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In God we trust is gone.


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disgrace Your heritage maybe. The other part of "our" heritage is the systematic raping and extermination of the native inhabitants and the land. If you want the USA to be a unified country, then you must be publicly tolerant of religious views and beliefs of ALL it's citizens. Are you so blinded by your church that you can't see how "In God We Trust" could be offensive to those of different beliefs? What about the Hindu, Buddhists, Taoists, Atheists, and etc... Either make it all inclusive or all exclusive.

Well that was my point, Tomcat's response has 0 merit on truth. It was simply his opinion of what is right vs. wrong. As we know right vs. wrong is subjective.

The TRUTH of the matter is that they conflict, to Pauly's point, it's a federal call not state, since currency is federal then it stands to logical reason there should be no law governing "currency has to say 'In G-d We trust"... unless they allow currency to become state level.

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It is no secret that this country was founded by Christians,


Scroll down to the part about the United States.

And anyway, even conceding that your premise was accurate, just being part of our history doesn't make something worth keeping. We used to hang independent women as witches, steal land from Native Americans, not to mention the whole slavery thing. I would prefer that we keep only the things which are useful to us and beneficial to the country's interests, not just upholding 'traditions' for their own sake.


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We used to hang independent women as witches, steal land from Native Americans, not to mention the whole slavery thing.


Like all that stuff really happened. Next you're going to tell me there was this 'Holocaust' and that we landed on the moon 40 years ago. :p

<I just added a little seasoning salt to your pot-stirring>

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And if you really feel that having in God we trust in our government is a problem you need to find other things to worry about that actually are important.


Are you so blinded by your church that you can't see how "In God We Trust" could be offensive to those of different beliefs? What about the Hindu, Buddhists, Taoists, Atheists, and etc...

Fuck em. If they dont like it, they can leave.

This country was not founded on Hindu, Buddist, Taoist or Atheist principles. It was founded on Christian principles. This country is tolerant of other religions, that doesnt mean we have to cater to all religions.

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Fuck em. If they dont like it, they can leave.

This country was not founded on Hindu, Buddist, Taoist or Atheist principles. It was founded on Christian principles. This country is tolerant of other religions, that doesnt mean we have to cater to all religions.

Again, another subjective "opinion".

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This country was not founded on Hindu, Buddist, Taoist or Atheist principles. It was founded on Christian principles.

washington, jefferson, adams, madison, franklin etc were not christians. they were anticlerical deists.

washington himself said "the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion"

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Fuck em. If they dont like it, they can leave.

This country was not founded on Hindu, Buddist, Taoist or Atheist principles. It was founded on Christian principles. This country is tolerant of other religions, that doesnt mean we have to cater to all religions.

That's the problem with the bible thumpers out there. Their minds tend to be so closed that logic just can't enter (guess it keeps out the evil spirits as well). Slavery was a great tradition, so let's all go out and string up a negro (in all fairness, not sure if they're being called black, African-Americans, or other right now) or two. Hell, while you're at it marry a 12 or 13 year old, rape a few Native Americans and steal another country. After all, it's tradition and it's what this country was founded on.

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I think colored is still accepted (NAACP)

But that's exactly the point, saying this country is christian but we should only tolerate other religions is like saying "This here is a white country, we'll tolerate you blacks, mexicans, and indians but only to a point"

Some folks don't see what's wrong with saying that I guess.

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I think colored is still accepted (NAACP)

I'm pretty sure that colored is only acceptable North of the Mason-Dixon line if you're actually referring to the NAACP. In the South, of course, it's still about 35 years ago, so their acceptable standards are different.

Personally, black is just fine with me, but context and tone of voice are what really matter. Over the years, I've become pretty good at discerning who is and isn't an actual racist, regardless of which words they choose. :cool:

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That's the problem with the bible thumpers out there. Their minds tend to be so closed that logic just can't enter (guess it keeps out the evil spirits as well). Slavery was a great tradition, so let's all go out and string up a negro (in all fairness, not sure if they're being called black, African-Americans, or other right now) or two. Hell, while you're at it marry a 12 or 13 year old, rape a few Native Americans and steal another country. After all, it's tradition and it's what this country was founded on.

I'm the FURTHEST thing from a bible thumper, but history is what it is. And who mentioned tradition?

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Fuck em. If they dont like it, they can leave.

This country was not founded on Hindu, Buddist, Taoist or Atheist principles. It was founded on Christian principles. This country is tolerant of other religions, that doesnt mean we have to cater to all religions.

This is true, as has been pointed out by a friend of mine. I may not be a Christian, but there are certain beliefs about Christianity I agree with, and this country being founded on those principles has so graciously allowed me to move here and live my life here. Of that I can only be thankful, and of course of the religious tolerance too.

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Ya know what. I'm thinking they were a bunch of redneck, pot smoking, drinking want to be yuppies wearing wigs that came up with this. "Slogan", "blurb" to put on the money. They were all sittin around drinking and talking and then one guy said why not "In god we trust" OOOOOOooooo ya that sounds good. Who'd argue with that? Not me. How about you. Nope. My wife would like that...Alright then i'll send the memo.

Branding...simple branding...

the problem now is that 1 indidvidual voice is heard and then exagerated by media. If you could take a true vote on this goofy topic the majority would win by a land slide. It's a ooooo you can't ignore me i'm special topic that makes a good news story.

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washington himself said "the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion"

His first truly political comment, and just as untrue as the ones spewed today. This can be put up there with "Read my lips...", "I did not have relations with that woman...", and "I am not a crook!".

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His first truly political comment, and just as untrue as the ones spewed today. This can be put up there with "Read my lips...", "I did not have relations with that woman...", and "I am not a crook!".

I guess we have to throw out all of the other comments by others as well from around that time.

So let's see, if it goes against this country being founded on Christian principles it was just a political comment and if it supports the notion it's absolutely true. I get that right? Is that how it's going to work?

Must be all of those biblical references I missed in the Constitution.

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