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Dealing with Bike Haters


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yea its hazardous to your health especially on a sportbike cuz you ARE going to be hauling tail. And with all the unknowns on public roads, its hazardous. I've been down, I've seen my friend go down and have a 68K hospital bill......chances of something happening on a sportbike IS greater. Unless you obey lawdawg 100% of the time.

but do i still ride? HECK YEA!!!

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chances of something happening on a sportbike IS greater.

I disagree...sport bikes are better equipped at avoiding catastrophe, cruisers or any other bike go fast enough to get you into trouble, and don't perform well enough to get you out of it...

simple fact, you can't let a fear of death stop you from living your life. If you did, your life wouldn't be worth much in the first place.

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You realize you just jinxed yourself right?

Most of my family rides and understands that life is full of risk and thats what makes it enjoyable, the rest know not to mention it or I'll just tell them to mind their own business or to piss off, depending on how closely related they are.

I knocked on wood, don't worry. lol:D

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Are you increasing your chances to meet a tragic end by choosing to ride a motorcycle? Yes.

This is fact and indisputable. We ride not because it's safe we ride because not riding would be worse than death. Non-riders don't understand what it feels like to have a bike disassembled or broken when blue skies open up on an unseasonably warm day in February. They don't understand the torture that we experience when it's been WAY too long since we've hit our favorite twisty roads.

They don't understand. They won't understand.

Drop the visor and ride.

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My family has given up on saying how dangerous they think it is... my gramma just cries every time i leave, and my dad pretends like he's ok with it to my face and tells other people how worried he is...

Tell your dad to man up. Be more like his son! :p:D

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Ehhh, my Dad is a Navy fighter pilot, and Mom flew biplanes at age 16.

They both understand the attraction.

There are Sheep, and there are Wolves.

The Wolves get to ride.

The Sheep get to watch.

But we all know who gets to ride sheep...:sheepfucker:

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After wrecking the ninja i had last August...my parents have told me...i'm not welcome at their house if i get another bike. I've gone through every scenario imaginable with people who hate motorcycles. Life can be boring...if you let it...why not have some fucking fun?

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I have had this stuff pumped into my ears too... it almost kept me from getting a bike...but shit am I glad i got one (Mom was on my side she didnt like the idea but she did understand I wanted to have fun and live life...Imagine that?!) Both of my parents supported my decision though. Riding has provided me with so much happiness and fun. Unfortunately some people refuse to have an open mind towards riding. I work for a small company and my boss told me if I get a bike he will I quote "take a life insurance policy out on my ass" needless to say he has been somewhat of a 2nd father figure so it was kind of hard for me to go against him..But i did and they still do not know I ride and what really pisses me off is that when i first started working there HE had a bike! I guess he had a scare that made him sell it, his said he never had time to ride so IDK?! Both could be believable scenarios...I have learned that respect the ride, be alert and dont bite off more than you can chew and you are alright!

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Are you increasing your chances to meet a tragic end by choosing to ride a motorcycle? Yes.

This is fact and indisputable. We ride not because it's safe we ride because not riding would be worse than death. Non-riders don't understand what it feels like to have a bike disassembled or broken when blue skies open up on an unseasonably warm day in February. They don't understand the torture that we experience when it's been WAY too long since we've hit our favorite twisty roads.

They don't understand. They won't understand.

Drop the visor and ride.

+1000 well put.

i used to get alot of grief from people, but when i wrecked the first time, and got back on, everyone knew i was serious, and no one could stop me. My parents were excited to see me back on a bike after 4 months, they could see my pain

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i honestly never get it.. my mom told me that i was allowed to do whatever i wanted as long i was responsable in the choices i make.. so i wear gear, be it on the track or on the street.. yeah ive been down... ive been hit by a car, ive kicked a truck, and last one i had a bird hit me in the helmet and take me clean off the bike.. but i still ride.. i still assume the risk that gets me the most joy outta life...

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You can pick your friends, but you cant pick your family. Im lucky most of my family rides.. but a few of them just have to say shit from time to time.There have been accidents but they mostly seem to be accepting of the danger. Sometimes I dont show up on my bike.. so no one has reason to start running there hole about it. But with those narrow minded ass hats that wont let up.. I politely tell them my bike is none of there business, and if they keep giving me shit I just stop talkng to , or going around them.

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I get that all of the time from people because I have two young daughters and they say how "irresponsible" I am for doing such a risky activity that could kill me and make them grow up without a father. I ask them if they rather I just stay home and run "daddy day care" all day and go insane...lol..motorcycling is my escape...my time to be alone doing something that I enjoy very much. Wifey doesn't get it, but her dad rides as well so that helps.

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I hear the criticism all the time. Having crashed before, I can say that crashing is an excellent bike and gear upgrade path. Must have great insurance (gap if necessary), and be wearing excellent gear (need receipts for damage reimbursement). Dress for the crash. :xmas-smiley-027:

Edited by alienpi
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