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Considering dates for a MEATing....


Pick a date to eat Moose's Meat  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Pick a date to eat Moose's Meat

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I'm open to ideas, would like to keep it on a saturday, I would provide the main dish of steaks, burgers, brats, etc... everyone else bring a side dish, or whatever. Beer, and beverages provided by the Knights, at a reasonable cost... throw out some dates folks and let me know if you have any thoughts. I was thinking any saturday from now thru october... sooooo lemme have it or if one of the Mods wanna throw a poll on it i'm good with that too... so let's get together and party!

Edited by cmoosego
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well I'm assuming that there isn't much interest since this thread died like twice over the past day and a half... and only 5 peep poles actually responded... so I tried!

Sorry Chris.... Didn't respond because Fall semester just started, & I probably can't commit to anything depending on homework sitch since I'm goin' full time this term, plus the kids & all their sports stuff

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Just a thought on this as I looked at those dates....

Isn't the 11th the day of the OSU-Miami game that Ben & Carrie are havin' that shindig at their place for?

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I am leaning more towards the 18th.... but still waiting to see how the poll turns out

Looks like Ben's trying to re-schedule the NWO Packo's ride for that day

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