at the pull off at the bottom. he pulled in and wrote me out a warnign.. thank god.. the minimum cost of a speeding ticket on the tail is $234 YIKES!

he was looking scott (the other guy in my group , with the new VFR who was in front of me) as well. asked if he was with me.. i said no, i just met him at the deals gap resort lol.

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he was looking scott (the other guy in my group , with the new VFR who was in front of me) as well. asked if he was with me.. i said no, i just met him at the deals gap resort lol.

I've been told that by others. "If I get pulled over you don't know me, just stop at the next exit ramp and wait for me"

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we had a great time.


Dude I was going with bailed Thursday night. I didn't see you were looking for one more until it was too late. But glad you had a good time. I am retrying for the 10th through the 13th.



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damn man me and my buddy were there fri and sat. mostly seen cruisers. and a nasty crash on the cherahala. some cruiser went into a guardrail and the rider took a 20-30 plung down the hill.

his helmet(not really a helmet but one of those novelty nazi looking things) was split in half.

it rained fri morning but by 1 or 2 it was getting pretty dry. I can't believe how much grip that road has under the trees in the wet. I was touching my knee and it never slid around.(damp not soaking wet)


Edited by serpentracer
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When I was down ther last year(81 in a 55) the KY cop told me if I pay it on time the points would not transfer. I paid it within the time on the ticket and he was right, to this day no points.

That is true of a great many tickets you get out of state if you live in Ohio. There are some weird reciprocity laws, or lack of them. As long as it isn't 'criminal' it often won't transfer. A ticket isn't criminal, but not paying it is.

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