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Non OR ride report

Uncle Punk

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I had a very interesting Sunday that didn't turn out at all like I would have hoped it would, at least I have a story to tell.

This was not my ride, I didn't plan the start time or route. I didn't even know I would be going on the ride until about 8:00 PM Saturday night. Some of you know my bike blew the engine a few weeks ago so I ended up renting a bike from the mechanic at Kennedys. He needs money, has only ridden it a couple of times this summer and is taking the bike to a dealer auction this week.

Ride is supposed to start at 82 & 83 at 10:00 AM Sunday morning. Same route Jinx and I took the weekend my bike broke down with a possible addition of about 60 miles. The weekend we did this ride including the breakdown I was home at 4:30 PM so I should be home no later than 5:30, wrong.

I'm at the meeting spot a quarter till by myself waiting, ten till a Buell 1125R pulls in, and five till Jinx shows up, 10:00 Matt shows up on 09 R1. That's it time to roll, nope; we are waiting for some other riders. I had heard that a couple Ducatis were going to be on the ride including a 1098S and the mythical 1098R, this is one of the reasons I'm on this ride I think it's cool that someone will buy a 40K bike and actually ride it. So we wait and then wait, then wait some more. Finally they are here let’s roll, not so fast they all need gas. Shit you know it's not my ride I would have left their asses. We don't leave from the meeting spot until 11:00 AM, strike one.

We have nine bikes total with what I'm guessing to be about 120K worth of bikes.

3 09 R1s (one of the riders is a woman)

2 08 ZX10s

1 XX 1125R

1 XX 1098S

1 XX 1098R

1 05 ZX6R (Me on borrowed bike, Metzler tires.)

I'll be sucking hind tit with all these big bikes so Jinx takes point & I'm bringing up the rear, first gas stop is Coshocton. Somewhere south of Millersburg a few of the group go past a pickup truck, then he speeds up, a few more go by, he speeds up even more, now he just looks stupid because he is jerking all over the place and doesn't appear in control. A few more bikes get by him and now it’s down to the last three of us, the woman on her R1, the guy on the 1098S and me. She pulls over to go around and he swerves over into the left hand lane, okay there is a car pulling a trailer up ahead so he wants to pass. He doesn't pass so she goes out to pass again and he swerves over again, he is not trying to pass he is being an asshole and doesn't want anyone else to pass him. She does get by eventually, now it's 1098Ss turn to go around, but this guy has stepped up his game and is swerving over farther so I pass the Ducati to see if I can get around, he comes over farther now almost touching me and pushing me off the road, I'm talking inches from being pushed off the road to the left. I'm really pissed but am not going to win this pissing match with a pickup truck. I get by when he decides to not swerve over approaching a blind crest, unless someone was coming the other way at over 100 MPH I would make it around him safely. I catch up with the rest of the group expecting to have a discussion with the pickup driver at the light where 83 runs into 16. The Ducati makes it to us just before we get to the intersection. There is a Coshocton county sheriffs car parked facing north as we are approach the intersection. She turns her lights on, makes a u-turn in behind me then turns her lights off. We had planned to get gas at the Marathon just past the 541 exit so we pulled in there; the sheriff’s car follows us in and turns her lights on again. She gets out and tells us to turn our bikes off, then says they have received complaints of racing on 83, even though we were all wearing gear we should be careful and if it was us this is our last warning. Then another sheriff’s car pulls in followed by the asshole pickup driver. I guess no one will get the chance to talk to him now. He leaves, sheriffs leave a few minutes later, we gas up and leave, incident over, strike two.

We continue down 83 to 78, this is a good group of riders, very polite to each other and no one is jockeying for position, we make good time to the next gas stop. At that stop the Ducati guys want to get lunch, shit, strike three. We usually don't get lunch & now have decided to take the extra excursion down to the river and back along 555. I'm going to lead and Jinx goes to the rear. Down to the river without incident but there were some complaints about gravel so an alternate route home was suggested. This route was agreed upon by all, we are now going to go across 7 to 26 to 800. I don't have my bike so no GPS, I'm not sure of where or how 26 meets 7 and since this is 1098Rs new route he takes point, I'm riding second, Jinx third, big mistake since no one is watching the rear. We make it a ways along 7 when we realize a few bikes were missing. It's 1098S and his son riding ZX10R, crap we pull over to wait for them, waiting, waiting, finally we make contact with the ZX10R, he is lost in West Virginia but without 1098S. We make contact with 1098S and he is getting a ticket from OSP for 73 in a 55 trying to get to us. We get ZX10R on the right track tell him to meet us where 7 & 26 meet, we go on to that point and get gas. Strike four.

We head across 26 with me on point, Jinx sweeping. 26 is in great shape and we make good time to 800 where the road opens up so Jinx & I swap so the big bikes can run up 800. Prior to this somewhere along 26 the group settles itself into a more appropriate skill line. We are heading up 26 when the 1125R goes down a few miles from Barnesville. Strike five. Damn this is going to be a long day. Buell rider is okay just bruised a little and his calf is swollen. We cobble his bike back together, I take it for a quick shakedown run and we are off to get gas in Barnesville. It's starting to get dark and cooler now. I don't have my bike so I don't have my mesh jacket liner, we weren't going to be gone all day I won't need it. We decide at the gas stop to get on 70 west to 77 north & slab it home. I'm following the Buell to make sure he and the bike are okay. By the time we get to 70 we can't see the other bikes and they aren't waiting for us. We are riding slower because the guy on the Buell is rightfully spooked. Now it is dark the Buell’s lights aren't aimed quite right so I get in front with him close in behind me. I can't see shit because I have a tinted visor on without a clear one with me because we aren't going to be gone all day.

We are cruising along 70 at an indicated 85 so I'm guessing about 75 to 78 actual because the bike I'm on has had it's gearing changed, the Buell’s instruments don't work so he is relying on me. Every time I speed up to see if we can catch the group he falls back. I can’t leave him so he is deciding our pace. We don't see any bikes though, I wonder where they are, maybe they stayed on 800 accidently, we should see them up ahead or they will be coming up behind us once they realize they missed the entrance ramp. We see blue lights up ahead, it's the 1098S pulled over again, damn is he unlucky today. About two miles up ahead we see more blue lights, this time it's the rest of the bikes from our group except one. Apparently someone ran and the OSP was more concerned about that bike than jamming up the others so they let everyone go, they just detained them for a while to see if they could get one of them to tell on the bike that ran. Meanwhile the Buell and I go strolling by with the flow of traffic. We stop at the first exit so I could contact the two guys in the group that I knew. I couldn't get in contact with them so I left both of them a message saying I was going to escort the Buell to LaGrange.

The Buell and I go up 77 to 224 west. Just past Lodi 224 turns into a two lane with no street lights. I can't see shit because of the tinted visor plus I think it's fogging up but I really can't tell, plus I'm freezing. I flip up my visor the rest of the way home, my eyes are watering, my nose is running, I'm freezing what a great day. I drop the Buell in LaGrange; head home to Elyria and get in about 11:30 PM. A good time was had by all.

Here is a video shot from the helmet from one of the R1s going south on 555 from 78 and a little on 26.


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WoW. I can't say you guys don't have entertaining rides... sounds like a multi-fail on this one. You, however, escaped unscathed, aside from freezing and having a runny nose regardless of Jinx's reputation. Great writeup Todd. Fabio was asking if I'd heard anything about your 'Ducati' ride. Good to see you got a bike to borrow. :banana:

Our ride down 83 to 36 to 79 was much less eventful aside from almost hitting 2 squirrels and a boxer-sized mutt in the middle of the road. Should've came to the meet&greet - at least you KNEW you were stopping for food. Rob and Fabio were both on time too. :p

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I did a quick solo ride through Holmes county on Sunday. As I was passing a truck on 83N (around 1:30p) he swerved left of center to either hit me or block me. I got next to him and flipped hm off and threatened to beat his ass on the side of the road. He said something but I couldn't hear with my helmet on.

It was some grouchy old fuck in a white pickup (Toyota?) with a cap...wonder if it was the same guy.

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That Ducati sounds awesome, the guy can ride too and so can his wife. I wish the group would have stayed in the order it ended up after we got to 800. Everyone was being polite and the guy on the Buell pulled out fourth when he was farther back earlier. This allowed the bikes in front of him to disappear which left him to figure out the turns on his own. Mistake on his part, he is a decent rider, he has ridden to the gap a few times so he is no poser but should have had a few more bikes in front of him.

I texted Adam from the gas station when the sheriff was there but he wasn't working. I think he might have seen a reference to the report later. It was a nine bike conga line that would have made it past him in 20 seconds and been a total non event; instead the dumbass turns it into a scene from mad max. Then he calls the sheriff for protection.

Other than the 30 bike ride leaving late you Coshocton guys group rides rock with being organized. That's why we put a guy in back sweeping. I now wish we wouldn't have deviated from our original plan because some of the stupid things that happened wouldn't have.

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I did a quick solo ride through Holmes county on Sunday. As I was passing a truck on 83N (around 1:30p) he swerved left of center to either hit me or block me. I got next to him and flipped hm off and threatened to beat his ass on the side of the road. He said something but I couldn't hear with my helmet on.

It was some grouchy old fuck in a white pickup (Toyota?) with a cap...wonder if it was the same guy.

Not the same guy, our guy was in an older red Dodge diesel with two of them in the truck. Jinx figures he was a frustrated want to be biker whose credit is jacked so he couldn't buy a bike and is now taking it out on the rest of us.

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plan a time punk we'd be all for havin you back down. and yea report was made adam took a pictue of the computor screen at work and texted it to me thinkin i was the one turns out it was you haha.... no names on it though just something bout a group of motorcycles at a high rate of speed headed toward coshocton , i dont remember all of it but he's prolly still got it to send you

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I almost...almost ...went on this ride. Glad I didn't now.

Glad to have you back in one piece Tod. And it sucks to hear about someone getting pulled over twice in one day. Well..everything about this ride sucks except that everyone made it home and no one went to jail (yet).

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Nice write up Tod and thanks for stopping in Litchfield and picking me up along the way. I'm glad I needed gas in Millersberg and broke off the group not that I would have been able to keep up anyways. Oh and that cop that followed us through town pulled into Wallmart parking lot and was waiting for me to leave I think. I won the waiting game shooting the shit with some other riders. I stayed in the Coshocton area the rest of the day and rode with a guy I was talking to at the Speedway station he's on OR but I'm bad with names. Nice to see you made it back before breakfest.

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Oh yea, we rode with jbctown until we got to Millersburg. Wise choice not to stay with us, what a cluster fuck it turned out to be.

Once a rider is with the group they get the full support and safety that it can offer. No one is left behind; I will even go home to get my trailer if needed. I will leave your ass if you don't make the start time though.

There are a whole lot of other things going on with the OSP that I can't post until I'm sure it's resolved or dropped but I am not impressed with their detective skills.

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Once a rider is with the group they get the full support and safety that it can offer. No one is left behind; I will even go home to get my trailer if needed.


There are a whole lot of other things going on with the OSP that I can't post until I'm sure it's resolved or dropped but I am not impressed with their detective skills.

+ :popcorn::popcorn:


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I heard it was QuikZX9 who ran...and the choppa' couldn't keep up.


Seriously though....there is so much I want to say...very funny and witty stuff I might add. But alas, I can't. The sordid details of the end of this story may have to become an OR enigma...I don't want OSP paying ME a visit.

All I'll say is....OSP, be on the lookout for this guy!


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