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Ohio riders track day at gingerman $100


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Hello Ohio-Riders ;-)

it was great meeting some of you this Sunday at Gingerman.

When the day was over, i walked around trying to find my students and tell them how much they improved throughout the day, but they were already gone...

Glad to find the rest of my group here!!

It is always rewarding to see how much a group improves. For most of you this was your first track day, and you did great learning the lines and being consistent!!

LOL on that ass smackin' Hahahahahahaha!!!

well, how else do you tell someone to get off the bike :D :D :D and it helped!!!

I hope to see you at some other events again,



say, can you lick the bar? :D

And here goes the neighborhood........

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Hello Ohio-Riders ;-)

it was great meeting some of you this Sunday at Gingerman.

When the day was over, i walked around trying to find my students and tell them how much they improved throughout the day, but they were already gone...

Glad to find the rest of my group here!!

It is always rewarding to see how much a group improves. For most of you this was your first track day, and you did great learning the lines and being consistent!!

LOL on that ass smackin' Hahahahahahaha!!!

well, how else do you tell someone to get off the bike :D :D :D and it helped!!!

I hope to see you at some other events again,



say, can you lick the bar? :D

Well lookie here! I was the one in full view of the ass smackin', since apparently mine wasn't moving enough. (My ex would probably say the same thing, but then again, that's why she's the ex.)

Anyway, great to see you here. I learned a LOT from you yesterday, and can't wait to get back out on the track and put it to good use.

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I am glad that i could help!!

Hahaha, that's too funny!! Did you actually see my duck-dance like elbow movements when i was trying to show you to relax the inside elbow, hahaha. i must look funny doing all that.

Your lines were just great in the next to last session, and you guys picked up the pace quite a bit. I hope you continue to improve as quickly!!

At the end of the day, the Event Director asked me: "did you have a good group"

and i said "I had a GREAT group!!"

Keep up the good work ;-))

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oh god, who let HER in here?

jaaaaaay kaaaaaaay

hi tea

oh, and gingerman was pretty awesome-0. my sunday was a relaxed yet face meltingly awesome day of learning the track, then learning how to pass at the new track, and then picking up speed after I managed to find some real estate in the very packed intermediate group.

the seams can be ignored from what I could tell, unless you're running the exact same path they go, ON the seam, which only happened when I took a shitty line coming out of turn 1. It upset the rear just a little, but the tire caught shortly after that, dirty underwear averted.

got to hang out with rslo, trmin8r, blue. Rob, thanks for driving. you're a damn champ. i could barely keep my eyes open after my first track day so I was very impressed you didn't kill us on the long drive home. also got to chat it up with skrewloose, rvt, r1lover, and a couple other guys. I didn't see too many other OR guys, although I think Harb, APC, and redkow stopped by. Very nice to meet/see you all.

When's the next one?

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I am glad that i could help!!

Hahaha, that's too funny!! Did you actually see my duck-dance like elbow movements when i was trying to show you to relax the inside elbow, hahaha. i must look funny doing all that.

Your lines were just great in the next to last session, and you guys picked up the pace quite a bit. I hope you continue to improve as quickly!!

At the end of the day, the Event Director asked me: "did you have a good group"

and i said "I had a GREAT group!!"

Keep up the good work ;-))

Hey tea thanks for all the great coaching and advice. I improved a lot. Also fixed the bike up relatively easily. First thing I did was removed those "feelers" on the pegs.

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i'm so glad you didn't get hurt. those footpeg feelers were HUUUUUUGE. I'm glad it wasn't any worse!!

it was really a pleasure having you in the group! Hope to see you soon!!

Jinu, is that you?? :D


Edited by Supergirl
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Tea thanks for the great day,, the time i was in your group i found you very helpful. at the end there i had to get away from the group and get a faster pace. i was the one in the dirt/sand trap on the last turn lol .. guess i should have stayed in the group lol

again your advice helped alot, and thanks for the great body position modeling.. even though you looked like you werent to comfortable hangin there while the older guy was explaining things haha

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Tea!! Glad to see you made it in here! Your instructions were extremely helpful.

The two biggest things I took away was to get off the bike more (like you had said) and to keep my inside elbow in on turns. I'm sorry again for the 'take off' in the later session but hopefully I made up for it on the following one so you could provide some feedback for me. I very much enjoyed getting let loose the last couple sessions. I was actually able to put some up shifting/down shifting and braking into practice. I now actually have to get it out of my head to break with two fingers. I would get some good speed down the back and front straight and then wind up scrubbing too much speed off.

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Didn't I tell you to get off the bike? :)

Yes....you did but I'm not all legs like you ya know! I needed to get off more according to my superwomen track coach, Tea. :D

I'll call ya and give you the low down on the track and how the new tires worked.

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Tea!! Glad to see you made it in here! Your instructions were extremely helpful.

The two biggest things I took away was to get off the bike more (like you had said) and to keep my inside elbow in on turns. I'm sorry again for the 'take off' in the later session but hopefully I made up for it on the following one so you could provide some feedback for me. I very much enjoyed getting let loose the last couple sessions. I was actually able to put some up shifting/down shifting and braking into practice. I now actually have to get it out of my head to break with two fingers. I would get some good speed down the back and front straight and then wind up scrubbing too much speed off.

That's what the 3rd gear-no brake drill is for. Try it out next time again :)

Generally it's better to scrub off more speed, than go in way too hot and chop the throttle, transferring all the weight to the front wheel. *might* become too much for the little fella :eek::rolleyes:

Didn't I tell you to get off the bike? :)

Did you smack your @ss? :lol:

Tea thanks for the great day,, the time i was in your group i found you very helpful. at the end there i had to get away from the group and get a faster pace. i was the one in the dirt/sand trap on the last turn lol .. guess i should have stayed in the group lol

again your advice helped alot, and thanks for the great body position modeling.. even though you looked like you werent to comfortable hangin there while the older guy was explaining things haha

Hanging off for that long on a stationary bike gets into your legs quickly :D

I'm so glad you guys enjoyed your track day in Gingerman.

Now go ride your bike on the street. It will feel soooo much better!!

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So I found some great pics of me...with really shitty riding position. The old dude doing the talking during the novice "classroom" time was pretty much right. I felt like I was Stallone in Cliffhanger, but more like I was just pointing my ass at the ground. Definately have some things I can work on at the next track day.

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Right there with you. I need to get off of the bike a lot more. And that old dude is fast as shit too, from the two STT days I have seen. He gets around on the SM like its on rails. Maybe the other STT coaches here can confirm or deny it, as they see him all the time. But he impresses me both on the track andtalking to him off of it.

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