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:badgerrock: Got a good laugh out of this, me and one of my friends, stopped at a gas station and waited for the other 3 people were were gonna meet up with. there's a kid there on a brand new gixxer 750, jeans, camo tank top, and a bandana sittin on his bike acting all hard. he's got racing numbers and stickers on this brand new bike like he's something. we look a little closer he's got chicken strips an inch and a half wide on the damn thing lol It's probably something you had to be there to appreciate, but all of our bikes are used to within millimeters of the edge of the tire, and neither of us think were that special like this kid did :rolleyes:
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:badgerrock: Got a good laugh out of this, me and one of my friends, stopped at a gas station and waited for the other 3 people were were gonna meet up with. there's a kid there on a brand new gixxer 750, jeans, camo tank top, and a bandana sittin on his bike acting all hard. he's got racing numbers and stickers on this brand new bike like he's something. we look a little closer he's got chicken strips an inch and a half wide on the damn thing lol It's probably something you had to be there to appreciate, but all of our bikes are used to within millimeters of the edge of the tire, and neither of us think were that special like this kid did :rolleyes:

I've got chicken strips. You wanna race over it? Straight line of course. :trophy:

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I got strips too but i just got into the twisty thing.....trying to get some more practice on the turns to wear them thinner.....lol..will keep trying i guess.

And get a lighter bike! With a bike like yours, wearing down those strips will be hard! You'll be my hero if you can work that machine down to no strips, front and back.

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I ended up with strips on my rear...Mainly because the majority of my riding consists of a 2 hour round trip commute to work most days. When I am riding for pleasure, there aren't any twisties to hit that are along the beaten path.

I just got a new 2CT on the rear yesterday and I plan on scrubbing up the sides real good before the season is over.

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