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Another Riding Season Ripped Away :*(


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Back in June I broke my left foot in a motorcycle accident that wasn't my fault. I missed out on the prime riding season for NW Ohio because of it. When I was finally released by doctors to go back to work I was immediately temporarily re-located to Arizona. Great! I can ride all year round!

Wrong. Just when I think it's all over with Dr. appointments and visits, my foot starts to hurt again. I find out through an MRI scan that one of the bones in my foot hasn't bonded back together at all and I now have to have surgery on it.

This all happened in the midst of shopping for a new bike now that I'm actually working again and making money. There goes my second chance at a riding this year. It's back to sitting around gaining weight with an unusable foot and being broke wondering how I'm gonna pay bills since I won't be working.

This sucks. :mad:

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What kind of work do you do that you cant do it with a bum wheel?

Marathon Runner? Professional Mall Walker? Mailman?

I tore up my foot in 2004 in Italy. 12 weeks in a boot after surgery to install two pins. I missed about 4 days work total. It hurt like a bitch for about 6 months, and when the weather turns cold and damp (like today) it still hurts like a bitch. I managed to make it to work today though.

Sounds like someone needs to grow a sack.

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What kind of work do you do that you cant do it with a bum wheel?

Marathon Runner? Professional Mall Walker? Mailman?

I tore up my foot in 2004 in Italy. 12 weeks in a boot after surgery to install two pins. I missed about 4 days work total. It hurt like a bitch for about 6 months, and when the weather turns cold and damp (like today) it still hurts like a bitch. I managed to make it to work today though.

Sounds like someone needs to grow a sack.

Uh oh guys, look out for McBadAss. I'm glad to hear your situation and job allowed you to keep working while you recovered, but how about you wait until you know what I do before you say I need to grow a sack. What if I told you I actually was a sponsored runner? What if I was a cop? Or how about that I actually do work 65 hours a week, 60 of which are spent non stop on my feet walking up and down 2 to 1 and 3 to 1 slopes on a 36 acre site? Or the fact that there is a lawsuit riding on this since the accident wasn't my fault and if the doctor says I shouldn't go back to work I have to do what he says so that the truck driver's insurance that I hit won't have any leverage when it comes time to settle.

Next time, ask questions, get informed, then tell me I should grow a sack.

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Uh oh guys, look out for McBadAss. I'm glad to hear your situation and job allowed you to keep working while you recovered

My situation and my job didn't "allow" me to go to work - it was a decision that I made. For what its worth, try hopping airports on a near daily basis. In and out of airplanes, through security, trouble shooting production machinery in high tech manufacturing facilities. Basically, if I wasnt in an airplane or a rental car, I was on my feet.

but how about you wait until you know what I do before you say I need to grow a sack. What if I told you I actually was a sponsored runner? What if I was a cop? Or how about that I actually do work 65 hours a week, 60 of which are spent non stop on my feet walking up and down 2 to 1 and 3 to 1 slopes on a 36 acre site?

I asked what you do. You had a chance to respond. You chose to be a smart ass.

Or the fact that there is a lawsuit riding on this since the accident wasn't my fault and if the doctor says I shouldn't go back to work I have to do what he says so that the truck driver's insurance that I hit won't have any leverage when it comes time to settle.

Ahhhh....now we come to the REAL reason you wont work. Your lawsuit "settlement" wont be as big if they think you can work. Give me a break. That's 90% of what's wrong with a lot of people. Hey - its not your fault, its the other guy's. Sit on your ass, don't work and we can get BIG money out of his insurance company. Maybe you could sue the manufacturer of the your bike, or the company that made the shoes you were wearing at the time. I mean, its their fault too, isnt it?

If the insurance company covered your bike and your medical bills, that should be enough. Go get on with your life - its not like the guy ran into you on purpose.

Next time, ask questions, get informed, then tell me I should grow a sack.

I asked questions, and you answered. I still think you need to grow a sack.

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You should get a off road power scooter. Lol that sucks man. You'll be back soon enough. Just find a good deal while you're sitting around.

Haha, I asked if I could do that but the site I'm at now won't allow it. Some places I really could get away with that though.

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I asked questions, and you answered. I still think you need to grow a sack.

Honestly, I don't really feel the need to defend myself to some stranger on the internet any more than what I have. You have your opinion and nothing I say is going to change that so give yourself a big ol' pat on the back for a win in this internet argument Todd.

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