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Halloween bike night at QSL 10/28


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Its decently crowded on wednesday cuz as I said lots of people head there after QSL. So it kinda depends on weather and the QSL crowd.

On a side note... Im having another friend meet me there in her "sexy peacock" costume? lol this should be interesting :lol:

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Its decently crowded on wednesday cuz as I said lots of people head there after QSL. So it kinda depends on weather and the QSL crowd.

On a side note... Im having another friend meet me there in her "sexy peacock" costume? lol this should be interesting :lol:


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Well my camera was stolen so I cant take any :(

I could maybe get a crappy cell pic, well my cell is 3.2 meg so its not too terrible.

Soo.. who all is going? I was leaning towards not going because Jim won't go with me and I don't want to intrude on Yota's action with the ladies. LOL

I certainly wouldn't be Octo-momming-it.

haha. I get no action. :) But you should come. Tell jim to quit being a punk and come have a few beers! Maybe I scared him last saturday haha

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