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I need some tips regarding riding and children


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Hi Sara,

I started taking my kids for rides when they were about 10. I think anything under that is not a good idea. Plus I had already been a rider for 18 years.

As far as being a novice rider, I would not put my children on the back of my bike. But it is not so much what you think you can do, but rather remember what kind of idiots are out there.

I am sorry to say, but you have not taken the class yet and you say "I want to be out there all the time". Well, when you are a mother, you CAN'T be out there all the time. I started taking my kids like I said when they were 10 but only a few times and only short distances. Most of the time, I could not get on my bike and it was parked in my garage.

Just since they got older have I been on my bike a lot more but still prefer to spend my weekends doing something with my kids (because now they don't want to ride anymore..:D)

I guess once they are out of the house, I will be out there "all the time" ...

but...we'll get there...;)

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you do have to have your endorsement for 1 year before you can ride passengers, (this is newer in the past few years, before you just had to have your endorsement).

negative chief.

the only restriction you have for your first year is that you and your passenger must both wear helmets. after that, you can ride naked if you want, as long as you have eye protection.

ORC 4511.53

No person under the age of eighteen years, or who holds a motorcycle operator’s endorsement or license bearing a “novice” designation that is currently in effect as provided in section 4507.13 of the Revised Code, shall operate a motorcycle on a highway, or be a passenger on a motorcycle, unless wearing a protective helmet on the person’s head, and no other person shall be a passenger on a motorcycle operated by such a person unless similarly wearing a protective helmet.

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My daughter started riding with me at 8 years old. We started on the back of my scooter, and move only at 12 to the big bike and highway speeds. Helmet, jacket , gloves, and boots are mandatory when we go out. Sidecar might be a fun idea for family outings?

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Far too young, imho. They do not have a good sense of danger yet and won't understand the importance of hanging on and not screwing around while back there. 10 or 12 before you put them back there.

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negative chief.

the only restriction you have for your first year is that you and your passenger must both wear helmets. after that, you can ride naked if you want, as long as you have eye protection.

ORC 4511.53

No person under the age of eighteen years, or who holds a motorcycle operator’s endorsement or license bearing a “novice” designation that is currently in effect as provided in section 4507.13 of the Revised Code, shall operate a motorcycle on a highway, or be a passenger on a motorcycle, unless wearing a protective helmet on the person’s head, and no other person shall be a passenger on a motorcycle operated by such a person unless similarly wearing a protective helmet.

also, there is NO minimum passenger age in ohio. the only two states that have passenger age restrictions are hawaii (7y) and washington (5y).

hey look! I was right both times I posted that...

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If you had an accident, how would it read in the local paper?

"Novice woman motorcyclist crashes with child"

And as you keep reading and find out details, like the child was ___ yrs old and was or wasn't wearing any protective gear, etc...

If you were on the couch reading an article like that and think "Wow, that's really irresponsible" - then don't do that.

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I don't know you and I've never seen you ride. However have read several posts about your crashes and on-top of that you just said you're signed up for your riders course so I assume you've still only got temps...... So why in the hell are you even considering putting a fidgety 4yo on a bike with you when you can barely ride yourself?

I was genuinely thinking the same thing. This is my third season riding and I still wouldn't feel comfortable putting my child (if i had one) on the back of my motorcycle with me. You need to have enough experience and confidence to not have to ask OR if you should or not.

Edited by OsuMj
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As of today I've been motoring on two wheels for 33 years, and on the street for 22 years. That being said, this school year I just started taking my 6yr old son on the bike. Only short trips of about 3 miles to his school and home from his school though.

As a new rider, you shouldn't consider taking your son on the bike with you until:

1) you get your MC endorsement

2) you've gone at least a season if not two seasons without any accidents or incidents

3) your son is able to balance himself (being able to ride a 2 wheeled bicycle is the benchmark)

4) your husband feels confident that you are ready to have your child as a passenger.

I know quite a few bikers (sportbikes and cruisers) that have modified car seats to attach to their bikes to tote around the brats. I've seen a few of the set ups, and even rode in one! If you go the modified car seat route I would suggest ratcheting tie downs NOT bungee cords.

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I have four kids and have been riding for 15 years. I would not allow any of my kids on the back till they are at least 8. I have taken my oldest boy out around the block a few times. He has full gear he wears. I would suggest not riding him on the back of the bike yet.

And for those who say to strap your kid to you with some type of belt. BAD idea if you go down with your kid strapped to you It will act as a nice pillow for you to bounce on. But your child might not like the fact that his parent just killed him. If your child is to small to hold on to the bike or you, they are to small to be on your bike period.

Edited by speedytriple
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I don't know you and I've never seen you ride. However have read several posts about your crashes and on-top of that you just said you're signed up for your riders course so I assume you've still only got temps...... So why in the hell are you even considering putting a fidgety 4yo on a bike with you when you can barely ride yourself?

....If you had followed the previous posts, you would have read that Michael will be the only one actually putting our fidgety 4 year old on the bike....he's the one with the experience. I don't want anyone to ride with me right now!!

I'm done flame away if you wish but I think I'm not far off the truth.

I think you're wrong, but like you said....you don't know me.

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Sara, my advice would be to wait until you have complete confidence in your riding ability, your ability on this newer bike, and your son's ability to understand and comprehend being a passenger on your bike, and completely understand the instruction you will give him about riding back there. That may sound like a lot, but it pales in comparison to seeing a 4 ft. casket. Him growing up around a mother and people that love him that have been on bikes since before he was born, he is ahead of a lot of kids his age. And no one knows him better than you. And regardsless of your own experience, if you have a shred of doubt about his ability to understand what he is to do and not do back there, then I would say the answer is no.

This is excellent advice, I appreciate hearing first hand experience with children. The key thing you said that really clicked for me, is whether or not I think he can understand what is expected of him as a passenger. THAT'S the key. I'm not saying I want him on the bike today, I'm simply trying to get some information on what is acceptable etc. I'm not entirely sure I want him on one at all unless he's riding a little 50 or something...at any rate, I appreciate your advice and words of caution.

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I think you're wrong, but like you said....you don't know me.

You're right I dont thats why I made that perfectly clear that I dont and it was simply my impression.

But like the others have said too.. If you gotta ask strangers on a public forum, you're not ready.

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Well, what do you feel personally is acceptable? Especially for me, as a novice rider? Is it a bad idea for me to even be considering it? I certainly don't want to put him at risk, but I want to get out there and ride as much as possible.

^^^ you asked if you think you should put a 4 yo on the back with you... 1000rr was stating what I think most of us are thinking. A novice rider should not by any stretch of the imagination even be considering putting a small child on the back of a motorcycle with them.

I dont think he was attacking you, just stating that from your past posts about accidents that you have had and whatnot, that it isn't a good idea yet.

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also, there is NO minimum passenger age in ohio. the only two states that have passenger age restrictions are hawaii (7y) and washington (5y).

THAT was more or less the questions we were asking to begin with. Thank you! I'm not sure that either Michael or I are ready to put Kasey on a bike. We were just curious....legally.

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^^^ you asked if you think you should put a 4 yo on the back with you... 1000rr was stating what I think most of us are thinking. A novice rider should not by any stretch of the imagination even be considering putting a small child on the back of a motorcycle with them.

I dont think he was attacking you, just stating that from your past posts about accidents that you have had and whatnot, that it isn't a good idea yet.

Thats exactly right, I wasnt trying to be an ass or beat you down just givin my honest opinion and answering what you asked.

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Let me clarify a bit as I think Sara's original post was misleading.

She would not be the one riding with our 4 year old on the bike, I would. I got my first motorcycle at 5 and have been riding ever since so I have 30 years of experience at this point (17 of which are on the street) and have owned over 60 bikes, plus I've worked in the motorcycle industry for the last 11 years so I (literally) ride daily.

She is a novice rider and isn't even completely comfortable on her own so she would never (never ever ever) put her child at risk. Yes I know she made it sound like she wants to hop on the bike with Kasey (our 4 yr old) but that's not the case.

She was not "seeking attention" by starting this thread, she was simply asking if anyone knew the law. Again, I know it did not come across that way, but she knows she's a novice and would never attempt to ride with any passenger, let alone her own flesh and blood child.

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Let me clarify a bit as I think Sara's original post was misleading.

She would not be the one riding with our 4 year old on the bike, I would. I got my first motorcycle at 5 and have been riding ever since so I have 30 years of experience at this point (17 of which are on the street) and have owned over 60 bikes, plus I've worked in the motorcycle industry for the last 11 years so I (literally) ride daily.

She is a novice rider and isn't even completely comfortable on her own so she would never (never ever ever) put her child at risk. Yes I know she made it sound like she wants to hop on the bike with Kasey (our 4 yr old) but that's not the case.

She was not "seeking attention" by starting this thread, she was simply asking if anyone knew the law. Again, I know it did not come across that way, but she knows she's a novice and would never attempt to ride with any passenger, let alone her own flesh and blood child.

I am just as experienced as yourself. So just my 2 cents - I still think even for a experienced rider its not a good idea for a 4 year old to be a passenger on a motorcycle.


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After reading several of these posts, I realize some people should just leave their advice in their head.

Sara, I was riding with my dad at age 3. I sat between his legs and held on to the handle bars. By 4 or 4.5 i was on the back. At age 4 I got my first dirtbike.

I have 3 children, 15, 5, and 2. They have all been on bikes. my 5 yr old (daughter) started on short rides when she was 3. My 2 year old son has gone for little trips up and down the street.

A child will learn what you teach them. This world is so f**ked with all the, "I can't let my kids do anything cause they might get hurt".

My opinion on you and passenger is, let zero be the chouffeur for this season, so the little one learns how to be a passenger. After the season is under way and you have many miles under your belt go for some short rides with him.

As for the "I don't have children, but I'll tell you how to raise yours" people, STFU.

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After reading several of these posts, I realize some people should just leave their advice in their head.

Sara, I was riding with my dad at age 3. I sat between his legs and held on to the handle bars. By 4 or 4.5 i was on the back. At age 4 I got my first dirtbike.

I have 3 children, 15, 5, and 2. They have all been on bikes. my 5 yr old (daughter) started on short rides when she was 3. My 2 year old son has gone for little trips up and down the street.

A child will learn what you teach them. This world is so f**ked with all the, "I can't let my kids do anything cause they might get hurt".

My opinion on you and passenger is, let zero be the chouffeur for this season, so the little one learns how to be a passenger. After the season is under way and you have many miles under your belt go for some short rides with him.

As for the "I don't have children, but I'll tell you how to raise yours" people, STFU.

I appreciate your input, especially as a fellow parent. I am in no way shape or form ready to have ANYONE on a bike with me, certainly not my son, but Michael is definately trustworthy. And we are not talking about long rides by any means either....I agree that short little rides around a parking lot would be best to get him started....he's a smart kid and I think he'll catch on quickly.

I also appreciate the non-parent comment. It's a totally different world when you are considering your own flesh and blood...no one can comprehend what that's like unless you have a child yourself. I also think that getting him a dirtbike will be a great thing to do for him, and will teach him a lot.

Thanks for your input!!

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1/2 agree

not having children ≠ not having common sense


having children ≠ having common sense


Common sense had nothing to do with why I started this thread. I simply wanted to know the laws about children on motorcycles. I didn't mean to imply I had any intention of taking Kasey out today or having Michael take him. I wanted to know what the laws are.

I definitely appreciate all the parents explaining what they did and also who had experiences being on a bike as a child. It is helpful when we consider how we want to approach OUR son and riding.

That being said, I %100 agree with your quote on common sense :)

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