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Rider rear ends car on 303 somewhere around rt. 8....


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I was coming back from the dragstrip on the 'busa (they just canceled the evening racing on account of the storm). Rt 20E. Flat, basically straight. I was rolling on a decent clip to outrun the storm - it was HEAVY drops, but sprinkling, you know when you get that 2-3 minute window before it completely lets loose.... I was rolling ahead of the storm in that zone. I just looked off to the north toward horizon and huge streaks of lighting covering the sky throughout the whole 40 minute ride home.

I was basically alone on the flat stretch, until I got passed by a guy on a BMW 1200 (I think) about halfway home - also trying to outrun the storm. I kept pace with him the rest of the way, just shy of triple digits all while enjoying the lightning. Seriously, it was epic.

I had all those songs going through my head, "Thunderstruck", "Thunder Rolls", "Wanted Dead or Alive"... like i said, it was the peak experience I've ever had riding. Me, my machine, and evil mother nature shared a moment.

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I got caught in the rain on the way home from school a few times last year when I didn't have a car.

Pouring down rain isn't very much fun when you have less than 2k miles under your belt but it definitely helped me understand how well my tires work.

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I was coming back from the dragstrip on the 'busa (they just canceled the evening racing on account of the storm). Rt 20E. Flat, basically straight. I was rolling on a decent clip to outrun the storm - it was HEAVY drops, but sprinkling, you know when you get that 2-3 minute window before it completely lets loose.... I was rolling ahead of the storm in that zone. I just looked off to the north toward horizon and huge streaks of lighting covering the sky throughout the whole 40 minute ride home.

I was basically alone on the flat stretch, until I got passed by a guy on a BMW 1200 (I think) about halfway home - also trying to outrun the storm. I kept pace with him the rest of the way, just shy of triple digits all while enjoying the lightning. Seriously, it was epic.

I had all those songs going through my head, "Thunderstruck", "Thunder Rolls", "Wanted Dead or Alive"... like i said, it was the peak experience I've ever had riding. Me, my machine, and evil mother nature shared a moment.

that sounds absolutely awesome I must say

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Yeah I gotta say having just 6000 miles ive ridden in the rain several times, long as you're covered up and can keep your visor clear it is an experience. Although my first ride in the rain was probably a bad idea since it was pouring down low visibility and i got in a fight with the gf and took off down 71 fast as my lil 250 could carry me. But it helped me conquer that fear.

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The best one i've had was going out for a ride only to have a storm heading right at me. I was on 75s in Dayton heading right towards it, so I exited at the highway loop (675) and started hauling balls. I got far enough ahead to where I could stop and check the weather to see if this was short lived. As I was checking my phone I heard a couple thunderclaps and decided it was time to get my ass home.

There were two routes from where I was at, take the city streets which would take a while and possibly get drenched, or go north on the highway, hook west on the inner city highway and exit back to 75 near my house. I chose the highway, I ran north but as I hooked back west on the inner city the storm was almost on top of me. It was moving QUICK. So I sped up. Once I hit the newly paved inner city part, I could feel the pressure change in the air, the wind picking up, and daylight quickly being swallowed. I looked over at the storm, then looked back forward to see a Dayton cop on the highway clocking! Looked down at the clocks, 90 mph in a 55 fuck!, he looked at me then went on with his business. Thanks guy!!!!

Now, on to the storm problem. It was pretty much on top of me right as I got near the 35/75 interchange. A few drops had already started to fall. As soon as I hit the 75 onramp turning me towards the storm, pwnt. All hell broke loose, couldn't see a damn thing through the rain and the wind was ridiculous, I jumped the next offramp doing 55 only to come up on some car doing 20 down the offramp. I frantically flashed my brights and he let me by only for me to run down the ramp and under the bridge overpass. I actually pulled the bike up on to the sidewalk and parked it to wait the storm out. Total time in the rain, no more than 3 min, and every piece of gear and clothing I was wearing was soaked.

It was kind of exhilarating though, I mean it sucked but it was also fun. Waiting out the rain under the overpass was interesting too. Lots of weird stuff under those bridges.

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It rained through most of oklahoma on my way to LA...and through most of missouri on my way home... didn't affect the ride much, I rain-X'ed the sheild, and a simple *look left, look right* at freeway speed cleared it just fine.

I won't ride in the rain if it's going to rain the whole time, but I'm more than happy to endure some morning rain to make it to a nice ORND meet in cbus, which I've done on several occasions.

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The rain blows, but the coolest riding experience I ever had was riding at night in a thunderstorm. Lightning at night + Speed = teh awsumz

That reminds me of this HUGE storm that turned into a Tornado Warning I got caught in in 2004 as I was riding home from work. It was blowing me all OVER the highway!

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i got stuck in a heavy rain storm today....didnt check weather before i left the house, it was nice here...not so much out by my girls house...had my leather jacket and normal jeans....the rain felt like razor blades through my jeans...shoulda had my riding pants on lol....i was being very very easy on the throttle too...my rear tire is shit!...note to self: weather.com before leaving the house lol

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The best one i've had was going out for a ride only to have a storm heading right at me. I was on 75s in Dayton heading right towards it, so I exited at the highway loop (675) and started hauling balls. I got far enough ahead to where I could stop and check the weather to see if this was short lived. As I was checking my phone I heard a couple thunderclaps and decided it was time to get my ass home.

There were two routes from where I was at, take the city streets which would take a while and possibly get drenched, or go north on the highway, hook west on the inner city highway and exit back to 75 near my house. I chose the highway, I ran north but as I hooked back west on the inner city the storm was almost on top of me. It was moving QUICK. So I sped up. Once I hit the newly paved inner city part, I could feel the pressure change in the air, the wind picking up, and daylight quickly being swallowed. I looked over at the storm, then looked back forward to see a Dayton cop on the highway clocking! Looked down at the clocks, 90 mph in a 55 fuck!, he looked at me then went on with his business. Thanks guy!!!!

Now, on to the storm problem. It was pretty much on top of me right as I got near the 35/75 interchange. A few drops had already started to fall. As soon as I hit the 75 onramp turning me towards the storm, pwnt. All hell broke loose, couldn't see a damn thing through the rain and the wind was ridiculous, I jumped the next offramp doing 55 only to come up on some car doing 20 down the offramp. I frantically flashed my brights and he let me by only for me to run down the ramp and under the bridge overpass. I actually pulled the bike up on to the sidewalk and parked it to wait the storm out. Total time in the rain, no more than 3 min, and every piece of gear and clothing I was wearing was soaked.

It was kind of exhilarating though, I mean it sucked but it was also fun. Waiting out the rain under the overpass was interesting too. Lots of weird stuff under those bridges.

That 35/75 interchange is shitty too...roadwise.

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That 35/75 interchange is shitty too...roadwise.

Yeah. The 35W to 75S ramp is grated, off camber, decreasing radius, above ground, oily, and has another lane merge with it at the end. So yea, quite possibly the shittiest one ever. :lol:

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