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does anyone here jog?


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I decided I am going take up jogging. Over the last year I have lost a considerable amount of weight, just by a few diet changes. I don't want to gain my weight back over winter, and have decided to take up running. This morning I went out and walk/ran a mile. I used to run a mile in about 7:30. Today. it took me about 15 minutes. :eek: Does anyone have any hints or tips on getting started in this?

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Three years ago, a forum that I went to put up a weight loss challenge. I won it, and it was excellent motivation- I lost 20 lbs. in 30 days.

Maybe we can put something like that together after the Holidays?

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There is a program called "couch to 5K". It is a "beginner" guide to at least starting running. There are alot of audio MP3 files to listen to as you start out walking, then jogging, then running.

I have a Weider Platinum 1200 work out bench for sale. It has an electric motor to simulate the resistance by weight, but it needs a switch replaced. If you set the weight to over 150 pounds, the weight setting goes back to 99 pounds....

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+1 on the elliptical... running hurts my knees if I do it too much. Get a good pair of shoes... I was always told that new balance can usually hold you over for 4 to 500 miles whereas most adidas and nike usually start breaking down around 300 miles... (dont know if that's true, but that's what I was told). Running is really just a practice and motivation thing... helps me to change scenary so I don't get bored. I'm pretty sure I've never ran the same route twice.

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i really enjoyed my mile I ran today even though it kicked my ass! I apperciate the advice. I need to get my ipod stuff back up and running. I have an infamous pair of nike shocks right now, which they seemed okay. I don't know how they will be in the long run, no pun intended!

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+1 on the good pair of shoes. it will save your ankles and knees! trust me on this..... after two knee operations i can tell the difference between good shoes and bad when running. ;)

and find some hills too just to break the monotony of level ground.

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Like DGTLGRL said: I hate running, I only do it because I'd be 300lbs if I didn't.

I used to max out at 2 miles, but I run 10ks about 2-3times a week now as part of my regular training. I did my first half marathon last week.*

You basically just work up to it. I mean, I used to just run for 20 minutes, at whatever pace I could muster on the elliptical. I was "running" 6:30 miles on the elliptical - so I knew that was off. So, I decided to 'hate my knees' as maxpower so succinctly put it and switch over to the treadmill. I was in shape enough when I started that I'd run 3 miles no problem, then I started running outside with a couple of coworkers who regularly run marathons and half-marathons - on their 'training runs' of 4-5 miles, then I'd go out with them on 6-7 miles days. I'm not as fast as them, but our last run this season (I only run outside when I can wear shorts/t-shirt) I finished about 48 minutes to the fastest guy at 44 minutes - and I've got 50-60lbs on that guy (I weigh 210lbs). Hell, one of the guys I run with finished a 5k run under 20 minutes pushing both his kids in a double-stroller.

I was lucky enough to have coworkers who were encouraging, and the best advice they gave me is that the distance is more important than the time... the lower times will come, but whatever you do - if you set your heart on 5 miles, GO 5 miles. And whatever you do, do NOT walk... it can be the slowest jog in the world, but do not break stride and begin walking.

So now - like I said, I'm 210lbs, and my PRs are a 5k @ 20:55, 10k @ 44:55, and my one and only half marathon so far is 1:49:48*

*Note: This is all on a treadmill because I'm a 'numbers' guy I need to track my progress and use the treadmill as a relative gauge. Running outside on pavement is NOT equal to a treadmill.

Like Nike says: "Just Do it"

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So now - like I said, I'm 210lbs, and my PRs are a 5k @ 20:55, 10k @ 44:55, and my one and only half marathon so far is 1:49:48*

*Note: This is all on a treadmill because I'm a 'numbers' guy I need to track my progress and use the treadmill as a relative gauge. Running outside on pavement is NOT equal to a treadmill.

Like Nike says: "Just Do it"

Great times and great advice too!

How tall are you by the way? Just trying to get an idea of the length of stride.

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It's harder on me outside yes... physically.. but I seem to go farther than what I do on a treadmill in the same time.

I figured you were at least 6ft if you were putting up those numbers. Even with a good pace you'd have to be taller then 5' 1". :)

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yea we will see. I would say its probably becuase I havent wogged a mile in forever and I havent even attempted to run a mile in say 5 years? I raced bmx for years. I put my bike back together and am going to start doing sprints again along with my jogging and get back into the swing of things, and hopefully be back on the race track soon.

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