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June 27, 2010 meeting for Coshocton ride

Uncle Punk

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Sweep riders and lead riders need to have cell phone #'s exchanged. Probably not an issue if the locals are doing both..but in my case it could have saved some time. And I don't think that taking the separate loops is a bad idea..as long as we are all meeting at the same point..at some point or points in the loop. With that many bikes..it's a challenge to keep all three groups together.

I would love to go back down there and ride the better roads to get familiar with them.

I couldn't agree more about the numbers exchange I only had Adam's and your number and all three of us were in different groups the locals all had each other’s numbers, like I stated earlier the same mistakes won't happen again we will have to invent new ways to cause fail. Once we were out of town I think we could keep everyone on the same route but it wouldn't be necessary.

We should invite ourselves down and have Parks show us around sometime with an offer he can't refuse if he won't help us out.

I am kind of torn between no riders left behind which means the whole group is waiting or you're safe see ya later. I build in time for us to get to the 10:00 meeting time and we still got there late because of a bike issue. This held up the whole group waiting for us in Coshocton. I could have stayed and let everyone else go on but I knew where we were going. It wouldn't be fair to assign someone else to stay with them because it would have been the end of their day and after getting to a meeting spot by 8:00 and clearing their schedule how disappointing would that have been? Kevin stayed with him out of knowing how we ride because we didn’t have a sweep rider assigned to our group because I thought I could handle eleven bikes on the simple route. Some of the clusterfuck issues came about from our commitment to keep everyone together. I did leave the guy to wait for his bike to cool down after giving him directions on how to get home but even that stop got us separated.

I failed to mention in any of the posts about showing up with a bike in what you believe to be sound working condition and I won’t make that mistake again. I am not trying to embarrass the guy that had the issues but I expected trouble from the bike when I saw it at the meeting spot. He was there on time and seemed eager to ride so I let it slide at the expense of the rest of the folks involved. This is another issue I hope to keep from happening again. I would have let him ride with us but made it clear if you don’t live up to your end of the bargain by showing up with a sound bike you don’t get the benefit of the groups safety in numbers. On a positive note I don’t think we had any riding issues of anyone riding over their heads or riding too slow, at least none that made their way back to me. This could be why there were no wrecks except for my parking fail.

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U.P did you figure out exactly how that happend ? What hit your tank? I agree 100% on making the requirement of showing up with a sound bike. I understand the battery issue, sometimes those things arrise, but no offense to orange bike guy, but he was having troubles before the ride even started.

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I am going to guess that Ross's left clip on hit it. Luckily he had his bars locked so both bikes had minimal damage. I need a new tank cover and that is all. He needs a new clip on and some refinishing/paintwork to his upper fairing. His phone took a dive into the water and I don't know yet if it works, it did set off the water sensor.

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when do we get to ride with jinx?

I think the weather scared him off, he cleaned his bike up and he thought the rain would hurt his face because he doesn't like to wear a helmet or he couldn't wear a helmet because it was too hot or there are too many fast guys up north now and he can't pick on them or he had to work or .............. You get the picture; I haven't heard yet what his excuse will be.

I hope you aren't upset about getting passed I just couldn't look at that hair streaming out of the back of your helmet without checking out your ass and the conflict was taking away all my concentration I just had to get in front of you to save myself from suffering a tragic target fixation accident.

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^ lulz

I was gonna mention something about the 'bike in working condition rule'...but it wasn't my ride and didn't want to step on any toes. You sort of alluded to a 'if you show up with problems, you're on your own' stipulation. Without sounding like a bigger dick than I already am...I think this may be worth considering.

Edited by InyaAzz
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Man I can't make anyone happy, Udell wouldn't talk to me after we put our helmets on for the ride down to Coshocton all I got from him was the bird every time I looked at him. You saying "Fuck you" to me at the gas station. Can't we all just get along? If it's any consolation you were the hardest guy to set up for a pass because of the special circumstances involved.

Udell, you seemed to be just as comfortable on the 10 as you were last year on the Buell.

Edit to add. Nice bike night burnout as your parting statement when leaving you is so cool and will really impress the Harley crowd at the next poser ride.

Edited by Uncle Punk
To continue fucking with the eaglecock
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I am hearing a lot of shit comming down on my head because of my bike. I took it out two days before with nothing wrong and thought that would stay true, apparently it didn't. Everything was fine until we got into Coshocton (literally, I saw the "Welcome to:" sign) and then a fake fuel problem arose which led to the overheating later. I told everyone who stopped or mentioned anything, to just move and and not bother slowing down or waiting for my bike. I think the requirement is good unless someone explicitly states to circumvent it because they are slowing anything up.

I agree 100% on making the requirement of showing up with a sound bike. I understand the battery issue, sometimes those things arrise, but no offense to orange bike guy, but he was having troubles before the ride even started.

I do take offense. It was a sound bike when it arrived, it was only till we got pretty far out that anything started to happen. A broken fairing (read: cosmetic in this case) hardly justifies not being to ride, especially if it has been that way for hundreds of miles. I guess bike problems never happen to you without prior notice.

Sorry I do not have $10k to spend on a bike, but I have been fixing this one up for a couple months now and thought a 2hr beat down ride just 2 days before had proved itself, obviously I was mistaken. I apologize to those I slowed down and the problems I caused, I just wanted to learn some new things and make some new friends. Thank you to those who did bother teaching me a few things and who spent their time leading me back to the group. I had fun even with the bike problems and I hope everyone else did. If it makes anyone feel better I will not show up on another group ride until I get a new bike, if not you can be sure I will triple check the mechanics of my bike prior to the ride.


I was gonna mention something about the 'bike in working condition rule'...but it wasn't my ride and didn't want to step on any toes. You sort of alluded to a 'if you show up with problems, you're on your own' stipulation. Without sounding like a bigger dick than I already am...I think this may be worth considering.

You don't sound like a dick at all. Someone at the meeting spot in Coshocton even mentioned that I had to be prepared to push my bike by myself back to 82 if there was another problem and I continued, which I was fully prepared to do.

Edited by imprez55
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Other than the communication issues, I thought you guys did very well. I have never ridden the area, and never once felt pushed to "have to keep ". Uncle Punk was excellent IMO for taking the time to explain to the young lady some different techniques to try when she is cornering. Alot of guys would have said fuck it, and left her.

Is she on here? I met her and I am so bad with names....I would really like to ride with her sometime, maybe we could hook up and it would make her more comfortable riding if it was with another girly. I was with the 2nd group the whole time and didn't get to hang out with her.

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Sorry I do not have $10k to spend on a bike,.

I only spent $2500 on my 2003 sv650s with under 6000 miles on it.. good deals ARE out there you just have to be patient.. No one said you have to spend a fuck ton of money to be on two wheels...

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Lulz... that was me. :D

I can spot a problem child from across a parking lot' date=' with my eyes closed and one fist up Jinu's ass. I'm actually surprised your bike didn't explode into a ball of fire behind me. I was looking for it, though. I hate missing all the good stuff.[/quote']

:lol: as funny as this is, i still has a sad that I didn't get a chance to meet you before you left :(

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I only spent $2500 on my 2003 sv650s with under 6000 miles on it.. good deals ARE out there you just have to be patient.. No one said you have to spend a fuck ton of money to be on two wheels...

It was more meant as an exaggeration. I spent a little over a third of that on mine. I knew it would need a few repairs but as soon as one thing is repaired it seems that on the next ride something else is wrong, the exception was here where it took 2 rides. I made a mistake with the bike that will definitely not happen again, and hopefully by next season another bike will be in its place.

Lulz... that was me. :grin:

I can spot a problem child from across a parking lot' date=' with my eyes closed and one fist up Jinu's ass. I'm actually surprised your bike didn't explode into a ball of fire behind me. I was looking for it, though. I hate missing all the good stuff.[/quote']

Hey, what you do on your own time is between you and Jinu! I wish I could remember who said it (face wise, met a lot of people). I am pretty sure I fixed anything that will make it blow up into a ball of fire..I hope. She has most certainly been a problem child, only exception it she had been behaving for a longer stretch of time then ever before, so I thought she was ready to go out in public. Guess she is shy and acts up as soon as she is out in public!

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Lulz... that was me. :D

I can spot a problem child from across a parking lot' date=' with my eyes closed and one fist up Jinu's ass. I'm actually surprised your bike didn't explode into a ball of fire behind me. I was looking for it, though. I hate missing all the good stuff.[/quote']

my poor ass. always getting fisted or being made into bottom bitch by pauly or justin. WHAT DID MY ASS EVER DO TO YOU?!

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I don't care about you being disappointed you didn't get to give him a reach around, does your phone work?

no, but i realized last night that i do have insurance on the phone so a replacement will be here tomorrow.

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:lol: as funny as this is, i still has a sad that I didn't get a chance to meet you before you left :(

I'll save you the time. He's just as much of a dick in person as he is online. :bigfinger:

I especially liked him looking at my bike and going, "What a shame" :lol:

In reality, it was nice finally meeting you in person Paul. How's that sunburn treating you? lulz

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LoL.. my supervisor asked me if I went on a ride this weekend. I told him I did and he wanted to know why I didn't wear a helmet. Apparently' date=' my bald spot.. er, sophisticated spot is a little red. My neck is completely toasted.

Yes, the Ape made me haz a sad... and made me all emotional for Gemma. :( [b'](stupid, ugly, blue yamaha):mad:

You should probably just highside it then paint it ruby red like mine! It was great to meet you. I thoroughly enjoyed your antics while riding. My favorite was the thumbs up/down to the lame ass vet.

To who ever led the third group, thanks for leading. UP, thanks for heading the tail.

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For anyone who cares, this is what we saw rolling down the street in Coshocton while we were chilling at McD's.



I was gonna say...a corvette? Sure. Nice cars...but they're not Ferrari's.

Here's a pic, since that one didn't work


Now we're talking. This was actually seen in Kershoctin? :confused:

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Lulz... that was me. :D

I can spot a problem child from across a parking lot' date=' with my eyes closed and one fist up Jinu's ass. I'm actually surprised your bike didn't explode into a ball of fire behind me. I was looking for it, though. I hate missing all the good stuff.[/quote']

I'll save you the time. He's just as much of a dick in person as he is online. :bigfinger:

I especially liked him looking at my bike and going, "What a shame" :lol:

In reality, it was nice finally meeting you in person Paul. How's that sunburn treating you? lulz

Man I can't make anyone happy, Udell wouldn't talk to me after we put our helmets on for the ride down to Coshocton all I got from him was the bird every time I looked at him. You saying "Fuck you" to me at the gas station. Can't we all just get along? If it's any consolation you were the hardest guy to set up for a pass because of the special circumstances involved.

Udell, you seemed to be just as comfortable on the 10 as you were last year on the Buell.

Edit to add. Nice bike night burnout as your parting statement when leaving you is so cool and will really impress the Harley crowd at the next poser ride.

We <3 UP and IP. And multiple edits.

Edited by InyaAzz
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