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Timotheus memorial ride event planning in Pa.


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I figured some of you may want to know that two Pa forums are working on a memorial event for Tim's family coming up in Sept. They are asking for help, suggestions, basically anything you can do, if you can do anything.

I'm going to try to make the event but like usual I won't know till the time comes. So for now it's just spreading the word.

Here's some links to what's going on-



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Its looking like Sunday Sept 26th with a rain date of Sunday Oct 3rd

Ride from Pittsburgh (leetsdale) to sharon , with a chinese aution , 50/50 and food...

Thanks Jimmy, Could you also post info on the PP account for the family when the time comes? I think some people may want to help the family if they can.

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Lost.....I am in none of those forums...so keep us posted....if I am not occupied with something I will definitely make it.........thanks so much for the follow up.....

Kos, JimmyC will know more than I will. I'll get what info I can when I see it. Life have been pretty busy lately so I haven't been on here all that much. Today's a exception.

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Kosmo, Casper, Lost, and the rest of the Ohio Riders.

Either me or The ALIEN will keep you guy up to date as things come available, ( we will have a PP account and flies soon ,

We are also looking for Items for a Chinese Auction.

Thanks for you support in this matter.....

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  • 1 month later...
I figured some of you may want to know that two Pa forums are working on a memorial event for Tim's family coming up in Sept. They are asking for help, suggestions, basically anything you can do, if you can do anything.

I'm going to try to make the event but like usual I won't know till the time comes. So for now it's just spreading the word.

Here's some links to what's going on-



Here's the most recent info,

please help !!!!


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