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New Rider, test question


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That's my plan.

I still don't know if the cones will be offset for sure, I got two answers in here. Hehehe. I may call them tomorrow and just ask. My only issue if they're offset is that it takes me a few tries before I nail it, then I can do it pretty consistently. That will probably be taken care of with more practice. If they aren't offset, I have no problems, and I'm able to do a u-turn in the 20 foot space (I've got a 650, I'll have 24 feet to u-turn).

The test doesn't seem that hard, my biggest fear is putting my foot down, or stalling. I can't remember the last time I've stalled - except practicing this stuff at 4 miles an hour.

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I got into the class, and it's going to be pretty easy.

When I run through the cones, I actually don't use the clutch at all (which is contrary to how everyone else says they do it, it seems), unless I feel the engine slowing too much. I generally let 1st just pull me through, and apply throttle and rear break as necessary.

I also found that it's easier to do on my bike, a 650, than it is to do on my girlfriend's bike, GZ250. Her throttle is way more responsive. I have to go through the cones in 2nd on her bike (but with the narrower handlebars, it still seems easier on my bike).

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  alienpi said:
I think it'd be cool to do a stoppie for the quick stop, and a rolling burnout around the cones.


Chevysoldier got the rear tire off the ground for the panic stop in our class, on the DR200 (I think that's what it was.) Also, one of the instructors managed to drag peg during the swerve exercise.

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  Radio Flyer said:
BRC test is off set.

The DMV test is not off set.

My DMV test was offset last year. Making it easy for all these whipper snappers these days.

  jporter12 said:
Chevysoldier got the rear tire off the ground for the panic stop in our class, on the DR200 (I think that's what it was.) Also, one of the instructors managed to drag peg during the swerve exercise.

I got it up quite a few times on that DR200. Instructor just laughed at me. I had never done a stoppie until then, haven't done any since either. lol

I did drag a peg once but that was due to the uneven pavement. I used all available tread on those tires. :D

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I finished up the course this afternoon. There actually wasn't a cone weave in the evaluation portion at all. It was definitely worth taking, I learned a lot of little things that I hadn't previously given much thought to.

The evaluation wasn't too bad, though I did bomb the figure-eight u-turn (went outside the box on the second turn, put a foot down, to boot), but aced the rest of it. I was rather surprised, every one in the class passed, even those with no riding experienced. Only one person dropped a bike during the entire class, and it was one of the two more experienced riders in the class (namely, me! - the same figure-eight).

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  chevysoldier said:
Good to hear you passed. Now go get your endorsement!
  cg2112 said:
I finished up the course this afternoon. There actually wasn't a cone weave in the evaluation portion at all. It was definitely worth taking, I learned a lot of little things that I hadn't previously given much thought to.

The evaluation wasn't too bad, though I did bomb the figure-eight u-turn (went outside the box on the second turn, put a foot down, to boot), but aced the rest of it. I was rather surprised, every one in the class passed, even those with no riding experienced. Only one person dropped a bike during the entire class, and it was one of the two more experienced riders in the class (namely, me! - the same figure-eight).

And quit dropping bikes! Geesh!

One of the biggest things things I learned, and didn't use like I should have right away was to look through the turn. I still catch myself looking down more than I should once in a while though.

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the msf instructors all said these test the dmv makes you do are useless motorcycle skills.

if you think about it, when do you come up to a situation like this cone test or figure 8 on a roadway???

if you think about it, almost the whole thing is a pile of bullshit.

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The cones are off set its 12' x 2'. I have a scooter I rent to people taking the test at a few local BMV test sites so I am out there just about every Saturday morning, and I'm in instructor of the BRC. The testing process is different during the BRC it is more in depth and longer. The BMV is four stages, two of which contain multiple "events" (the sharp left and the controlled stop, and the off set weave and the u-turn). The webbike link above is the exact test given by the Ohio BMV check it out.

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  serpentracer said:
the msf instructors all said these test the dmv makes you do are useless motorcycle skills.

if you think about it, when do you come up to a situation like this cone test or figure 8 on a roadway???

if you think about it, almost the whole thing is a pile of bullshit.

The cone test? Maybe not more than a couple swerves, but I do a weave quite often, for lane position. If I see a car have an opportunity to turn from a side street or drive, I position myself to the right of the lane, then return to the left. I swerve to miss roadkill quite often as well. The cone test is not much like real world though, due to the low speed.

The figure 8 I use fairly often as well, turning around in the driveway, or parking lots. That one is more real world than the cones.

They really need to have something more like a real road test, somehow. Just my opinion though.

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Turning my head through curves, while I do somewhat naturally SOME of the time, was a big thing to learn in the class, and I felt improved in that regard by the time it was over.

In fact, when I dropped the bike in the figure-eight, I both wasn't looking through the turn, AND grabbed the front brake. At least, the instructor said I did - I didn't think I had, but I'm going to take her word for it. It was pretty embarrassing, but worse than that is that it happened about 10 minutes before we were to take the evaluation. Nothing like a confidence crusher moments before taking a test!

All in all, I recommend it, I learned a lot of little things that I didn't pick up myself after a few years of riding.

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  Radio Flyer said:
BRC test is off set.

The DMV test is not off set.

The cones were offset in the BMV test in Hilliard when I took it 3yrs ago.

And I'm pretty sure they still are, I live near there, I'll check the lot markings next time I go by.

I listed a link in POST #9 of this thread that shows the entire test in Hilliard (as of 3yrs ago).

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  SWing said:
The cones were offset in the BMV test in Hilliard when I took it 3yrs ago.

And I'm pretty sure they still are' date=' I live near there, I'll check the lot markings next time I go by.

I listed a link in POST #9 of this thread that shows the entire test in Hilliard (as of 3yrs ago).[/quote']

They still are, the test is the same ALT-MOST.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally went to court today over the issue that had me asking the question in the first place. Because I got my endorsement before the court date, he reduced the charge to operating without a license, which is just a fine and 2 points, which will bump my insurance a little bit, but otherwise not bad. It could have been worse, violating a license restriction is a first degree misdemeanor, 6 points on your license, and at minimum a 30 day impound.

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No kidding. I don't know why I never bothered. Makes a lot more sense than getting a permit every year. And if I'd gotten it done earlier, I would have this goofy looking pink license now.

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