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Mid Ohio June 7,8


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  dragnframe said:
Where you the guy on the yellow cbr that rode there from cleveland did the trackday and then rode back?

Thats him! He's got more guts then I do to ride 2 hrs down and back after a trackday! :eek:

  ovd said:
I'm curious, how many times people have track days in the novice group before moving to intermediate?

I did 2 when STT was doing it, and my friend did 2 rain days at Mid Ohio and 1 dry day before we went to Intermediate today. As this was his very first year/trackdays period....he said he was very comfortable with this pace which I recommended. Just be aware that there will be slower people and fast people in Intermediate group. So don't freak out if you get passed when your not expecting it etc and to take your time on the slower riders.

PS...Nash was hella fast today. Jesus! I thought I was going pretty well until he passed me into 6 sliding the rear around and then shooting it in and out! :eek:

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  ovd said:
I'm curious, how many times people have track days in the novice group before moving to intermediate?

Yea it all depends after you do a novice day if you feel comfortable moving to intermediate. I got to do a session with the intermediate guys

and it was sweet i got passed on the inside of turn one that was AWESOME, and i got to pass a guy. As long as you hold your line the fast guys will pass you before you even have time to worry about some one behind you. If you wanna move in small steps try going with the fast novice group(they were moving really good) next track day if you feel like you want to go even faster then ask to be bumped to intermediate.

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  dragnframe said:
Does anybody know if there was anybody there taking pics?

I took some pictures today. I went to lunch around 11. Anyhow, I was going to go back and take some more pics, but I was tired so I decided to head home and take a nap (night shifter).

Disclaimer: I don't have a really nice camera, and I'm not very skilled in photography.


It was really a great day despite not being able to ride. Thanks to everyone for inviting me into your garages and letting me observe what's involved.

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  ovd said:
I'm curious, how many times people have track days in the novice group before moving to intermediate?

I did 4 with STT at Midohio, 6 or 7 total. I really appreciated the dedicated attention, it just starts to suck when you're waiting to pass 3 or 4 slower groups per lap, and starting off every morning with three line drill, no brakes drill, downshifting drill. I did end up in the #1 group my first day and my instructor did recommend intermediate to all of us in the group, but I felt I had plenty more to learn there. I also crashed the first session of my fourth novice day, and told everybody that was why I was still in novice.

If there was a structured program like that where everyone on the track was at a faster pace, I'd be interested. I've seen an attempt to run something like that simultaneously with an open format on track and it didn't seem to work out to well though.

NESBA bumped me to Intermediate after 23 total days. Hope I fit in there, we'll see Saturday.

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  brn6604 said:
If not for the card I would have never associated this with you. Glad you made it out today. :flag:

what a great day huh? Sorry I had to sit out the last session but I was tired, and my back tire was toast... playing the "rabbit" game was a ball

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  brn6604 said:
I did 4 with STT at Midohio, 6 or 7 total. I really appreciated the dedicated attention, it just starts to suck when you're waiting to pass 3 or 4 slower groups per lap, and starting off every morning with three line drill, no brakes drill, downshifting drill. I did end up in the #1 group my first day and my instructor did recommend intermediate to all of us in the group, but I felt I had plenty more to learn there. I also crashed the first session of my fourth novice day, and told everybody that was why I was still in novice.

If there was a structured program like that where everyone on the track was at a faster pace, I'd be interested. I've seen an attempt to run something like that simultaneously with an open format on track and it didn't seem to work out to well though.

NESBA bumped me to Intermediate after 23 total days. Hope I fit in there, we'll see Saturday.

you are going to be just fine with NESBA... most of the "I" group are pretty quick there.. A few join and register to the "I" group that probably should not be there but you should be in the fast half of the riders after you get a handle on the track.. Just relax and ride like you did at the end of the day and you will have a blast (and probably at the front of the pack) :)

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I just read about that this morning myself. This had to have happened on Tuesday. Any word on if the rider is alright? I know that it's the unfortunate reality of the our hobby, but I hate to see anyone seriously injured from doing what we all love to do.

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Yes it did. Happened at the kink on the back straight. I never heard exactly what happened...but rumor was contact from a guys front to another guys rear tire ending with him sliding off and hit the wall near the tower I believe. Intermediate group also if memory serves, because they got red flagged and session ended. The advanced session also got axed while they took care of medical.

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:eek: Wow!!! That's the fastest section of the track and this was always my worst fear when I people were passing me down that straight because you'll never know when the person in front of you may decide to alter their line.
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MANSFIELD — A Blacklick man was in stable condition today after crashing his motorcycle Tuesday at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course.

p-e4m3Yko6bFYVc.gif?labels=NewsAndReferenceThe wife of Thomas Sowd, 32, said her husband was traveling along a straight-away at the Lexington race track on a blue and yellow Suzuki GXR 600 when he crashed.

“We’re not really sure where he hit,” Jennifer Sowd said. “He was conscious at the site, but he’s not even sure what happened.”

Around noon, Jennifer said her husband, who works at the corporate office of The Limited in Columbus, was about to undergo an MRI at Grant Medical Center in Columbus.

“He’s doing good and getting better,” she said. “When he’s awake, he talks, but he sleeps a lot because of all the meds. Now it’s just a time waiting thing. We’re waiting to see what the results of the MRI will be.”

For more on this story, see Thursday's print and online editions of the News Journal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Was looking for pictures and just now stumbled across this thread. If you guys are still curious the accident happened right in front of me, so I saw exactly what happened. The guy that went down was set up a little too far to the left going through the kink down the back straight. Another rider, that was going quite a bit faster than the guy who went down, was behind him on the inside, with plenty of distance between them, and was holding a nice line through the kink. The rider that went down REALLY cut across as he came through the kink, and because the guy that was behind him on the inside was going so much faster, he didn’t see him until it was too late and ran his front wheel right into the passing rider’s rear wheel. Knocked the bike right out from under the rider and he went down face first between 130-140 mph. Haven’t heard anything since that day. Hope he is doing ok, anybody know?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally the mystery is solved. I'm the guy that went down and I still haven't been able to remember what happened. I guess that "went down face first between 130-140 mph" will do that. It was a great day up until that. For those interested, I was relatively unscathed. Broken pelvis and a few vertebrae plus a nasty concussion. The bike on the other hand.....it was a great ride. If you see a guy slowly getting around on crutches at the AMA race this weekend at Mid-Ohio, stop and say hi. Thanks and be safe out there!

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