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Summer time conceal carry?


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Chevy, I'm not sure how you pried them from the jar on my wife's bedside stand, but thank you for helping me get my balls back. Because of your open -carry posts, I grew a set and strapped the PPK to my hip last night. I find IWB uncomfortable on the bike and had to go Krogering last night. I was surprised that I didn't get the least bit of hassle. Of course they probably assumed I was a cop because A) I had a gun and B) I had bathed.

lol, glad you got your balls back. I used to be timid open carriying and didn't think I would ever like it. Now it's kind of second nature. While OC'ing I excercise my rights, it is easier to draw the weapon, it can be a deterrent, and I welcome people asking me about why I do it. I try to educate the public guns are not the problem, criminals are. When asked why I feel the need to carry I tell them it is the same reason you have a fire extinguisher in your house. Because the fire department cannot be there in 5 seconds to put out a fire. Just like the police cannot be there within seconds to protect my life.

If you ever want to OC somewhere and would feel better with someone else with you, let me know. I'll OC with you.

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lol, glad you got your balls back. I used to be timid open carriying and didn't think I would ever like it. Now it's kind of second nature. While OC'ing I excercise my rights, it is easier to draw the weapon, it can be a deterrent, and I welcome people asking me about why I do it. I try to educate the public guns are not the problem, criminals are. When asked why I feel the need to carry I tell them it is the same reason you have a fire extinguisher in your house. Because the fire department cannot be there in 5 seconds to put out a fire. Just like the police cannot be there within seconds to protect my life.

If you ever want to OC somewhere and would feel better with someone else with you, let me know. I'll OC with you.

I may take you up on that.

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next question....can we (PA residents) open carry in ohio ?

Yes, there is no law resticting OC in Ohio. State Constitution

Article I, Section 1.04

The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security; but standing armies, in time of peace, are dangerous to liberty, and shall not be kept up; and the military shall be in strict subordination to the civil power.

I have never seen anything that says you must be a resident of Ohio to OC here.

Check out http://ohioccw.org/ and opencarry.org for more information.


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9.68 Right to bear arms - challenge to law.

(A) The individual right to keep and bear arms, being a fundamental individual right that predates the United States Constitution and Ohio Constitution, and being a constitutionally protected right in every part of Ohio, the general assembly finds the need to provide uniform laws throughout the state regulating the ownership, possession, purchase, other acquisition, transport, storage, carrying, sale, or other transfer of firearms, their components, and their ammunition. Except as specifically provided by the United States Constitution, Ohio Constitution, state law, or federal law, a person, without further license, permission, restriction, delay, or process, may own, possess, purchase, sell, transfer, transport, store, or keep any firearm, part of a firearm, its components, and its ammunition.

(B) In addition to any other relief provided, the court shall award costs and reasonable attorney fees to any person, group, or entity that prevails in a challenge to an ordinance, rule, or regulation as being in conflict with this section.

© As used in this section:

(1) The possession, transporting, or carrying of firearms, their components, or their ammunition include, but are not limited to, the possession, transporting, or carrying, openly or concealed on a person’s person or concealed ready at hand, of firearms, their components, or their ammunition.

(2) “Firearm” has the same meaning as in section 2923.11 of the Revised Code.

(D) This section does not apply to either of the following:

(1) A zoning ordinance that regulates or prohibits the commercial sale of firearms, firearm components, or ammunition for firearms in areas zoned for residential or agricultural uses;

(2) A zoning ordinance that specifies the hours of operation or the geographic areas where the commercial sale of firearms, firearm components, or ammunition for firearms may occur, provided that the zoning ordinance is consistent with zoning ordinances for other retail establishments in the same geographic area and does not result in a de facto prohibition of the commercial sale of firearms, firearm components, or ammunition for firearms in areas zoned for commercial, retail, or industrial uses.

Effective Date: 03-14-2007

Please be aware though that "open carry" of a firearm while in a motor vehicle, including motorcycles, is illegal except with a CC permit.

Edited by chevysoldier
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Just keep in mind Cleveland is challenging OC, so unless you have your Ohio CCW and choose to conceal stay out of Cleveland.

Ah yes, good point. When I'm up that way later this summer, I don't think I will OC.

Here Timotheus


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i did a little research and discovered that i can open carry in philly because i have a permit :D

Seriously? I thought I had read that noone could open carry in Philly... or maybe it was you had to have a resident permit (I have a PA non-resident permit)

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