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Make sure you vote next month!


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I hope those of you that weren't registered to vote, are registered now. If you don't vote, you have no right to bitch about who got elected.

A short spelling lesson:

The last four letters in American..........I Can

The last four letters in Republican.......I Can

The last four letters in Democrats.........Rats

End of lesson. Test to follow in November.

Remember, November is to be set aside as rodent extermination month.

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Its just annoying that I can't leave my building without someone pestering me... i'm gonna get a 'leave me alone' shirt... think that'll help?

by the way

anagrams are helpful too


crab lineup

Yeah but for dems you have to K.I.S.S. :D

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its a chore for me to vote....they have my name wrong somehow, and its not even close to my actual name...so i always have to take my license, and ss card and fucking argue with them to even let me vote...is there a way to fix that? can i just register again?

yea just register again. I'm sure you can get it straighten out

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Ken Matesz on Gun Control in the State of Ohio

By Ken Matesz

There is only one kind of gun control in which I am concerned. That is that every able-bodied, healthy adult in the State of Ohio should be able to control his or her gun so that the target is hit. THAT is real gun control. It is the only gun control that I support.

The founders of our united States of America never had any doubt but that the common individual was the ultimate defense not only of his own family and property, but of the nation as a whole. As many know, the Constitution would not have been ratified without the Bill of Rights.


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i say we nuke it...


along with medicare, medicaid, and all these other welfare state socialist programs...

then we tariff the shit out of imports... (double for those american companies that shipped jobs out of the country)

and bring all military back home, and send a message to the world "CONTROL YOUR PEOPLE, if we find out a terrorist attacked the United States from your country, we nuke you...period, end of story"

no more economic problems, no more terrorist problems, and iran's president gets the message that we will no longer put up with his shit.

Edited by magley64
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A short spelling lesson:

The last four letters in American..........I Can

The last four letters in Republican.......I Can

The last four letters in Democrats.........Rats

in the spirit of consistency...

it should be








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