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How long is your work commute?


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At one point I had to drive over 100 miles round trip every day. But, I am within a 20 mile round trip now!!! Yea!!! So much more peace of mind!! I get major ROAD RAGE!!! Not good on a bike!!!!!!!!!!!

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I have been looking in between but havent found much. Long story short, I have a baby on the way the only family is in the Mansfield area. Would help a lot to be closer to them. Could move in between Cbus and Mansfield but once you get down a lot of the back roads to the houses we have looked at, it is just as easy to stay on 71 for 10 more minutes and be that much closer. Still nothing set in stone obviously, just not sure how painful it would be with that kind of drive.

yeah, that's a definite challenge. If you're going to depend on family for child care (especially in the next year/2 years) it may be beneficial for you to suck it up and commute.

do you drive a car that can handle the miles?

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Do NOT move to Mansfield.

Let me repeat myself

DO NOTTTTT move to Mansfield

For real man that place is a hell hole, and believe it or not the place is in rough shape. Lots of money leaving the town and nothing coming back in. My dad did the commute to Columbus for 6 years and hated it after about 4 (and he was working at Denny Motors so he was mostly always in a C5 Vette). For real move to the 95 exit or somthing but dont move back to Mansfield it will just bring you down man.

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I did a commute of 78 miles each way before I got divorced and moved to Columbus.

Filling the gas tank every day sucked.

If there was an accident that held up traffic, it sucked exponentially.

If you alter your departure time by even 5 minutes, it can greatly affect your arrival time.

However, if things were smooth, I left work at the right time to avoid HUGE rush hour delays, and it was just smooth sailing, it's great to get that 90 minutes of solitude. I'd have no problems with having a long commute again.

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yeah, that's a definite challenge. If you're going to depend on family for child care (especially in the next year/2 years) it may be beneficial for you to suck it up and commute.

do you drive a car that can handle the miles?

Not relying on them completely but I am hoping that it makes things easier on the fiance. I have an 06 Jeep Commander that would suck the gas but I plan on getting a commuter vehicle for sure.

Do NOT move to Mansfield.

Let me repeat myself

DO NOTTTTT move to Mansfield

For real man that place is a hell hole, and believe it or not the place is in rough shape. Lots of money leaving the town and nothing coming back in. My dad did the commute to Columbus for 6 years and hated it after about 4 (and he was working at Denny Motors so he was mostly always in a C5 Vette). For real move to the 95 exit or somthing but dont move back to Mansfield it will just bring you down man.

Yea I lived north of there for 20 years so I know exactly what is going on in that area. I know it wouldnt be the greatest idea to invest in a house there but I need to make a decision before October, hopefully more places pop up that are in the right locations between now and then. 95 is a good area.

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When I took this job, I commuted from my house on the East side of Columbus, to my job just North of Cincinnati every day. Door to door was just over 100 miles each way. I did that for 3 months until my house sold and I was able to move the family. In some aspects, the drive was great. I listened to music, books, talk radio etc... But in other ways, the drive really sucked. Especially if my boss wanted to take us out to dinner and drinks after work or something. There were several nights that I didn't get on the road to head home until after 10:00 PM, only to turn around and have to be back on the road to work by 6:00 AM in case I hit traffic. I bought a $700 accord and put 12k miles on it in 3 months making the commute.

Now my commute is 12 or 18 miles depending on which way I go. Either way it usually takes about a half hour, give or take 10 minutes. I think it's just about right for commuting on the bike. :D

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57 miles 1 way. I leave for the office at 3:30AM ( many of my customers are overseas and I need to talk to them on the phone) and it's all freeway, the only other traffic is usually drunks & deer. I leave for home at 1:30 PM so it's nice in the summer to go ride or just have plenty of time to kill in the afternoons then. I commute in my 02 Civic that gets 43MPG or 1 of my bikes in the summer so fuel cost are not to bad. I only work Mon-Thur so that helps with keeping the miles reasonable and if it snows heavily I work from home. I love google voice, I use it for my business # so when people call they assume I'm at the office slaving away when I might be at home parked on my ass sipping some Jim Beam & Coke.

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10 minutes.....if I walk.

Once I get to office and get my work assignments for the day, I may drive 200 + miles. Just depends on were work takes me. A few times it's been South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, and even California.....but they made me fly there!

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