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Beginning Rider Needs A Mentor


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I do have a Zamp Snell Dot helmet from a few years back when I was still racing go-karts, would that meet safety requirements?!

Depends on what kind of condition it's in. A scratched, shitty looking helmet is better than no helmet. Also, if it's snell and dot approved...that's all for the better. You always want a helmet to at least be dot approved.

Again...also think about this. If you go down at a considerable rate of speed with out a jacket, gloves or pants...your body could seriously end up looking like hamburger. No joke. Looking like you've survived a meth lab explosion is not sexy to women.

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haha. ya thanks. my helmets actually in really great shape and only has a few scratches or blemishes at all, so "cosmetics" is not an issue (HA! proof to all you out there that think i only care about looks!)

And I definitely plan on getting a jacket, gloves, and maybe boots. I'm unsure about what to do about pants. Many say jeans are adequate but I'd rather have my legs intact if i go down hard rather than coming out with 2 nubs that look like a dogs check toy.

Oh, and when I do take the MSF course, will they provide me with gear if I'm lacking?!

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if it's mostly for commute and the occasional back roads, then grab yourself a 2pc textile suit. it'll be perfect to wear over your work clothes on the commute, and will serve just fine on a quick jaunt in the back roads.

if you see more back roads in the future, then get 2pc leathers. as far as boots, there are always some on clearance, but i'm sure you can find something in your size on 13x forums (WERA forum).

the SV650 will be plenty of power for shits and giggles on the street. if you've raced go karts on tracks, maybe 60~70HP on 350lbs of bike won't be enough for you (not sure what kind of power the race karts have).

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Uhhh...pretty sure the 500 wasn't a track bike. :D

shows you how much i still have to learn! anyone have an sv650 they wanna sell?! haha, theres a lot around, but i'd rather buy from an OR member, i'm quickly starting to like you guys

(even you too JRMMiii :p)

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Jbot - although go karts is pretty much completely different physics driving-wise....

going 60/70 mph 2 inches behind the kart in front of you, just sitting in a seat 1/4 inch off the ground with no seat belt does have to count for something i guess!

No more 4 wheels and a board for me though, i've got my eyes on 2 wheels and a stick, and the sv650 sounds puuuuuurdy nice now that you put it that way.

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5'7 135.... so i'm pretty tiny (but i've got a big heart to make up for.... wait. scratch that. i've got a hidden can of whoop ass waitin for ya)

but, ya, I am a smaller guy, but, any of the bikes that i've or others have mentioned as possible first bikes should fit me shouldn't they?!

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5'7 135.... so i'm pretty tiny (but i've got a big heart to make up for.... wait. scratch that. i've got a hidden can of whoop ass waitin for ya)

but, ya, I am a smaller guy, but, any of the bikes that i've or others have mentioned as possible first bikes should fit me shouldn't they?!

Get a 250. You'll thank me later;)

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5'7 135.... so i'm pretty tiny (but i've got a big heart to make up for.... wait. scratch that. i've got a hidden can of whoop ass waitin for ya)

but, ya, I am a smaller guy, but, any of the bikes that i've or others have mentioned as possible first bikes should fit me shouldn't they?!

You would get passed around like a bag of oreo's here. Hmm, throw a wig on him...and he would probably look better and...skinnier than 99% of Harley women. Jk. :p

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Get a 250. You'll thank me later;)


am i really that small in terms or sport bikes?! i thought i could at least fit on a 250/500 ninja, katana, or sv650.... are my options more limited than i thought?!

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