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What's your thoughts on Pres. Obama speech to students?


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I dunno, punkins. I guess I'm just Ray Charles blind to why it's unconstitutional for the POTUS to appoint people to appointable jobs as he sees fit.

It was perfectly fine for W, who made plenty of appointments. He managed to make 2 appointments to federal courts back in... '03 or '04 I think, by bypassing the Senate altogther, even though the constitution says Senate approval is required for federal courts. And what about the appointments he slid in in January of 09? Mostly his friends and rich guys (and a NASCAR driver LOL) who made big donations? And of course he appointed Brownie as the Czar of FEMA... and I suppose you're going to say he did a GREAT job lolol :lol:

It was Director Brown, not Czar Brown.

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I dunno, punkins. I guess I'm just Ray Charles blind to why it's unconstitutional for the POTUS to appoint people to appointable jobs as he sees fit.

It was perfectly fine for W, who made plenty of appointments. He managed to make 2 appointments to federal courts back in... '03 or '04 I think, by bypassing the Senate altogther, even though the constitution says Senate approval is required for federal courts. And what about the appointments he slid in in January of 09? Mostly his friends and rich guys (and a NASCAR driver LOL) who made big donations? And of course he appointed Brownie as the Czar of FEMA... and I suppose you're going to say he did a GREAT job lolol :lol:


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I dunno, punkins. I guess I'm just Ray Charles blind to why it's unconstitutional for the POTUS to appoint people to appointable jobs as he sees fit.

I'm sure you can find a braille copy of the Constitution. If not I bet a federal agency can get you one personally.

Maybe you can call your congress"person" - if you know who he or she is.

For your information, those "czar" positions aren't listed in the Constitution. Why? Because we dont need them There are over 200 of the "approved" cabinet level positions that he HASN'T filled yet. Some of the jobs open include assistant secretary of state for nonproliferation, and the directors of the Agency for International Development, Customs and Border Protection, Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.Guess he's been too busy adding people to his team that DONT need to go through Congress.

It was perfectly fine for W, who made plenty of appointments. He managed to make 2 appointments to federal courts back in... '03 or '04 I think, by bypassing the Senate altogther, even though the constitution says Senate approval is required for federal courts. And what about the appointments he slid in in January of 09? Mostly his friends and rich guys (and a NASCAR driver LOL) who made big donations? And of course he appointed Brownie as the Czar of FEMA... and I suppose you're going to say he did a GREAT job lolol :lol:

Wow...another typical liberal answer...bbbbbbut bbbbbush did _______ (fill in the blank)

I find it offensive that because I disagree with what is going on you assume that I approve without question what went on in the previous administration.

More diversionary tactics from someone with nothing at all to say.

Honestly, you're far more entertaining when you're race-baiting.

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More diversionary tactics from someone with nothing at all to say.

Honestly, you're far more entertaining when you're race-baiting.

^^^^More diversionary tactics from someone who has everything to say, but only can only manage to squeeze off one viewpoint, and disrespect anyone who doesn't share yours :lol:

It's not diversionary just because you don't like it, hunny bunny:p

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Like I said earlier, it's not nice to assume. Just because so and so did something doesn't mean it's right to do it again. If that were the case, we would still have slavery.

Indeed. Excellent point. Which is why we should absolutely go a different direction.

The only thing I can assume, based on the amount of unsigned negative rep, is that I touched a nerve with some people on here LOL but that is perfectly fine. In my line of work it happens all the time, and it don't mean a thing, except people are scared shitless, uncomfortable and insecure. But I love people anyway! MUAH!!

Edited by ChickOn2
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Indeed. Excellent point. Which is why we should absolutely go a different direction.

The only thing I can assume, based on the amount of unsigned negative rep, is that I touched a nerve with some people on here LOL but that is perfectly fine. In my line of work it happens all the time, and it don't mean a thing, except people are scared shitless, uncomfortable and insecure. But I love people anyway! MUAH!!

Out of curiousity, how much neg rep? how much pos rep?

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Can't we all just get along? Group hug at bike night!!!:werd:

Now THATS something we can all agree on!! I'm a big hugger! Not trees, people!! :lol:

Out of curiousity, how much neg rep? how much pos rep?

3 negs, 2 unsigned

3 positives, all signed by Lurky McLurkersons LOL. Lurk all you want, I'm not taking my top off! Unless encouraged.

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^^^^More diversionary tactics from someone who has everything to say, but only can only manage to squeeze off one viewpoint, and disrespect anyone who doesn't share yours :lol:

It's not diversionary just because you don't like it, hunny bunny:p

Of course I only present one viewpoint - MINE. Although if "diversity czar" Mark Lloyd gets his way, I'll probably HAVE to present both sides of any discussion I may become involved in.

I've not disrespected anyone. As I recall, you were the one calling people "racist" because they disagree with the current administration.

Its called diversionary because you throw the 'race card' or scream "bbbbbbuuuuttt bbbbuuuush did it", instead of answering a question that was posed directly to you. If that's the best you can do, you're not even as good as JRMiii - at least he can post a cartoon once in a while.

I'm thinking colorofchange.org or Al Sharpton's gang could use someone like you. They seem to be pretty good at playing the race card. I mean you're not quite up to their level yet, but they can probably give you some pointers. Maybe you should check them out?

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nope... I was just demonstrating to Mr. Todd what a diversionary tactic was :lol:

besides, my dewd is on OR... if I get in trouble, I'll have to spend the rest of my holiday weekend getting a spanking. :D

About what I'd expect from someone like you.

A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.

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Ok, question on the whole czar thing...

Are these "czars" any different than regular cabinet members? Is czar just a wording thing that has everyone pissed off? Would it be the same as calling them "Directors" of whatever they're overseeing? Are they a new level in the president's cabinet, in addition to the "director's"?

I really don't know, that's why I am asking!

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Ok, question on the whole czar thing...

Are these "czars" any different than regular cabinet members? Is czar just a wording thing that has everyone pissed off? Would it be the same as calling them "Directors" of whatever they're overseeing? Are they a new level in the president's cabinet, in addition to the "director's"?

I really don't know, that's why I am asking!

The difference is Cabinet level positions must be confirmed by congress. The "czars" are different in that they aren't confirmed by congress. You can call them anything you want, but basically its been a move for a president to "get someone on the payroll" that doesn't have to be approved by congress.

It circumvents the checks and balances on the executive branch that are provided for by the Constitution, and is therefore unconstitutional.

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The difference is Cabinet level positions must be confirmed by congress. The "czars" are different in that they aren't confirmed by congress. You can call them anything you want, but basically its been a move for a president to "get someone on the payroll" that doesn't have to be approved by congress.

It circumvents the checks and balances on the executive branch that are provided for by the Constitution, and is therefore unconstitutional.

Every president has had people in those types of positions...

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