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Your first taste of Tail....(Shallowtail demos)


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Alright, my band Shallowtail has some rough cuts of a few of our cover songs posted.


Don't make fun of my piss poor website, this was a ten minute job just to get these posted. :D

Here's a Facebook Page for a bit more info, not a lot to announce right now.


Anyway, these were done just as a demo, recorded in my basement, one take each. They have not been mastered or anything.

Just trying to get something out there so we can find a gig or two.

Would like to get some feedback, good and bad. We work hard, getting opinions let us know what to work even more on.

There are for sure flaws in each song and we realize it, but we're tired of hiding in the practice room so we're throwing them out.

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Vocals sound good and that's usually one of the hardest things to get right with a new band. So many vocalists really blow, but this guy sounds good for the songs that you selected to play.

The rest of the band is pretty good too and will only get better with time as they play together more.

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Earache, thanks! I know I still have lots of work to do, but I'll let the others know they need to get on it even harder.

hmm, A rare post from Oomp, we must be doing something a little right to drag Scott from his hidey-hole. :)

The vocals sound really good Art. Everything else sounds decent for one take/not mastered. You'll be badass when it comes time to play out :)

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Thanks everyone.

Hwilli, bands are fun. You should get back in it.

No big negatives though? That's what I really want to hear about, it's how we get better.

I can make some up...if it makes you feel any better. lol. I'll give the songs some more listens and see what i come up with.

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Considering it was recorded in a basement, it sounds great!

Looking at the MyBook/FaceSpace/whatever pictures, I think if you angled the up-ended couch a little bit the ride cymbal would come through more cleanly....:rolleyes:

I know the band hasn't, but have you ever played out? If not, the first time will be a little off-putting, but you'll be fine - nothing to worry about. Pretend you're back in the basement with the fellas and a 12-er. Nothing to it. Invite 20 or so people over to your rehearsel space, cram 'em in the basement, get them liquoured - it'll be just like Mean Mr. Mustard's or Stache's back in the day...

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I might have missed it, your lead vocals right?


Looking at the MyBook/FaceSpace/whatever pictures, I think if you angled the up-ended couch a little bit the ride cymbal would come through more cleanly....:rolleyes:

I know the band hasn't, but have you ever played out?

Couch acoustics make all the difference. :D

Thanks for the info, and yes, I've played out. It's been 7 or 8 years, but my old band played originals for a year or so, campus bars and such, actually got to play Alrosa once.

1 guitarist and the drummer have been in bands before, drummer played for OSU's pep band.

So we have a little stage experience. Now the other guitar player is yakking in the bathroom before open mics. :eek:

Looks like we have a few shows lined up, March 5th and tentatively April 10th and the Dolphin Lounge. Guy from my old band booked shows without having enough material to play the entire slot, so we're going to split a 4 hour set.

I'll post details in a few days when I find out more.

I know the 5th is for sure, may have a conflict with the 10th.

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