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Be living my life like a hobo pretty soon.

Mr Anderson

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Mr. Anderson....I do have one little tid bit to add to the wealth of knowledge that has already been given by others on this forum. You have been extremely vocal about not wanting to be single anymore. I don't know if you're aware of this but any woman worth her salt is going to be watching how you spend your money....meaning what type of choices you make b/c ultimately your choices are going to affect her if you two get serious. I have had SEVERAL men cross my path that were wonderful guys but I will not get "serious" with them if you will b/c of the way they choose to spend their cash. I've made the mistake of being with an exhusband who was frivolous with his money and now I still have several thousands of dollars of debt b/c I cosigned loans for him b/c I was the responsible one and had the high credit rating. He made close to 80K a year yet had to still live with his parents when I met him b/c he blew his money like water and felt he had to have this or that.....and he deserved this or that b/c he worked "hard" for his money. He was never able to grow up and be responsible. His credit rating was around 400 when I met him. Yikes! What was I thinking? Oh well we live and we learn! That is why I wrote what I did about purchasing a motorcycle when you still live with your parents and don't have money to live on your own. Are you serious? That wasn't just aimed at you b/c I know several peeps that roll like that. :) You might think you're going to pull in the ladies b/c you ride but what are the quality of those ladies if they don't care enough about themselves and their own future. I'm just hoping that adding this will maybe make this sink in a bit about the choices you make. You're a great guy and derserve the best but more money is not going to fix your situation if you don't change the way you think about life.

****I know Eric's not the one filing bankrupcy but many children follow in the footsteps of their parents b/c they have watched how their parents budget/spend their money. He's young and should learn these nuggets of life now so when he is a bit older he won't have the same issues. :)

Thanks Pratt. I am holding off on finding a girlfriend. I will wait to I have the money and a better job. Cutting my budget to make some more money to pay off my credit card and some other stuff like my ninja. I am 21.

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Thanks Pratt. I am holding off on finding a girlfriend. I will wait to I have the money and a better job. Cutting my budget to make some more money to pay off my credit card and some other stuff like my ninja. I am 21.

Depending on how much you owe on your credit card, it might be worth trying to get a loan from someone to try and get the interest cut in half or so. I did this for a friend of mine to help him out last year and it is working out very well


put your numbers in here and change the interest rate and the term length.

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Like V4Junkie said, I'm guessing the XBOX Live is paid for already, so it doesn't make sense selling all of your games. The tough part will be when all the new games come out in the next few months. You'll have to seriously restrain yourself and buy one or two that will last. Also, a quick fix for you, (once again assuming), would be to dump the car and the bike. Those two items will get the most money for you and you'd still be able to keep some of your other fun things. Payoff any credit cards ASAP, those things "are the DEVIL, Bobby Boucher!" Good luck!

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He can be a male escort... there's money in that, I heard...
dude see she wants to pimp you out dude extra money
:lol: I'm just trying to help a brotha' out, get him past this rough patch. I mean, if he's got the right credentials, why not leverage them? all I ask is a small donation/finder's fee.

He's gonna need some serious training first. Chick, you volunteering?

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Anybody suggest enlisting in the US Army yet?

Free room and board and food and clothes and medical, etc....

Oh geesh, why didn't I think about that. Ya, being a single soldier isn't that bad. Everything is free except for stuff you want, cell phone, car payment...It's a good deal really. If you don't want to do it full time, there is always the National Guard, little extra money each month.


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Actually, dumping the bike might not be such a good idea, seeing that he probably hasn't had it long. It might COST him to get rid of it.

Not to mention dumping a 250 at the trail end of the riding season (for someone who would buy a Ninja 250) is a recipe for losing money. If there was any way in hell to hold onto it until April, I can see getting almost a grand more for it with the pent-up demand.

Erick, house offer still stands.

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Before selling the car and or bike I'd check to see what the KBB value on them is. There is a real possibility that if they are new the value is probably lower than the amount you owe on them. ie You won't be able to sell them for what you owe on them, so selling them gains you nothing.

First step is stop spending. Second is save enough to afford a place to live. Third increase the debt payment to the highest interest loans first. As Iron butt mentioned on the other page, investigate debt consolidation but still pay off that debt as fast as you can. Another tip I can give you is put yourself on an allowance. Take a set amount of cash out of your pay check every payday and force yourself to live on it. I recommend $105 per week cash. That's $15 per day to live on, if you can live on less then take less out or put it in a rainy day cash fund. NO USING Credit cards!! If you run out of $$$ then suffer till the next pay day, they are for emergency use only. Pay bills the old fashion way, use a check. It will help you keep better track of what your "real" account balance is. Also, forget Christmas. Sounds really crappy but tell friends and family you can afford to participate this year. It will save you a ton of money and it doesn't sound like you need any new toys.:D

Last suggestion, if you have grandparents who are doing okay see if they could loan you a lump sum to get the high interest stuff off your back. Just don't be an ass hole and not repay them if they are kind enough to help you out.

Edited by buildit
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Lot's of great advice flying around here! Take some of it and get your shit together! It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders, and can figure this out! Sit down, do the math and you'll be surprised! I know when I do this, I realize that I have a lot of money that is going to nothing.

Good luck! You can do it!

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As far as the stang goes I owe $14000 on it. Kbb value is only $12000 for the best condition. I guess I could put it up for 14000 and it will take a long time to sell it. I drive a lot so the value goes down like crazy. Put on 20000 miles last year. I always chose going out to the bar or doing something over the xbox. Trade value sucks on the car as well. Thanks for the advice everyone.

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I always chose going out to the bar or doing something over the xbox.

Going to the bar is no way to save $$$ either. How much do you drop in a night at the bar? $20, $30, more? Better to have some friends over and play x-box than blow $100 a week on booze. I save so much money now that I don't drink and I also never have to worry about a DUI. ;)

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Yeah, when the smoking ban went into effect, I acquired a pool table, some bar stools/ tables, a bigass tv projector, and an xbox 360.

Even after all that, I save a ton of money over going to the bars, and have more fun too (no crowds of stupid people or crappy music).

And noone complains if we convert the pool table into a workbench for exploded bikes or a card table for an 8-hour drunken MTG tournament.

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Still should be able to go to cedar point I got my new budget and cedar point is a must for me.

:wtf: Seriously? I haven't read this entire thread but you should seriously change you mind on this if you are really facing serious $$$ problems.

The money you blow at CP could feed you for a fricken week or more!

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Not to sound like the Safe auto character, but it's not rocket science. :lol: It's called getting your priorities right. We are a society of instant gratification. We see it, we want it and we get it. Then we are unhappy when it either doesn't live up to expectations or reduces our abitity to continue the spending spree. Being a smart consumer is all about controlling the buying urge. The stock market is the same way.

Here's a simple way to see if you are really in trouble or just living beyond your means.

1. Add up all bills you pay per month (rent, electric, water, phone, insurance, taxes, plates and tags for vehicles, credit cards, etc.) Things like insurance that are payed every 6 months just divide by 6 to get monthly rate.

2. Add up total income per month( pay check less taxes, bank interest, dividends, ect)

3. total of 2. - 1. = monthly available funds (if negative you must reduce 1. If positive you need to find out what expenses are eating up your available funds and reduce them first.)

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Here's a simple way to see if you are really in trouble or just living beyond your means.

1. Add up all bills you pay per month (rent, electric, water, phone, insurance, taxes, plates and tags for vehicles, credit cards, etc.) Things like insurance that are payed every 6 months just divide by 6 to get monthly rate.

2. Add up total income per month( pay check less taxes, bank interest, dividends, ect)

3. total of 2. - 1. = monthly available funds (if negative you must reduce 1. If positive you need to find out what expenses are eating up your available funds and reduce them first.)

I'm not even going to think about doing that right now. I will get too depressed over it. My income became negative about the middle of last year :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: Livestock sucks.....when it's negative

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