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Nikola Tesla and the free wireless electricity for everyone


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So the "cancer cure" thread got me off on a rant about corporations killing innovation in the name of their bottom line. One story in particular that pisses me off is Nikola Tesla and his free wireless electricity. JP Morgan was his financial backer. In 1899, Tesla was able to transmit ultrahigh frequency electricity to a lightbulb bank 26 miles away with only a 5% voltage loss. Amazing, right? Why don't we have this now? In 1906, JP Morgan realized there wouldn't be a way to meter the usage and be able to charge for it, he pulled his funding. Seriously. This isn't science fiction. This is US capitalism at its finest. How much of our history would've been changed by this? Well, in 1832 the first electric vehicle was made. The problem? Getting the electricity to the car. By 1902, electric vehicles were seen to be the future. Using Tesla's wireless electricity, there'd be no need for batteries. No need for gasoline. No war in the middle east over oil rights. Nobody losing jobs when gas spikes to $4/gal. Less repairs needed on automobiles. Noticing a trend here? It keeps going and going and going. A lot of business would've lost a lot of money. So f the people, let's support the banks and the automotive industry. They've always looked out for us, right?

Not familiar with Nikola Tesla? Just start randomly reading anything about him. http://www.google.com/search?q=nikola+tesla

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So assuming his idea worked, how was it going to provide free electricity for everyone? The original electricity still had to be generated, that would not be free and would need to be paid for.

And therein lies the rub.

You can't monitor the quantity used by any one person. Therefore you can't determine how much to charge each person.

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So assuming his idea worked, how was it going to provide free electricity for everyone? The original electricity still had to be generated, that would not be free and would need to be paid for.

The original electricity would have to be created (Tesla's idea was hydroelectric, which as part of his experiment, he designed and helped build the hydroelectric power station at Niagara falls which is still in operation). Governments would build wind and hydroelectric power stations, thus creating cheap renewable electricity. Then, his Tesla coil would amplify the voltage. Thus, we'd have very cheap, readily available electricity for everyone. No burning oil, gas, coal, etc for power.



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And therein lies the rub.

You can't monitor the quantity used by any one person. Therefore you can't determine how much to charge each person.

There is no rub in there, there is no sustainable business model in there. Who would make all this free electricity is my question.

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yep, although Tesla didn't manage to bring us wireless electricity, he did win the current war with alternating current. The 60hz electricity we all use in our homes today is a direct result of his technology. Very cool stuff.

Not that direct current isn't used in tons of stuff today, it's just not the main infrastructure for reasons not so much of preference but just because AC has a lot of advantages over DC at least from a large infrastructure standpoint.

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Governments would build wind and hydroelectric power stations, thus creating cheap renewable electricity....

Wow, Government and cheap in the same sentence. There has got to be a rule against that somewhere. :rulez: And if all this wind and hydro power is so cheap and awesome wouldn't the 'for profit' power companies be jumping all over them? Saving costs makes them more money, they are certainly all about that.

But that aside the costs still have to be covered even if they are lower. My electric meter is at my house between the poll and the power line. I would assume Telsa's system still has to have some sort of 'receiver' at my house. I am sure they could wire a meter in there. I would prefer that instead of some giant social experiment where I end up paying part of Ford Motor Companies electric bill. Then there is the social issues. Electricity is a right under your system I guess. So I get to subsidize poor peoples electric bill I would assume. Why not, I already do it for internet and phone for them.

Sorry, I don't see the delivery system being changed making much of a difference. Now cheap reliable sources of electricity I am all in favor of, regardless of the delivery system.

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Not that direct current isn't used in tons of stuff today, it's just not the main infrastructure for reasons not so much of preference but just because AC has a lot of advantages over DC at least from a large infrastructure standpoint.

Uhhh, kinda just the opposite. Really everything runs on DC. Whats the first thing that happens in almost any electronic circuit/device after the AC comes in......

wait for it


..... it gets converted to DC. There it is. :D

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Wow, Government and cheap in the same sentence. There has got to be a rule against that somewhere. :rulez: And if all this wind and hydro power is so cheap and awesome wouldn't the 'for profit' power companies be jumping all over them? Saving costs makes them more money, they are certainly all about that.

But that aside the costs still have to be covered even if they are lower. My electric meter is at my house between the poll and the power line. I would assume Telsa's system still has to have some sort of 'receiver' at my house. I am sure they could wire a meter in there. I would prefer that instead of some giant social experiment where I end up paying part of Ford Motor Companies electric bill. Then there is the social issues. Electricity is a right under your system I guess. So I get to subsidize poor peoples electric bill I would assume. Why not, I already do it for internet and phone for them.

Sorry, I don't see the delivery system being changed making much of a difference. Now cheap reliable sources of electricity I am all in favor of, regardless of the delivery system.

Power companies such as AMP and others often want to build power plants for the cheapest initial investment. This would be coal, gas, oil, etc. In the first 10 years of operation, these offer a cheaper kWh. However, long term renewables are cheaper per kWh after the initial 10yrs, breaking even around 10-30 yrs. The average life of a hydroelectric plant is 100yrs versus only 20-30 years for coal. They aren't looking for long term profit, they're looking for quick turnaround to pad their investors' pockets. This is noted pretty much anywhere you look for info comparing renewable and non-renewable power sources. It's the same thing we saw with the banks and automakers. They don't care about long term. They're in it for the immediate buck and then out again. It's the exact problem with capitalism in its current form that I've been bitching about. Hell, even BP has said they believe by 2012 renewables will be cheaper overall per kWh in the first 10 years of operation. That's why they've begun investing heavily in solar panel research. It's all about getting rich quick.

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Uhhh' date=' kinda just the opposite. Really everything runs on DC. Whats the first thing that happens in almost any electronic circuit/device after the AC comes in......

wait for it


..... it gets converted to DC. There it is. :D[/quote']

We're talking infrastructure/transmission here amigo. FYI.

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i think its very important to remember tesla, since the military built "H.A.A.R.P." they are using tesla's idea. but in the wrong hands it can could get very ugly. google HAARP and read about it. they can use it for stange things like seting off earth quakes , mind contolling hundreds of thousands of people, seting off volcanos, even setting up a missle sheild, knocking unwanted satelites out of orbit, this thing is insane! they pulse energy any where they want and it can have a huge impact on the earth and the living things that inhabit it. oh yeah it also can make, direct, and induce huricains and tornatos, dont take my word for it. its in popular science and many other publications. this is built and in use as i write this.

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i think its very important to remember tesla, since the military built "H.A.A.R.P." they are using tesla's idea. but in the wrong hands it can could get very ugly. google HAARP and read about it. they can use it for stange things like seting off earth quakes , mind contolling hundreds of thousands of people, seting off volcanos, even setting up a missle sheild, knocking unwanted satelites out of orbit, this thing is insane! they pulse energy any where they want and it can have a huge impact on the earth and the living things that inhabit it. oh yeah it also can make, direct, and induce huricains and tornatos, dont take my word for it. its in popular science and many other publications. this is built and in use as i write this.


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i think its very important to remember tesla, since the military built "H.A.A.R.P." they are using tesla's idea. but in the wrong hands it can could get very ugly. google HAARP and read about it. they can use it for stange things like seting off earth quakes , mind contolling hundreds of thousands of people, seting off volcanos, even setting up a missle sheild, knocking unwanted satelites out of orbit, this thing is insane! they pulse energy any where they want and it can have a huge impact on the earth and the living things that inhabit it. oh yeah it also can make, direct, and induce huricains and tornatos, dont take my word for it. its in popular science and many other publications. this is built and in use as i write this.

I'm wondering if these publications are written in RED?

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