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Ohio riders track day at gingerman $100


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Did you approach anyone and ask for assistance or feedback? Unless you speak up then they aren't going to know you need help.

If they're faster than me, isn't it obvious that I could be riding better?

If i knew what I was doing wrong, I'd already be trying to do it differently or better...

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If they're faster than me, isn't it obvious that I could be riding better?

If i knew what I was doing wrong, I'd already be trying to do it differently or better...

After a certain point, they are going to leave you alone unless the happen to witness you making a major mistake or doing something dangerous. I've never seen anyone ask for help and not receive it.

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All the instructors were cool except for that blue03636 prick. He kept following me around the paddock trying to give me the reach around. Guess he road in with some real winners to keep it up at the track.

You sure that wasn't a tall greek guy named Wayne? :supergay:

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I didn't realize you wound up in our group in the last session or two. I didn't really see or pass anyone in our group (5) once they let us go. Actually I think I might have followed you out the pit lane the very last session.

orange and black gsxr?

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cool deal..

i was gonna buy some there, but i couldnt come off of $50 for all the pics when i knew there wasnt gonna be that many good pics.. since im in novice and the first 3 or 4 sessions were kinda slow.

so if i see something i like ill buy it. dude is a good photographer though

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I'm waiting for my photos from jig, but they said it would probably be at least a week. Trying to get youtube to not butcher the video I am making and will post it.

The guy on the red GSXR was insanely fast....I think he was also an instructor?

That would be baker and he is crazy fast.

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I think it was someone else also. I was following baker for a tow on a few sessions and he blew his tranny up and was using Jigs bike. I think someone mentioned the guys name as Skidder or something with the #77 or 71 on the back of it.

77 and 71 in "A" group were both crazy fast.

77 is a NESBA control rider (Nolan), and 71 passed me like I was standing still, even when I was turning "fast" laps.

I could not believe 71 didn't have an expert race plate on that bike... maybe he runs endurance? I should have asked him.

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Yeah, he was flying around and making passes that boggled my mind on how he was doing it. Anytime I saw that red gsxr coming around I just gtfo his way and let him by lol. He did stuff me once in 10 and I had to take pit road to avoid the dirt.

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That was a hell of a weekend :D Thanks to STT for putting it on and thanks to the instructors (especially Jeff!) for all the great feedback. While the track wasn't perfect (seams, a few dips in rather inconvenient places), I still had a blast. It was great meeting people from OR.net and putting more faces with names as well :)

I did lowside in turn 2; I went in a bit too hot and didn't cross the seam aggressively enough and the front end tucked. I'm 100% fine though, and my frame slider did its job. It took 95% of the damage to the bike, and the only other thing that got damaged was a small scuff on my exhaust. Not a problem at all :)

I'm already looking forward to my next track day. I'm totally addicted, but I have a LOT to learn. I'd say my biggest takeaway from Sunday is that I am MUCH more comfortable with my bike and my confidence is way up. However, I need a ton of work on my lines, especially corner entry. Anyone that rode behind me will probably agree that I had some of the worst lines of everyone out there yesterday.

Also, I've gotta get some damn rearsets! I've still got probably a third of an inch of chicken strips on my rear tire simply because my toes/pegs would drag even though I'd do everything I could to help with ground clearance. When we did that body positioning lesson on the stationary GSXR, it felt NOTHING like my bike because the 650 is more sport-standard than supersport :(

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Well just got done messing with the bike. Took me about 15 minutes to fix the shift linkage. The worst damage is cosmetic and gives the bike character. The worst looking part is from the damn class sticker. I shoulda put some tape down so I don't have to pick the remains of the sticker off my windscreen.

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Hello Ohio-Riders ;-)

it was great meeting some of you this Sunday at Gingerman.

When the day was over, i walked around trying to find my students and tell them how much they improved throughout the day, but they were already gone...

Glad to find the rest of my group here!!

It is always rewarding to see how much a group improves. For most of you this was your first track day, and you did great learning the lines and being consistent!!

LOL on that ass smackin' Hahahahahahaha!!!

well, how else do you tell someone to get off the bike :D :D :D and it helped!!!

I hope to see you at some other events again,



say, can you lick the bar? :D

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Oh btw. 71 is cyril and he is at most events Sundays.

He comes with the repsol guy, Emil and they are a blast to watch.

I heard rumors that Cyril was an STT coach for a day. His student crashed twice and he said (with his funny accent)

"how can crash same place twice?"

He gave up his coaching career the same day, and as far as i know he doesn't race either. He is just there to have fun!!!

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