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unusual motorcycle crash


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A friend of mine sent this. And I thought that you guys would like to see it.

The cops were traveling down the highwayat

Around1 o'clock in themorning near

Tulsa , Oklahoma. They found this

On the road


Another patrol car stopped a truck some miles

Downthe highway and were struck

With the followingimage.


The Truck Driver said he thought he felt the

Impact,but it took him almost 4 miles

Downthe roadbefore he thought he'd better pull

Over and check out his rig.


Notice the driver has no shoes on from the impact or from being drug all that



Side view of Motorcycle Driver caught up in the

Trailerof the Semi.


Witnesses and State Police say the Motorcyclist wastraveling at 120 mph when he raninto the back of the moving semi-truck.


Edited by badazzbuckeye
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no pics showing. article is old as dirt.

that is a false article also, while the accident did happen, the guy did NOT survive.

a friend attending his funeral, pulled the same stunt about a week later and died in a similar fashion by running into the back of a pickup.

you can tell in the pics that the dude is dead as shit


welcome to 2007

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Excuse me, I was just sharing. I have known of people surving some screwed up stuff, that they should not have survived. And then others that should have survived from some little dumb shit that should have been about nothing. as far as it being old, oh well it is new to me.

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hey it might have been posted a 2 years ago but i havnt seen it yet.. and he just joined not to long ago so give em some slack. but dam that would be a terrible way to go

offcourse.....just pulling legs......it's OK man....j/k.......:D

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I've seen this before but it's still some crazy shit. Imagine driving along and passing a semi then seeing that!

I once saw a orange construction barrel with a blinking yellow light on it stuck under the front end of a semi as it was driving down the highway!

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OMG what a horrible way to die....That bike had so much life left in it...lol JK

now that's funny. The fact that his idiot friend died a week later just proves that you can't stop people from being morons.

I hope the rider's insurance covered the damage to the back of the truck.

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I didn't have pics from the original post but I would like to point out that in the link the dudes right foot looks pretty intact for being dragged for a mile. Also the helmet looks to be in pretty good shape for punching a hole in the back of a semi. Looks fake and set up. Imo.

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Looks fake and set up. Imo.

Looks that way I know but it was confirmed (by snopes) "true" years ago, the different variations of the story have proved to be false,

one being that the rider surved due to wearing his helmet.

This is a pretty old story anyway. :beathorse:

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