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why do people care so much about issue 3?


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I am a gambler, but I will prolly vote no on it this time. The way it is written, the only places that will EVER be allowed to have a casino built are Columbus, Cleveland, Toledo, and Cincinnati. To me, that is horseshit. Leaves SE Ohio out of the loop again.

Just go to wheeling for your gambling needs. :D

So, this is also going to hurt Vegas since there will be casinos closer to home? I guess there are many more facets to this than most of us think about.

In theory it makes sense. Look at Henry Ford. He was doing great when it was just him. Now all the people buying cars are split between Ford, GM, Dodge, Kia, Honda, yada yada.

If we just build a shit ton of casinos, maybe we could but vegas outta business.:rolleyes:

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Ahh I gotcha now.

I can agree with you there, there's only so much money that's going to be spent, so now it's split between 2 casinos instead of 1, both are going to get rundown.

I can appreciate that, but I feel like in the meantime we can keep some money in Ohio :) And you're right, people LIKELY won't "come to Cleveland" for a Casino the same way we go to Windsor... but maybe!


It would keep some money in Cleveland (for example) for a time. The problem though would be that long term you wouldn't end up with a "Las Vegas" style joint for very long. Sooner or later if its not making money it wont be viable and it will close.

The problem is that the same thing will be happening in Detroit, Windsor, Erie, etc. When they go down hill, were do we go?

Look at it this way - they say $1.0 Billion comes from Ohio into these other casinos. They want to build 5 in the state - that's $200.0 million per joint. That's no where near enough to support a high end casino.

Look at Vegas, for example. Ever been to any of the "downtown" casinos? Hardly anyone goes there because they're shit holes. Christ, even the joints at the end of the strip are going down hill because everyone wants to be at the ones closer to the airport because they're "nicer".

So, this is also going to hurt Vegas since there will be casinos closer to home? I guess there are many more facets to this than most of us think about.

I doubt that it would impact Vegas all that much. People still go there because its "Vegas", and the same thing holds true for AC. Cleveland, Cinci, Columbus, etc. aren't "destination" cities. The shitty economy in general will have more of an effect on Vegas and AC than a joint in Cleveland ever would.

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No, they won't go to the other one. That's the problem. Let me try this again.

I live in Akron. I can get to Presque Isle in 90 minutes. Harrah's builds a casino in Cleveland. I can get to Cleveland in 45 minutes. I go to Cleveland instead of Presque Isle. Presque Isle loses my business (and the business of everyone else within an hours drive of cleveland). Presque Isle's business declines, they don't have the money to re-invest in the property or expand it, and it becomes a shit hole.

The same holds true for the Cleveland Casino. Since there are already Casinos in Erie, Pittsburg, Detroit, Buffalo, etc. The people from Erie, Pittsburg, Detroit, etc., dont come to the Cleveland Casino because they already have one 30 minutes away. The Cleveland Casino doesnt meet budget, goes through a bunch of operators who also can't get the people from Detroit, Erie, Pittsburg, etc., and eventually it too becomes a shit hole or closes.

If you go to a Casino anywhere on the planet (and I've been to them all over the world) you'll notice that most of the people throwing money around are NOT from the local area - they come from out of town. There arent enough gamblers in the Cleveland area to support a joint - just like there aren't enough gamblers in Vegas to support ALL of the joints that are there.

Make sense?

Although I feel that something is better than nothing I completely agree with every single word. It makes complete sense and knowing that this is Ohio afterall, it will only be time before a good idea becomes a giant piece of shit. I never actually considered this fact but it makes complete sense

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Although I feel that something is better than nothing I completely agree with every single word. It makes complete sense and knowing that this is Ohio afterall, it will only be time before a good idea becomes a giant piece of shit. I never actually considered this fact but it makes complete sense

Consider this...

If we would have done it 20 years ago when it was first brought up, we'd have been ahead of the curve. We'd have beat virtually every boarder state to the punch. Unfortunately, its been a political football that's been kicked around so long there's no air left in it. Sad really.

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I voted 'no' before and I'll be doing the same this go around. Sorry' date=' but no Ohio constructors, no Ohio employees and no Ohio income to the general fund.. no thanks. If Ohioans want to gamble that bad they can make the 1.5 mile drive. Just my .02¢[/quote']

Ummmm....I don't follow the logic in your "no" vote. Can you expand on the reasoning a bit?

I mean, how many buildings are already built in Ohio by out of state companies? How many Ohio companies build projects in other states?

Do you really think there should be preferential hiring for Ohioans in ANY enterprise that decides to locate here?

Why should a business be forced to contribute to the General Fund? I think tax abatement is a GREAT way to attract businesses to OH. Don't know if you're aware, but OH ranks 47th in terms of being "tax friendly" to businesses. Only CA, NY and NJ are worse.

It sounds to me like you've had a sip of the kool-aid, my friend. What gives?? :confused:

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First just the basic thinking that they are going to bring in a large amount of this work from out of state doesn't make any sense. The costs wouldn't support moving them in. They will do like any other place does. Bring in a low percentage of experienced to help run things and provide training for others. Most of the jobs are low skilled or non-specialized to begin with.

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This should be a no brainer. Lets bring in casino's and make money in state or have people continue to go out of state (with their money) and make other states better off.

Ummm....are you one of those that just skips to the last post in a thread and adds your bullshit 2 cents to the discussion?

Just curious...:rolleyes:

I like KoolAid.. especially EctoKooler' date=' but they discontinued that flavor. Now, I'm stuck with grape. (sad face)

I don't think companies should be forced to hire Ohioans, so I'm not awake. I know out of state contractors are used all the time.. so no explanation there, either. I guess I just really hate the idea and don't want to come across as a 'religious nut job' because that's not the case. I've seen what happens to neighborhoods that allow gambling, slots and the like.. it just ends badly. A huge casino.. maybe not so much, but a few of the cities around me let those 'skill games' joints move in and then all the quality companies moved out. Nobody wants to be in business in the same strip mall as the porn shop and skill shop. It drives away the good ones and attracts the shit. That, and increased crime, are my real main reasons for not liking the idea.

So, I guess I shouldn't post so early in the morning. Thanks for pointing out my 'whatthefuckery' and calling me on it. I don't really have an answer except for the one I stated above. I just don't agree, don't like and don't want. That simple.[/quote']

Thanks for the explanation.....lol.

I was a little worried about you. :D

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Everyone who thinks the casinos are a good idea do yourself a favor and go to any gas station in or near the hood. After spending 45 minutes waiting in a line with only 2 people in it you will notice that those who "gamble" locally "lottery" are the trash of our society (all different colors so don't get all racial on me) and should be the last ones pissing their money away.

Oh yeah one more thing the smoking ban already killed any chance an ohio casino could have

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Everyone who thinks the casinos are a good idea do yourself a favor and go to any gas station in or near the hood. After spending 45 minutes waiting in a line with only 2 people in it you will notice that those who "gamble" locally "lottery" are the trash of our society (all different colors so don't get all racial on me) and should be the last ones pissing their money away.

Have you actually been to a Casino? Vegas Casinos certainly aren't full of the 'trash of our society.' Even Detroit, NY, or WV Casinos aren't trashy. Comparing a gas station in the hood to a Casino makes no sense. Sorry.

Edited by Tpoppa
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Have you actually been to a Casino? Vegas Casinos certainly aren't full of the 'trash of our society.' Even Detroit, NY, or WV Casinos aren't trashy. Comparing a gas station in the hood to a Casino makes no sense. Sorry.


The trash you see spending their entire welfare check on lottery tickets are not the same people you would be likely to see in an actual casino.

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Everyone who thinks the casinos are a good idea do yourself a favor and go to any gas station in or near the hood. After spending 45 minutes waiting in a line with only 2 people in it you will notice that those who "gamble" locally "lottery" are the trash of our society (all different colors so don't get all racial on me) and should be the last ones pissing their money away.

Better yet, look at the "neighborhoods" around existing casinos. NICE places, let me tell you.

Vegas is an anomaly (unless you go downtown).

Oh yeah one more thing the smoking ban already killed any chance an ohio casino could have

Sorry but that statement has no merit. Windsor is doing a-ok.... Ontario has been no smoking for a while now.

I dunno about that statement. Business at the Canadian Casinos (Windsor & Niagara Falls) was off about 10% when the ban first went into effect (that's only anecdotal evidence from the Pit Bosses) When AC banned smoking in the joints business dropped dramatically (also information from the pit bosses). Several Casinos have brought it back.

Personally, I quit going to Canada for just that reason. Besides, the Seneca joints are just as nice as the ones in Canada, they're closer AND I can smoke.

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Reading both the FOR and AGAINST arguments...

There's still a loophole or two that needs closed. Are these loopholes big deals? Potentially, but I need to read the boilerplate agreements that other states are running on. That'll show if this proposal was tailor written to exploit things that they wish they could in other states, or if they're just taking legislation from another state and adapting it to Ohio. If the other states aren't exploiting the same loopholes, there's probably a reason why they're not and it'd keep the ones in Ohio from doing the same thing.

I dunno :dunno:

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Sorry but that statement has no merit. Windsor is doing a-ok.... Ontario has been no smoking for a while now.

Casino Windsor is not doing a-ok. Windsor was hugely popular for several reasons (back in 1998) for several reasons. First 19 was the drinking, smoking, and gambling age so every college student in a 150 mile radius was there. Second the exchange rate was very good $1US would get you around $1.50 Canadian. Third Detroit had no casinos.

So yes the weak US dollar has hurt their business.

Detroit Casinos have hurt their business.

Increased waits at the border have hurt their business.

I remember the good ol days there where the old fat bitches would sit at two slot machines smoking, drinking, and pumping quarters into their slot machines. I stayed away from them though because oxygen tanks and smoking don't mix.

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Casino Windsor is not doing a-ok. Windsor was hugely popular for several reasons (back in 1998) for several reasons. First 19 was the drinking, smoking, and gambling age so every college student in a 150 mile radius was there. Second the exchange rate was very good $1US would get you around $1.50 Canadian. Third Detroit had no casinos.

So yes the weak US dollar has hurt their business.

Detroit Casinos have hurt their business.

Increased waits at the border have hurt their business.

I remember the good ol days there where the old fat bitches would sit at two slot machines smoking, drinking, and pumping quarters into their slot machines. I stayed away from them though because oxygen tanks and smoking don't mix.


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