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For You "Real Men"


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If repost, sorry.

Originally Posted: Sun, 23 May 17:13 EDT


Date: 2010-05-23, 5:13PM EDT

I'm a serious bro looking for a equally/more serious bro with fancy footwork. The idea is to tie our wrists together ala the "Beat It" video and then each JO/knife fight in a profound spiritual act of consensual hetero awesomeness. I would have done this way sooner but have little faith in humanity.


-access to an abandoned warehouse

-old enough/built kinda awesome

-maintains good eye contact

-general intensity

-cool moves


-leather jackets ( I had to give the one in the pic back - long story, I can tell you when we finish)


-basic knowledge of knife/sword/bat fight etiquette (I can teach you what I know if you are pretty serious about art like me)

-can lift 80 lbs

-bachelor's in something or equivalent experience

-not a narc

Whereas dudes/J-ing O are both undeniably awesome, I'm a straight bro. As in not gay. I just really love MJ and being open minded about new JO scenarios. We will basically play "Beat It" over and over again while we JO and dance, occasionally parrying/thrusting. Winner finishes the most times, but points will be awarded for finishing first/accuracy. If you're the heter-bro I'm looking for, then we can JO furiously/competitively and then just hang or whatever. I've got laser tag too. I'm pretty serious about this. As in completely serious. If you touch my junk with anything but your own I will BF you in the M. Nerds/gays need not apply. I'M NOT GAY.

P.S. - And I've gotten with hot chicks as recently as just now.

"They told him don't you ever come around here

Don't wanna see your face, you better disappear

The fire's in their eyes and their words are really clear

So beat it, just beat it"

  • Location: Philly
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests



PostingID: 1755781713

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This makes all the thug hugs you gave me kinda weird.

I didn't know you swung that way.

NO,NO,NO....I don't play for that team! Figured some of you fence jumpers might be interested :lol:

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How come you're always such a fussy young man

Don't want no Captain Crunch, don't want no Raisin Bran

Well, don't you know that other kids are starving in Japan

So eat it, just eat it


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That was funny as shit. It was an obvious sarcastic post. I choose not to believe it, and think that the writer of it is probably hilarious instead.

I'm going to stick with that theory also. I refuse to believe there are people actually like that out there.

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