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Spider bite yesterday and i'm going nuts today


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i wonder who's adrenaline i got then? that's kinda gross...it's gotta be non-organic..

i'm good,kills the saturday though. just laying here trying not to itch everything so I'm rubbing the yorkie mop all over me.

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My Mom just got bit on the big toe by a Brown Recluse, swelled up and looked like a Fred Flintstone toe. She went to the Dr, and they jammed a big needle in and drained all of the pus out of it. 2 weeks of antibiotics too. You really need to go to the dr. If you are having a systemic reaction, like it sounds that you are, it can be lethal. I worked as a medic for 12 years and saw several people end up in life threatening situations from anaphylaxis. I am sure there are others on here in the medical field that will tell you the same.

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I went to the doc. I don't think it was a Recluse although the symptoms are very close but nothing by itself swells huge. whatever it is is just running thru my blood doing it's thing.. Doc said come back or goto ER if breathing gets wierd.

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Exactly if your throat starts to feel scratchy or tight get to the hospital quick. I'm thinking if it was going to happen it would have. They did give you an epi pen right?

I love the fact you called the spider an asshole :D

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Just be glad we don't have scorpions around Ohio.

Oh wait, we do, or we don't. Depends on who you talk to.

There are little tiny ones in Kentucky, and one neighbor swears they are here in Ohio.

Normally found in Southern Ohio. They aren't supposed to be this far North.

Vaejovis carolinianus (Southern Unstriped Scorpion)

Some centipedes can bite.

Everything you didn't want to know about Ohio spiders.

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Spider bites are no joking matter. Here is a picture of my 100 lb doberman a few years back after a spider bite.


He was lucky it didn't kill him but three years later he still has a 3 inch long scar. See a doctor, there venom is worse in many ways than a snake bite.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I HATE SPIDERS!!!! I just trapped one underneath a 2oz jello shot cup... left for 2 hours came back, and the f*cker is gone!!! :eek: that beast lifted the cup up and escaped!!!!! I will surely be eaten in my sleep now....

so did you get to see what kind of spider it was?

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I'm freaked out... it was a decent sized black spider with a light colored mark on its back and it jumps :( :( :( I shoulda killed it when I had a chance.... I hope it doesn't eat me.

I hated spiders before, but your story made me a little more nervous. lol.

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