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does anyone here jog?


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mjs pants?ive got a wonderful girlfriend, but im definitely going to do this.

Now I'm confused... you're good and have a 'wonderful girlfriend' (how long you guys been dating, champ? :p They don't stay wonderful forever), but definitely going to do this...by this I assume it's referring to getting into Mj's pants. :confused:

Your diet for today doesn't look too bad, but you need to watch the pizza sub and chili... there's a lot of extra cals in there depending on what they're made with.

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Now I'm confused... you're good and have a 'wonderful girlfriend' (how long you guys been dating, champ? :p They don't stay wonderful forever), but definitely going to do this...by this I assume it's referring to getting into Mj's pants. :confused:

Your diet for today doesn't look too bad, but you need to watch the pizza sub and chili... there's a lot of extra cals in there depending on what they're made with.

definitelygoing to do this, as in stick with my running and getting myself in shape. We have been together almost a year. Lived together since julyish.Damn the shits getting deep! haha

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We have been together almost a year. Lived together since julyish.Damn the shits getting deep! haha

In my case, marriage would be coming right up! :lol: Dated from Jan to June of last year, she moved in around June, married Dec 6, kid on Feb 23. One year almost down!

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In my case, marriage would be coming right up! :lol: Dated from Jan to June of last year, she moved in around June, married Dec 6, kid on Feb 23. One year almost down!

marriage will be here soon. I have some things i want to do before kids come about. I have a cross country ride planned. :D

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I dont run in the cold unless its a race... 5k event or something. I hate wearing sleeves and pants when I run, so I usually just stick to a hat & gloves.... I hate how restricted I feel with the excessive winter clothing. t-shirt and shorts are the way to go for me.

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Ohh, you want particular food??

Give me any day between 1/1/2007 and the present and I can tell you exactly what I ate that day and how many calories I 'charged' myself (Save for some minor days of exceptions where I was traveling or something and couldn't get to my spreadsheet)

Justin unknowingly motivated me to start doing this as well... albeit a little different focus. I also created a spreadsheet keeping track of everything I eat per day, oz's of H2O, exercise, amount, time, heartrates, calories & fat burned, general comments, etc

And, back OT....

What do you do to overcome the cold? I was wanting to get started tonight, but I don't deal well with the cold. Any tips?

I went again tonight about 8pm. Was 37 degrees here. I used to waaay over bundle with 4-5 layers, which cause me to sweat like crazy, & I used to get sick kinda easy. Would have to take a shower right away to warm my core back up, or I'd start getting that tingly/sick feeling. In hindsight, I think I was making myself hypothermic all those years by getting so bundled up & sweaty in the cold temps, but this was before UnderArmor/Dry Weave had come along & revolutionized things

Finally clicked with me a while back. After years of watching long distance runners wearing only a long sleeve t-shirt or similar, no matter how cold, and thinking they must be crazy.... I finally started to pay attention & follow their example. That many runners can't be wrong & must know somethin'. You may be cold at first, but you'll quickly warm up after 5-10 minutes.

Tonight for example.... I wore a long sleeve dri-star shirt to wick my sweat away to my outer layer & keep my core dry. Starter brand from Walmart...Don't need to pay for UnderArmor's advertising campaign. I couldn't care less if "They must protect this house"! :rolleyes: Wore my fleece jacket over that, or sometimes a hoody instead. I no longer wear a nylon/windbreaker/weatherproof top layer, but instead prefer something breathable. Again... Live & learn. Used to think that made sense, 'til I finally smarted up & realized all it was doing was trapping my body heat/perspiration & making me sweat even more in freezing temps. That's it for my top... 2 layers, & I was plenty warm & dry in 37 degrees. Hat to keep body heat escaping out the top, gloves so body doesn't have to waste heat keeping extremities warm, & actually broke down & wore sweats tonight instead of shorts

Actually felt great tonight!! Legs felt fresh, even though I just ran last night too. Cut my walks down to lowest they've been since I started up again back in spring. Maybe the doc was onto something when he told me to do less, more often. Did ~2.5 miles in half hour, which translates to 12 minute miles. Slow for a lot of people, but progress for me, so I was really jazzed tonight. Too bad I'm gonna have to take a few days off now 'til later in the week :mad:

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running in cold isn't so bad unless you stop (sweating is ok, as long as you stay warm). running in the snow is actually a great workout, if you're dressed for it, and confident a car isn't going to maul you...

but assuming the streets and/or sidewalks are clear, you should be good to run down to about 20 degrees IF IT'S NOT WINDY.

My dad was a hardcore runner, and apparently secure enough in his sexuality to wear 'running tights' under basketball shorts.

I preferred to wear tall socks, and stick wtih compression shorts, and tennis shorts. (i can't stand having shorts rubbing my knees, so basketball shorts are too long. i also like that tennis shorts have pockets)

under-armor is god-send. long-sleeved under-armor shirt, with lots of layers on top (mostly long-sleeve t-shirts, topped with a wind-breaker).

Cheap gloves are all i've ever needed, and a hat you don't mind sweating in.

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You guys that run outside are nucking futz. Props to you and all, but I'm not freezing my balls and nipples off - I don't care how quick you warm up, I don't like rapidly shocking my lungs with the delta in temp between outside and core.

Speaking of nipples - another thing I didn't realize until I started getting more serious about running. Let's hear it for cotton shirts. Peruse at your viewing pleasure.


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You guys that run outside are nucking futz. Props to you and all, but I'm not freezing my balls and nipples off - I don't care how quick you warm up, I don't like rapidly shocking my lungs with the delta in temp between outside and core.

Speaking of nipples - another thing I didn't realize until I started getting more serious about running. Let's hear it for cotton shirts. Peruse at your viewing pleasure.


I've got an old Adidas ad from years ago, with an older runner sticking bandaids on his nipples, captioned "Runners... Yeah... We're different" :D

As far as my running.... Guess my couple days off is gonna turn into 2 weeks. Had some outpatient vascular surgery in my leg today, & doc says no running for 2 weeks 'til I'm healed up. Frustrating after the progress I've made the last couple days, but since I can barely walk today though.... Running doesn't exactly sound appealing right now ;)

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I had to do my 2 mile run this morning at 4:00. it pretty much sucked cuz it just started getting cold here. I thought my lungs were going to freeze and collapse. Thats definitely the worst part about running in the cold. The rest of your body will warm itself up. I found that wearing a regular t-shirt with a long sleeve over it works really well. The tshirt will get sweaty but wont get cold cuz the long sleeve insulates. PT jackets get too warm. I ran in pants today cuz it was in the 30's but it never hurts to wear shorts under pants just incase. Everybody is different.

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*Note: This is all on a treadmill because I'm a 'numbers' guy I need to track my progress and use the treadmill as a relative gauge. Running outside on pavement is NOT equal to a treadmill.
For me, outside is harder than the treadmill. My marathon coworkers bust my chops because on the treadmill they say "you're just jumping and letting the track go underneath you vs. outside where you actually have to make an effort to propel yourself too"

Perhaps the cause of the discrepancy between yours & the Mrs. marathon numbers, that you were questioning ;)

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