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What are your favorite raving or "moved" (also read deleted) thread?


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Ben, Ben, Ben…

I take a leave of absence for a few months but I see that nothing has changed. You can’t control everything that happens on facebook ohioriders. I’m sorry that you can’t let “it” go. You got what you wanted out of that “situation” when it happened back in November and it’s been more than 6 months so I think if I can laugh about it, so can you. You won, there I said it…now will you get over it? It appears that you live and thrive for drama, I’m sorry that I contributed to that drama by posting my honest thoughts with a group of friends. I’m not here to “stir shit” as you call it but come on, you don’t see any humor in NUoSU?

If I really wanted to “stir shit”, maybe I should have said that my favorite moved thread was the MLK thread.

Honestly, it sounds like you need a vacation from this site before all the e-drama consumes you.

So, can I stay or do you still want me to go?

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Wow dude I was just asking about some of the epic threads that have come and gone. Ben get over yourself. 1000rrRider bumped up some old threads I looked back at some of them laughed and them asked which threads were everyones favorite.

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Ben, Ben, Ben…

I take a leave of absence for a few months but I see that nothing has changed. You can’t control everything that happens on facebook ohioriders. I’m sorry that you can’t let “it” go. You got what you wanted out of that “situation” when it happened back in November and it’s been more than 6 months so I think if I can laugh about it, so can you. You won, there I said it…now will you get over it? It appears that you live and thrive for drama, I’m sorry that I contributed to that drama by posting my honest thoughts with a group of friends. I’m not here to “stir shit” as you call it but come on, you don’t see any humor in NUoSU?

If I really wanted to “stir shit”, maybe I should have said that my favorite moved thread was the MLK thread.

Honestly, it sounds like you need a vacation from this site before all the e-drama consumes you.

So, can I stay or do you still want me to go?

Me? Starting the drama? Dude.... Take a look at who started this thread, and who brought up bullshit from the past. I'm trying to squash it before it becomes drama.

Facebook Ohio Riders? Eh? If you're trying to say I try to control anything on Facebook, that's obviously false. They only thing I delete from the Ohio Riders Facebook page is spam. If you're trying to make a funny saying Ohio Riders is like Facebook, well they are both social networking sites.

I most certainly did not want to lose friends over it, and that's all that come of that whole thing. But apparently, those guys weren't friends to begin with. They just acted like it to my face but then talked shit behind my back. It's cool. It's over. That's why I don't want the bullshit brought back up.

As for being able to stay or not, I distinctly remember asking you at Pops' afterlife party what it would take for you to come back. You said nothing, that you'd never come back to the site. What did I PM you when you did came back? I believe it was something along the lines of "welcome back, glad to see you, we need to grab a beer". I've made my point very clear. If you're here to stir the pot, you can go ahead and leave. If you're here to enjoy the site and contribute, then welcome back and enjoy.

And lastly, me needing a vacation from the site... I did, this week, and this is the thread I come back to.

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Why does Casper and shitty have(almost) the same avatar? Maybe I missed it posted somewhere else?

They went on a trip last fall with Earache to Colorado. Casper's avatar is a pic of him & Shiddy under that Colorado sign.

Shiddy's now shopped Ben out of the picture & put himself in there twice

I think it's meant as a not so subtle jab

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They went on a trip last fall with Earache to Colorado. Casper's avatar is a pic of him & Shiddy under that Colorado sign.

Shiddy's now shopped Ben out of the picture & put himself in there twice

I think it's meant as a not so subtle jab

Or its meant to be funny.

Lighten up guys and have a bit of fun. I wasn't trying to start shit but rehash some old memories when people on this site used to have fun. There were many epic threads that used to make people laugh and make shitty jobs more tolerable.

Someone pass the kool aid

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Someone pass the kool aid

Ya' know.... Sir Who'Dey Eaglecock made a similar comment to me the other day, so I'm gonna assume yours is aimed at me as well since you quoted me

Couple things.... Ask my fellow Mods, & I think they'll agree I'm one of the more lax, & usually saying just to let things go unless someone reports something. I hardly ever move anything, unless I'm asked to, & am generally a proponent of letting things work themselves out, unless there's an obvious infraction/serious threat/destruction of property, etc. That's different

When Gregg & Todd started getting into it the other day.... I didn't move the thread behind the curtain, but instead asked them both to cool it. When Gregg took one more shot & mentioned me drinkin' the kool-aid, I sent him a PM asking him basically the same thing over again. That was it. I spend more time using my Mod "powers" messing with Uncle Buck than anything else

Secondly.... Me bein' a sheep & drinking "the kool-aid"??


I think I'm pretty frank & speak my mind on here.... Sometimes when asked.... Sometimes not. You & Kristen know that. Ben knows that. Brandon knows that, etc. I don't think there's anything I've ever said on here though, that I wouldn't say to somebody's face in person. Nobody ever tells me "You're a lot different in person than you are online" when they first meet me, like I know others on here hear. I don't have an "internet personality" & a real world one.... This is me, & I have my own independent thoughts & opinions, with no kool aid involved

And if I think you're full of shit, sometimes I'll bite my tongue, & other times I'm gonna tell 'ya

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They went on a trip last fall with Earache to Colorado. Casper's avatar is a pic of him & Shiddy under that Colorado sign.

Shiddy's now shopped Ben out of the picture & put himself in there twice

I think it's meant as a not so subtle jab

Oh... I see.

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