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What's your thoughts on Pres. Obama speech to students?


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haven't read all 18 pages of this but has anyone thought about making Obama's "stay in school" speech a PSA instead of a mandatory broadcast for all the kids that are already at school? Maybe we should be broadcasting it to the couch potatoes at home skipping class watching maury?

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haven't read all 18 pages of this but has anyone thought about making Obama's "stay in school" speech a PSA instead of a mandatory broadcast for all the kids that are already at school? Maybe we should be broadcasting it to the couch potatoes at home skipping class watching maury?

Quick duck.....

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I know :( I touched a nerve, apparently. Him mad at me.

Nope, not mad. Actually, I feel sorry for you. It must be really difficult to go through life playing the victim and blaming things on race all the time. Honestly, I can't imagine what it would be like not to be able to present my side of the argument because I'm so wrapped up in skin color.

I asked you several pointed questions, and you couldn't or wouldn't answer any of them. Why is that? Obviously you're not stupid - you've figured out how to get on-line and cause a ruckus here. Seems to me that if you REALLY wanted BHO to succeed you'd be able to offer up some information as to how he can do that. But no, the only thing you can say is I (or others) don't like him because he's black. Sad really.

Yeah, someone got their efeelings hurt, me thinks!


Ahhh, if you knew me you'd no how ridiculous that statement is. Its pretty tough to hurt my feelings - "e" or otherwise.

Carry on...

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So then say "I am afraid"

What are you afraid of?

I fear nothing. You are trying to spread fear with this thread. The same fear that you have. You fear that your kids will be brainwashed by one speech. If you weren't, then you wouldn't have a problem with your kids watching the speech. I have enough influence over my kids that it really doesn't matter what anyone tries to tell them.

I personally cant stand Obobo, but I will listen to what he says and form my own opinion. I wont let threads like this prevent me from seeing the opinions of the "other" side.

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I don't care if this thread reaches 2 billion pages. JRMiii and Todd will probably still disagree. But if they each take one thing from the other side, then it is not a waste.

The key to the Universe is Knowledge.

JRMiii knows were to find some kinda funny cartoons. Happy now? :D

haven't read all 18 pages of this but has anyone thought about making Obama's "stay in school" speech a PSA instead of a mandatory broadcast for all the kids that are already at school? Maybe we should be broadcasting it to the couch potatoes at home skipping class watching maury?

The whole flap could have been avoided if they would have released the speech shortly after they announced he was going to do it.

Not a bad idea though..

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I was just saying, debating policy or a stance on something, if done correctly will "enlighten" those who are engaged in it. If by saying "enlightened" people hear "spreading fear", then maybe they should open their minds up. Look, I don't care if this thread reaches 2 billion pages. JRMiii and Todd will probably still disagree. But if they each take one thing from the other side, then it is not a waste. This is America. A melting pot. There are as many view here as there stars in the sky. But all people need to try to at least come together in a civilized manner and discuss things. If we all do stuff like we always have, like I said earlier, we would still have slaves. And that doesn't mean going off the deep end is good either.

The key to the Universe is Knowledge.

I agree that a healthy discussion has the capability of enlightening both sides. I dont think that is going on here though. People are taking comments too seriously and making personal attacks. Thats not really what I would call a healthy discussion.

I know JRMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii very well and although it doesn't show, I know that he does take points from all sides. I think T43 is close minded and wont consider an alternate opinion. I think he thinks his opinion on this subject is the only one that makes sense. I dont know him other than just from reading his posts but that's the impression I get.

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Nope, not mad. Actually, I feel sorry for you. It must be really difficult to go through life playing the victim and blaming things on race all the time. Honestly, I can't imagine what it would be like not to be able to present my side of the argument because I'm so wrapped up in skin color.

Glad you're not mad! and yeah it IS rough. It's rough when some of us STILL have to deal with people's denial and attitudes, all the way in 2009. Minimizing the problem of racial inequality is one of those... They deny and deny and deny the underlying problem... yet their words/actions 100% back up the original assessment that they MAHT BE a lil ole fashioned © J. Foxworthy

Even MORE taxing is when you specifically answer those people's questions, but they are a smidge on the narrow-minded side (whether it's upbringing or lack of diverse life experience, or what, ionno), and if it's not the answer they WANT, then it's a non-answer to them. whoo it's tiring, let me tell you! **SIGH**

For that matter "playing the race card" is a lot of work, too, and sucks that it even exists. Especially since for me and mine, it's not a game, it's not fun, not at all. For you, the 'race card' problem goes away after you log off the innanets. For me, not so much.:dunno:

So I do apologize if bringing up the race issue annoys you. But believe you me, it's an annoyance for ME to say the very least. So when the denial stops, I'll stop. Promise! :D Then we all haz winnar!

But it's all good... no hard feelings on my end. Our opinions are different as our experience, and until you can see MY experience (or I, yours), we're just going to see shyt different, and that's that.

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I fear nothing. You are trying to spread fear with this thread. The same fear that you have. You fear that your kids will be brainwashed by one speech. If you weren't, then you wouldn't have a problem with your kids watching the speech. I have enough influence over my kids that it really doesn't matter what anyone tries to tell them.

I personally cant stand Obobo, but I will listen to what he says and form my own opinion. I wont let threads like this prevent me from seeing the opinions of the "other" side.

Fear nothing, eh? That's good. Although I doubt as a parent you have "no fears".

I never said that I was afraid my kids would be "brainwashed" by the speech. Honestly my daughter is too busy watching what's going on around her to pay attention to the speech, and my son...well, he's a 14 year old boy - he already knows EVERYTHING.

Based on the "suggested reading" material that was released when the speech was announced it appeared that he was going to use this opportunity to further promote his socialist agenda. I don't fear that my kids will turn out to be drug addicts, but I dont let them hang out with drug dealers either.

Problems with kids happen when you let one thing slide when your kids are at that impressionable age. You justify it, reason it out, try to be open minded and that ONE thing go by. That first thing leads to the second thing, and the third thing....the next the you know they're doing stuff you dont know about with people you don't know. I dont want to look at one of my kids in jail or in a casket and say "where did I go wrong?".

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I think T43 is close minded and wont consider an alternate opinion. I think he thinks his opinion on this subject is the only one that makes sense. I dont know him other than just from reading his posts but that's the impression I get.

I'd say when it comes to political ideology and the values I want my kids to grow up with, you're right - my mind is pretty well made up. I've considered alternative views, and I've disposed of them. I did not get where I am today by living only yesterday. I've made these decisions over 45 years of living on this planet. Unlike others, my kids aren't an "experiment" for those whose moral values are different from mine. As time goes by, and my kids are grown and gone from the house I'm quite certain that they'll think differently than I do about a lot of subjects. That's the way it goes.

My opinions on this subject are the only ones that make sense to ME. If they don't make sense to you, that's cool - they don't have to. I'm not here to change anyone's mind, make them believe what I do, or live the way I live. I offer my perspective on these issues often times only to show that an alternative view is out there. On occasion, I'll play the devil's advocate just to get a rise out of people, but most of the time what you get is my pure unadulterated feelings on a particular subject.

If you think those feelings are meant to spread fear, or force others to think like I do, you're sadly mistaken. Truth be told, I could give a rat's ass what other people think about what I think.

Glad you're not mad! and yeah it IS rough. It's rough when some of us STILL have to deal with people's denial and attitudes, all the way in 2009. Minimizing the problem of racial inequality is one of those... They deny and deny and deny the underlying problem... yet their words/actions 100% back up the original assessment that they MAHT BE a lil ole fashioned © J. Foxworthy

Racial inequality? Are you kidding me? Do you honestly think that you could be HALF of what you are here anywhere else on this planet? Would your life truly be better if you were living in a hovel somewhere in Africa? Each person (not people, not a class of people, not a race of people) control their own destiny.

Even MORE taxing is when you specifically answer those people's questions, but they are a smidge on the narrow-minded side (whether it's upbringing or lack of diverse life experience, or what, ionno), and if it's not the answer they WANT, then it's a non-answer to them. whoo it's tiring, let me tell you! **SIGH**

Specifically answer questions? If you typically answer questions the way you answered any of the ones I posed to you I'm not surprised you get the reaction you described.

For that matter "playing the race card" is a lot of work, too, and sucks that it even exists. Especially since for me and mine, it's not a game, it's not fun, not at all. For you, the 'race card' problem goes away after you log off the innanets. For me, not so much.:dunno:

Did you ever think that playing the race card helps to perpetuate the problem? I believe it does. Stand up, take responsibility for your actions, admit your short-comings or mistakes and move on with your life. Chances are most of the shit you've fucked up in your life has NOTHING to do with being black.

So I do apologize if bringing up the race issue annoys you. But believe you me, it's an annoyance for ME to say the very least. So when the denial stops, I'll stop. Promise! :D Then we all haz winnar!

What annoys me is the lack of personal responsibility and accountability. People blame their problems on all sorts of things - race, weight, social status, financial position - everything is something or someone else's fault. Bullshit. Stand up and be responsible.

But it's all good... no hard feelings on my end. Our opinions are different as our experience, and until you can see MY experience (or I, yours), we're just going to see shyt different, and that's that.

Yes, we see things differently. I've made my mistakes in life and I know who is responsible - ME. You've made your mistakes in life and you think your race is responsible. That's that.

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Todd, our beliefs dont seem to be too different. The only thing really different is that I dont have a problem with at least listening to the other side. I have yet to agree with any of them, but I still listen.

45? Damn, you're an old bastard:lol:

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Chances are most of the shit you've fucked up in your life has NOTHING to do with being black.

What annoys me is the lack of personal responsibility and accountability. People blame their problems on all sorts of things - race, weight, social status, financial position - everything is something or someone else's fault. Bullshit. Stand up and be responsible.

Yes, we see things differently. I've made my mistakes in life and I know who is responsible - ME. You've made your mistakes in life and you think your race is responsible. That's that.

Biggest mistake being, thinking that some people are willing/able to listen to reason that may not be in line with their own. Silly me! LOL

My problems...? My mistakes, my fucked up life... ?

BWAAAAAHahahahahahaahahahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHA *breathe breathe* TAAAAAHahahahahhaahahahhahaahahah *wiping tears*

*pant... pant...* OK. Alright bro... you assume... a LOT. a WHOLE lot. I KNOW you're going to deny this... but it really LOOKS like you have already decided who I am, and what my status is, based on what you know about my demographic and political standpoint. And that's OK... I'll be that.

Hmm ok class, what do we call making a snap superficial judgment about someone based on what we see on the outside...? It's a little word... it starts with an "R"...

OK, OK I'm sorry Todd. I know this is a hot-button for you, yet I keep pressing it. I'm going to take my dominatrix leathers off now. You win. Time for me to help my girls get READY FOR SCHOOL TOMORROW BECAUSE IN THIS HOUSE, EDUMACATION BE IMPOTENT!


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Todd, our beliefs dont seem to be too different. The only thing really different is that I dont have a problem with at least listening to the other side. I have yet to agree with any of them, but I still listen.

45? Damn, you're an old bastard:lol:

Just because I continue to offer up an alternative point of view doesn't mean I don't "listen".

I'll be 46 in a couple of months. I'm guessing I'm one of the oldest guys on here. ;)

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Biggest mistake being, thinking that some people are willing/able to listen to reason that may not be in line with their own. Silly me! LOL

I've listened to what you had to say. Obviously I took some time to digest it, otherwise I wouldn't have replied.

My problems...? My mistakes, my fucked up life... ?

BWAAAAAHahahahahahaahahahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHA *breathe breathe* TAAAAAHahahahahhaahahahhahaahahah *wiping tears*

*pant... pant...* OK. Alright bro... you assume... a LOT. a WHOLE lot. I KNOW you're going to deny this... but it really LOOKS like you have already decided who I am, and what my status is, based on what you know about my demographic and political standpoint. And that's OK... I'll be that.

I didn't say you had a fucked up life. You're assuming that I've made assumptions that I havent made. Again, you dodge a question with more inflammatory remarks. Really, that doesn't help your position.

Honestly, it has become apparent that you're not the type of person that one can have a discussion with. I'm finished.

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What annoys me is the lack of personal responsibility and accountability. People blame their problems on all sorts of things - race, weight, social status, financial position - everything is something or someone else's fault. Bullshit. Stand up and be responsible.

That's the best thing I've read in this thread! THAT is exactly one of the biggest problems today. Nobody takes any personal responsibility. I'm gonna stop there with just agreeing with you, not ranting on about personal responsibility (which I've had my share of not taking it!)

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Chickon2 aren't you from xenia? you have to have had a fucked up childhood... I give you Gummo! Xenia at its finest!

BWAAHAHAHahahah!! not Gummo!! ohhh nooeessssss

Disclaimer 1: I'm live in Xenia, but I'm from the booming metropolis of Urbana

Disclaimer 2: Gummo was actually shot in Tennessee, thankyouverymuch! LOL

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BWAAHAHAHahahah!! not Gummo!! ohhh nooeessssss

Disclaimer 1: I'm live in Xenia, but I'm from the booming metropolis of Urbana

Disclaimer 2: Gummo was actually shot in Tennessee, thankyouverymuch! LOL

fair enough :) sorry for the gummo reference, couldn't resist! i forgot how jacked up that movie was when searching for a clip... its worse than "kids"

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Oh boo fucking hoo.

If you have to explain the fact that you're not "gangsta", maybe you should look at how you act, and the image you project. Maybe people are getting the wrong idea about you.

I'd say you're more of a race baiter, FWIW.

Apparently my dry tone doesn't come across well in text. Oh well. In truth, I was just characterizing, because every time an Obama-related debate turns up, this guy is somewhere in the background:


Like I said, it was a characterization, not actually aimed directly at that Todd guy or anyone else specifically.

Although certain people are awful quick to call anyone who mentions race a 'race baiter'. But whatever.


Edited by Aerik
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