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who wants to ride hocking hills saturday?


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Crappy rear Video of the car wreck from the ride.


Helmet cam video


rear camera video still processing but youtube should have it done soon.

Edited by buildit
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we werent makin fun of ya bud just nicknamin we all have one . and I wasnt sayin you were lying bout your bike was just tryin to figure out who you were cuz I thought it was a 500 , the skinny tires and dual exhaust always makes me think 500 didnt think about it being an older 600 ... and fix it it dont need much used plastics for those are everywhere and pretty cheap too or just streetfighter it then no plastics needed , as for gettin it ready your a big boy id suggest 38psi front and 42psi rear and stiffen up that rear spring preload , prolly should preload the forks a bit too, and have some one check your chain tension when your on the bike thats what i did when i told ya it was too tight . you compress that rear suspenion alot and as it compresses the chain gets tighter so for your size setting it when your not on it wont work to get it right , any other questions on set up just ask we're here to help

and as far as you ruining the ride and doing everything wrong ,naw dont beat your self up everyone learns from there mistakes "well most everyone" so now you know what not to do and your crash didnt ruin the ride, everytime coshocton rides sombody crashes "usually 2" so actually that was agood day cuz only 1 went down we're used to it :D in fact thats why I left early was to get back to columbus to visit a buddy in the hospital that crashed last week it doesnt ruin a ride and we all stick together

and you can invite yourself on future rides whenever you want if we dont beat you to it ! but we're prolly still gonna call ya superman :D ......... till a better name comes along

lol. No problem. I understand it's all in good fun. As well, as the bike. Everyone kept asking if it was a 250, or 500. I like the streetfighter look, was actually thinking about that...when i got the bike.

I appreciate the help. You guys called it.

Nightrider, dont beat yourself up about it. Learn from your mistakes, get that beast fixed and get back out on the road. Glad you are ok.

Thanks man.

NightRider!! Don't be a stranger bro! I went down on the last shoc ride, I told you about it. That is why I was super cautious this ride. I wanted to ride cuz I love ridin and hangin with these guys. I learn from them all the time. You just have to know your limits I guess. As far as the bike, listen to 1000rrrider. It didn't look too bad in the pics, and if you were able to ride it home, the damage could be small. It was good talkin to ya, and hopefully you'll ride with us again. Good meeting you man...

What's funny about this is, we're talking about you going down. And i told you...i didn't know what it's like, but i understand. Now it's ALL different! I was telling Buildit, with 5 bikes...you would think i would have dumped the 1st one. I learned alot on the ride, and still have lots more to go. I'm glad i got to talk to you man, good meeting you too.

Not to worry, as I remember you helped out Mr. A when he had his accident and good things come around. I'm just glad it all worked out and you are not much worse for wear.:D

Like 1000RR said don't beat yourself up. We all learn every time we go out and then make adjustments to our bikes, equipment, habits and or riding style. Despite the rummers riding a motorcycle is NOT a cheap sport and doing it right requires time and money. Especially if you're riding aggressivly and on challenging roads or trails. I've been lucky and had a lot of good teachers on and off road as well as a good friend who has "edumacated" my dumb ass on some basics of back yard MC repair. :lol:

So heal up, take some time to check out the real damage on the bike. Drain that oil look for any signs of metal or clutch grindings. That will give you a good idea how bad it is overall. Maybe we can get someone who "really knows engines" to do a tech day that you could bring the bike to if it still has issues.

PS rather be Superman than the dead camera man. :p

If there was ever a time for someone to go down, i'm just glad it was with you guys. This is a special website, and everyone seems to have a strong concern for their fellow riders.

Will do man, thanks again. And yes...superman isn't so bad haha. Still don't understand...the smoking, taking pictures, dead camera guy.

Thanks for setting this ride up Hoblick. Buildit you are awesome man.


we had two wrecks... im claiming the van wreck as ours...

and superman the names gonna stick just like 1000rrider is fuzz nuts. we cant choose our destiny. and ur more then welcome to come ride with us anytime man

Works for me. Thanks man, i appreciate it.

I think nightrider should buy a red cape on the next ride. How is bkizz doing?

Will i be red riding hood, or superman? :D

I am so damn sore today. Back is tight and stiff. And my knee looks just awesome, and feels even better. I'm just thankful, it wasn't any worse.

Again, had alot of fun...despite everything. Good meeting all of you guys!

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I am so damn sore today. Back is tight and stiff. And my knee looks just awesome, and feels even better. I'm just thankful, it wasn't any worse.

Again, had alot of fun...despite everything. Good meeting all of you guys!

I dont wear leathers on the street as you saw but I do wear knee pads under my riding pants ....... just a lil hint for your next go round;)

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I dont wear leathers on the street as you saw but I do wear knee pads under my riding pants ....... just a lil hint for your next go round;)

you do wear those icon riding jeans though as well.. which is better than normal jeans.

i just cant go without wearing the leathers.. i feel alot safer, and more confident with my leathers on

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yes , prolly should clear that up for him those arent regular jeans theyre the arimid reinforced icon riding pants that I wear plus the icon knee guards under them and a lower back brace under my shirt , elbow shoulder and back pads in the jacket and then the gloves ......... superman if dont change anything about your gear please at least get gloves thats the one thing Ill never ride with out is some crashes you can protect parts of your body and plan your fall but you can never protect your hands youll put them out instinctively everytime nothing you can do about it so get some gloves man

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yes , prolly should clear that up for him those arent regular jeans theyre the arimid reinforced icon riding pants that I wear plus the icon knee guards under them and a lower back brace under my shirt , elbow shoulder and back pads in the jacket and then the gloves ......... superman if dont change anything about your gear please at least get gloves thats the one thing Ill never ride with out is some crashes you can protect parts of your body and plan your fall but you can never protect your hands youll put them out instinctively everytime nothing you can do about it so get some gloves man

I was surprised that his hands were okay.

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yes , prolly should clear that up for him those arent regular jeans theyre the arimid reinforced icon riding pants that I wear plus the icon knee guards under them and a lower back brace under my shirt , elbow shoulder and back pads in the jacket and then the gloves ......... superman if dont change anything about your gear please at least get gloves thats the one thing Ill never ride with out is some crashes you can protect parts of your body and plan your fall but you can never protect your hands youll put them out instinctively everytime nothing you can do about it so get some gloves man

I'll definitely look into armored pants. And, i'll definitely have a better jacket as well. Your right, that's what exactly what people do. Put their hands on. Trust me...i will have correct gear next time out, or i won't go.

I was surprised that his hands were okay.

+1 to you guys. I thought they were going to be hamburger when i came up.

I am just glad he did not get hit by a car around that blind corner.

In terms of how bad the crash could have went, i got extremely lucky. When i went down, i heard popping and snapping (probably the bike) and was worried about a car coming. I thought i was going to have a few broken bones for sure.

Walking is extremely painful, but i'm good for the most part. :D

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nightrider, get your bike fixed up and come out again soon (after you're healed up). and have someone look at that knee... it looked pretty messed up. if there is something wrong with it, and it heals wrong, you'll pay for it a 100 fold in the future.

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