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Middletown bike wreck 7/16/10


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I never leave my house without boots, jeans, jacket, helmet and gloves...I rode without jacket the other day...Never again, I felt naked without it....Prayers go out to the families of these two. Especially the girl...

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One thing that's really standing out is the 8yr age difference. The guy was obviously showing off going that fast but 8 years seems a bit old to be trying to show off to a girl 8yrs younger. That age difference would be like someone my age trying to pick up 17yr old girls. That's just creepy to me.

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I think its a little different after both people are at an age of higher maturity. 20 just seems to young to be running around with a guy that's almost 30 now if she were on her late 20's him in his mid 30s it wouldn't seem as weird. I guess 20 just seems a little too "youthful" to be running around with an intoxicated 28 yr old. Just my opinion. I know if I had a daughter that wouldn't be cool with me.

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Some people live by idiocracy! I am not one of those. Some dude yelled at me to ride a wheely. Number one there was a cop abut 50 yards away and two, Im not about to ride a wheely being the new rider I am. What are people thinking, Oh they aren't. I still don't wish death apon anyone!

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I have noticed in the past that when people get to age 30 and above, the courts expect a different behavior from them. They expect to see a level of maturity that wasn't there before, perhaps. I'm not so sure that would be as true anymore.

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