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does anyone here jog?


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Best thing to do is to run a moderate your comfortable. Run at that pace for a 2 min then, Run(Sprint if you can) for 30 seconeds. Do that for a weak or so then sprint for 45 seconeds and keep improving. Time intevals keep your heart rate up, burn more Calories, and get make you faster.

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I just finished up the first week of podrunners tonight. I read thru this post a couple weeks ago and said screw it i gotta do something. So maybe you guys can help me keep to it. So guess i can thank some of you for kicking me in the ass.

As Fonzie did i guess i could post after each run.

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A guy at work keeps talking about having me run the Cleveland half marathon with him for his charity (Little Jason Childhood Cancer Foundation). I dunno if I'm up to it.

I ran a 10-miler two weeks ago on the treadmill @ 78:40, and it sucked. That, and I don't like running for fun... especially at 215lbs. I wonder what the other members of the 'Clydesdale' group run?

Edited by JRMMiii
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Wow 10 miles on a tread mill thats rough, I myself try to avoid treadmills at all cost. Treadmills add a lot of more impact then running out side. I'm about 220 myself and running is my friend but I like to do it. So When is the Marathon, I just got off crutchs a few months ago. I don't think my ankle could handle it, if it is anytime in the near future.

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  • 1 year later...

I know its been awhile, but I found a droid app I really like called runkeeper. www.runkeeper.com. It runs on gps, tells you how far you have gone, gives you an overview of your route when your done, tells you your pace, your mile time, and so on. In the end of it all it keeps a log so you can monitor your progression. Im really digging this!

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  • 1 year later...

Doing alittle thread grave diggin here....

So after a couple failed attempts at C25K or podrunners. The later is what im doing again. I think im sticking with it this time. Well i know im going to this time. At the begining of the year i was going to the Y off and on for a few months but got tired of fighting the crowd for an empty treadmill. Or watching people walk on the running treadmills while there are open walking treadmills open:nono:. Seemmed like that place was always packed. So 5 weeks ago i said F the Y and hit the bike trail and have made it a point to get out every other day. Even the week i was sick and the day it was raining i forced myself out there. Didnt want another excuse to quit. So here i am on week 5 day 3 actually looking forward to the days i go run.

Wednesday while i was out on the last leg of the run i was starting to suck wind. Then i get passed by a older lady that was probally almost twice my age. She had to be aleast 60. That was enough for me to man up and finish without stopping.

Anyone else stay with it or fall off the wagon like myself since this thread died?

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I ran just under 2 miles a few days ago. I have had to convert to bicycling. I couldn't stand the constant ache in my knees running. I've been riding my bmx bike( I raced for years) about 10 miles few nights a week. I've also been going to the bmx track pretty regularly and practicing. Most of last winter I spent at the indoor bmx track running gate practice. I'm down 37 lbs thus far. I'd like to loose another 20.

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Started running some last winter to try to keep in shape as I cut down my winter bicycle riding.

I had never run before and Im considerably over weight at 220. I picked up some flat-foot (barefoot, zero drop) running shoes as I knew my knees would not like traditional heel-toe running. I feel like that style of running worked well for me. I never had any issues with my knees. It did take some time to strengthen my calves to the task but I needed to ramp up my running anyways as I have never really run before.

I cant stand working out in one place. I really prefer getting outside and going somewhere. I dont really mind the weather much so running has worked well to help maintain cardio fitness. I was doing 3 miles 2-3 times a week. Nothing real serious just enough to maintain.

I got sidetracked for my workouts this summer with a back injury a busy schedule. I'm going to try to use this thread as motivation to get back into it.


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I run 3 miles 3x a week at an 8:10 pace-8:30. I can't do treadmills - feel like a hamster. There is a nice loop around Dublin I can just step right out of my office and onto the path and arrive back 3 miles later. Other times I run around the cemetery Delaware.

I woudl run further but I find I need to fuel up to run more than 3 miles and I'm actually trying to LOSE weight so fuelling up is not going to helping me reach my goals. Once I get to my goal weight (about 10-15lbs left to lose at an average of 1.5lbs per weeks so far, but it'll get slower as I get closer to my goal) I'll be able to fuel up and run further - my goal will then shift from weight loss to better aerobic conditioning. I run at an anaerobic pace right now.

Lost about 6 weeks of working out to a broken rib but I'm back to 100% now.

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Powerlift like a champion, boo cardio. Lol, jk. Everyone just needs to stick with it and you will see results. I like working out around other people because you can see their progression as well as them noticing yours and it makes you want to go harder. In the end doing something is better than doing nothing.

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Started running some last winter to try to keep in shape as I cut down my winter bicycle riding.

I had never run before and Im considerably over weight at 220. I picked up some flat-foot (barefoot, zero drop) running shoes as I knew my knees would not like traditional heel-toe running. I feel like that style of running worked well for me. I never had any issues with my knees. It did take some time to strengthen my calves to the task but I needed to ramp up my running anyways as I have never really run before.

I cant stand working out in one place. I really prefer getting outside and going somewhere. I dont really mind the weather much so running has worked well to help maintain cardio fitness. I was doing 3 miles 2-3 times a week. Nothing real serious just enough to maintain.

I got sidetracked for my workouts this summer with a back injury a busy schedule. I'm going to try to use this thread as motivation to get back into it.


Care to elaborate on such shoes ? I've never heard of them.

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Care to elaborate on such shoes ? I've never heard of them.

Mine are Altra http://www.altrazerodrop.com/

New Balance minimus, Vibram Five Finger, and Merrell Barefoot are others.

Basically the idea is you run naturally and the shoes only are there to provide some protection against sharp objects and traction. Barefoot basically.

You have to run on your toes/mid-foot instead of landing on the cushioned heel of your shoe. The gait is different, shorter strides with a slight forward lean.

The advantage is you have less jarring impact as your foot and calves cushion the impact, which should be easier on the knees. Some people however have trouble with shin splints when doing this method.

If you are a runner you will have to work up to this style of running as you can easily over work your calves.


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I signed up for a half marathon earlier this summer and procrastinated on the training - yikes. This was my half marathon training schedule 2 miles, 2 miles, 6 miles, 9 miles, 6 miles, HALF MARATHON. That was stretched over the course of about 2 and a half weeks. Needless to say, the day of the half marathon, I literally couldn't walk that afternoon. I didn't get my goal of 2 hours either, I think I was like 14 mins over.

I'm thinking of doing another one next month, but haven't run since then. I need some motivation.

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