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You will die in exactly 24 hours from now...


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Here are the rules:

1. Travel time is included

2. Unlimited cash

3. You will die on the spot in 24 hours

Skydiving here, fly to florida, scuba dive, then try drag racing a formula 1... and if that doesn't kill me I'd like a couple beers and a spot on the beach with my wife next to me.

k your turn

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while my "mature" side says spend the last 24 hours with my wife and kids at Disney .....

My bucket list side says.......

.... Drive a twin turbine offshore powerboat from Lauderdale to Key West. Once there Ill catch a private concert by Jimmy Buffett for me and 50 of my friends. With the remaining time ill jump into a Mclaren F1 and see how far north I can make it before I expire




Edited by garysol1
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two chicks at the same time mang!

Ride a Desmosedici on a track in Vegas, while staying at the penthouse suite at the Bellagio. You have everything you want in Vegas, skydiving (yes), stupid gambling (drop half a mil on black), and 3 of the hottest women of all time in one room, sans clothes.

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Buy tickets for EVERYONE that I've ever truly known (family, friends, co-workers) to meet me at and island destination (Dominican Republic, Grand Cayman, Ibiza). Literally buy out the resort, and proceed to party with my entire life (past and present) at one time. I'd even pay for them to keep partying for another week after I'm gone. They can then exchange stories on how I've enriched (or RUINED) their lives:D.

I'd also pay for special effects so that when I die, my body just desintegrates as I walk toward the ocean, and the dust particles move fluidly toward the rising sun.

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As fucked up and depressed as I get, I must live well (or possibly depraved).

I notice people wanting partying, sex acts, adrenaline and the sort. I've done most of that stuff and just want to calm the fuck down for a minute I guess.

24 hours?

An hour of fishing with my dad, and hour of dinner and conversation with my mom, and an hour of just hanging out with my sister, nieces and nephew.

I'll even take an hour to BS with the rest of family for a few minutes.

It's weird I want that, I'm not even that close with my family, but maybe that's why I do.

The other 20 hours would be devoted to making a work of art or writing a song that I could be remembered by and that digs down into someone's core and makes them feel better about themselves; or at least provokes some thought.

That's all I ever want out of life; to share the few gifts of creation I was given and have even one person say "damn, Art really got me thinking. Now I'm going take that vacation, get a new job, stop doing drugs, learn to read, treat my spouse better; whatever I need to do make me a better person."

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I would do 2 time jumps. Once' date=' to sign a very large life insurance policy for my ex-wife and son. Second, jump to the day Issac was born, fall asleep holding her, while she holds him, praying to God that this last moment becomes my eternity, and never wake up.

If that weren't possible, I'd time travel to the day Karl Marx was born and murder him and his whole fucking family.[/quote']

Just when I was about to commend your sensitive side...:D

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Fly an F-16 over to Afghanistan and drop a couple 500 pounders on some terrorists, HALO jump out of the back of a C-130, buy a Ducati and do a couple hours on a track, and whatever's left over grab all my friends and family hop on G5s and head to vegas and do whatever it is you do in vegas lol

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i'll set and cry for the next 24 hours :D as a fly back home to kiss my mom and dad good bye takes 24 hours, that if i got a on time flight :D

or maybe as it's unlimited cash, i could buy a air jet or something and let an Air Force pilot fly me home so i can say good bye to them :D

lol glad no one can tell when they are dieing, that would suck.

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I'm sorry' date=' [i']old Pauly is out of the office right now. He'll be back just as soon as he stops being a soggy, vagina-faced dip shit. Until then, enjoy this "best of" clip from previous sessions...

"Justin's a fagot!" "Jeremi's a douche!" "Jap bikes are for homos!" "Fuck those poor people, Let 'em die in the street!" "I hope that fagot gets AIDS in his mouth and spreads it to those condom passing Catholics!" "Nice grammar, Fagot! You spend time in the public education system, too?!?! Fucking Homo!"

:banana: I made the list! My week is now complete....you dick. :D

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