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The wave while riding... HD riders - take a peek!


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I rode down to Chillicothe yesterday for work. Without a single exception, EVERY bike I rode past was an HD. Nearly every one of them waved at me first. In fact, I was getting a few from across the highway median. Maybe it's my reeeel perty mouth.


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I never wave first but thats because I'm an asshole, I will however wave if I am waved to or nod the head if my hand is busy.

Personally, I could care less who does or doesn't wave. Every kind of bike has asshole owners. I'm not sure why people take offense to not being waved at by whoever or whatever. Move on and enjoy your ride

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  Bad324 said:
I never wave first but thats because I'm an asshole, I will however wave if I am waved to or nod the head if my hand is busy.

Personally, I could care less who does or doesn't wave. Every kind of bike has asshole owners. I'm not sure why people take offense to not being waved at by whoever or whatever. Move on and enjoy your ride

Worse, I'm not sure why some people take offense at being waved at, lol.

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I wave, but I hate it. I just do it because it's expected. I wish it was never started. I don't know the person nor care if they're on a motorcycle. Sometimes I get annoyed at riders passing me because I feel like I HAVE to wave. I say ban all waving unless you know the person. :werd:

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  NinjaNick said:
I wave, but I hate it. I just do it because it's expected. I wish it was never started. I don't know the person nor care if they're on a motorcycle. Sometimes I get annoyed at riders passing me because I feel like I HAVE to wave. I say ban all waving unless you know the person. :werd:

Glad I'm not the only one that feels this way...

I still do, though, since it's "expected" and I don't wanna be "that guy". Guess peer pressure works.

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  NinjaNick said:
I wave, but I hate it. I just do it because it's expected. I wish it was never started. I don't know the person nor care if they're on a motorcycle. Sometimes I get annoyed at riders passing me because I feel like I HAVE to wave. I say ban all waving unless you know the person. :werd:

It's 50-50 for me, depends on my mood. Half the time I'm more than happy to wave the other half I'd rather give them the finger.

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  STT-Brian said:
Ok, look... I was in a dealership for 6 years. We had to separate the HD side from the metric side. I understand the whole essence of being an HD owner. I understand they are an American brand. I get it all...

However, what I don't get is the fact that a majority of HD riders are douchebag, holier than thou riders that don't seem to give two shits to acknowledge fellow riders unless apparently on HDs.

But, maybe I am looking at this wrong. Maybe it is because a large amount are doctors, white collar workers, business men, etc that buy an HD for the status that it suggests. Maybe they aren't riders and really don't understand anything about the fraternity of motorcycle riders...

But, I am a betting man and have always felt that they aren't all doctors and pretending to be riders... I am almost certain that over 90% of these riders started life on a metric bike. They fell in love with motorcycles at an early age and it was due to the metric machines out there at the time they were growing up. Their enthusiasm and their love started out not with HD, but with a Japanese company...

Now, I understand that sportbike guys get a bad rap from all the squids out there. I understand. But, HD riders don't have the polished image, either. I mean, come on... You guys aren't angels on wheels...

I rode about 1100 miles in the last three days for work riding the RC8 to shops. Came across a LOT of riders in these last few beautiful days. Guess what? Maybe 4 HD riders waved back. I really only think it was three, but I am not sure. But, I saw a shit ton riding and passed a good number on freeways and 2 lane back roads.

Get off the high horse and understand that your prized possession that is supposedly an American icon is over 80% Japanese components. Realize that we all came up through the system with a love for motorcycles and that we all mostly came from Japanese bikes when we started.

Now, if you are a stuffy doctor or a white collared guy that has probably a handful of years riding motorcycles, I understand you don't know much of anything. I understand that you buy for an image and not for a passion. I get it. But, the rest of you guys - it ain't gonna ruin your bad ass image to wave back. It is the one thing that is really cool. You don't see fellow car owners wave at each other. Hell, you don't see common model owners wave at each other... For the most part, fellow bikers wave to each other and acknowledge being a fellow enthusiast.

We did demo tours at Indy for the MotoGP and most riders waved back. The ones that didn't were few on the metric/euro bikes. Most that didn't were HD wannabe riders. At an event that had - YOU GUESSED IT - Metric bikes being raced. It baffles me that these guys and gals come to these events and yet have no thought that it doesn't really matter what brand you ride - we are all riders. We are all enthusiasts. Whether a first time rider or a veteran rider of many miles and many years.

So, stop and think for a minute. I'll still consider you a tough guy, a hard core American steel, stallion rider. You can be whatever you want to be in everyone's eyes. But, when we pass each other, you're a fellow rider. I am simply saying "Hello friend." when I pass by.

Whew! I am glad there are still people on this board that really understand HD and the people that ride Harleys.. Especially people as together as yourself! I mean, YOU have been to Moto GP??? WOW, and you actually did Demo Rides! Shit man, I need to start waving to people, I feel reall bad on my high horse. Now I realize that there are people like this out there keeping an eye out for all of us.

I mean if someone goes to school for 8 years and makes a good living as a Dr, who the hell does he think he is going out and spending money on a Harley, that is sooo fake! I'm glad you figured us all out, I mean I know you had my back when you called Oakley on Meanie, but now you really are the Integrity police. We need more people like you in the world, you know the judgmental types that piss and moan about people being judgmental.

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Oh gosh where have the old days gone... I worked at a Honda/BSA shop, and the Harleys would come in and buy stuff all the time.

What happened to change that...

edit: ehhh, all I care to remember is the day TWO Ariel Square Fours rolled in to visit...

Edited by ReconRat
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I don't know about this. I covered almost 200 miles this morning and the only people who did not wave / signal were four guys on sport or standards. Hell, there were silly people waving while I had her banked over pretty seriously. Some time you just have to smile. Moral of the story, I became the none waving dickhead on a Jap sport bike. :wtf:

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  kreator said:
Whew! I am glad there are still people on this board that really understand HD and the people that ride Harleys.. Especially people as together as yourself! I mean, YOU have been to Moto GP??? WOW, and you actually did Demo Rides! Shit man, I need to start waving to people, I feel reall bad on my high horse. Now I realize that there are people like this out there keeping an eye out for all of us.

I mean if someone goes to school for 8 years and makes a good living as a Dr, who the hell does he think he is going out and spending money on a Harley, that is sooo fake! I'm glad you figured us all out, I mean I know you had my back when you called Oakley on Meanie, but now you really are the Integrity police. We need more people like you in the world, you know the judgmental types that piss and moan about people being judgmental.

Sounds like someone touched a nerve.

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My comments are in bold.

  Scruit said:
Well, we can still complain and bitch about it...

My experience on who waves back:

Factors that make a wave more likely from the other rider:

- I wave early - I have found this to be true. If I initiate the wave, better chance they wave back.

- They are riding 2-up (sometimes get two waves!) Sometimes the passenger waves while the rider is busy. I think that's pretty cool of them.

- Other bike is a touring model (suggesting they ride long distances - posers don't like to ride too far) Haven't really noticed this. There was a guy on a BMW that used to never wave. Well we both commuted to work and saw eachother all the time. I always waved and he actually started to wave back.

- Other rider has a helmet on (Not trying to start a debate on the whys and why nots, that's just my observation) I do tend to get more waves from helmeted riders than nonhelmeted. Goes for cruisers and sportbikes.

- I'm commuting to/from work. (Posers don't commute, but some folks commute on small Vespa-tyle scooters and don't do the wave thing)Agree

- Non-ideal riding conditions. (Posers don't ride in the rain or below 50)If I am riding in rain or really cold weather, seems like everyone waves back. Kind of like "Oh you are just as big of an idiot as me huh? How ya doing? :lol:

Factors that make a wave less likely:

- Other rider cannot spare his or her clutch hand (pulling away from lights, etc. Usually get a nod instead) Yep/

- It's the weekend and the weather is perfect Sometimes they are just to concentrated on riding because it is so nice.

- I'm wearing my dayglo jacket and the other bike is a cruiserNo idea

I'm a slut, I'll wave at anything with two wheels. We all share a common enemy (cagers) and the enemy of my enemy is my friend, no?I like waving to scooters. Funny to watch their reactions.

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keep in mind that most " NOT ALL " hardley riders heads are so big ...and empty they are afraid of tipping over and crashing.thats why they don't wave....and they can't do two things at the same time....be nice to hardley riders...they don't know better.

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  kreator said:
Whew! I am glad there are still people on this board that really understand HD and the people that ride Harleys.. Especially people as together as yourself! I mean, YOU have been to Moto GP??? WOW, and you actually did Demo Rides! Shit man, I need to start waving to people, I feel reall bad on my high horse. Now I realize that there are people like this out there keeping an eye out for all of us.

I mean if someone goes to school for 8 years and makes a good living as a Dr, who the hell does he think he is going out and spending money on a Harley, that is sooo fake! I'm glad you figured us all out, I mean I know you had my back when you called Oakley on Meanie, but now you really are the Integrity police. We need more people like you in the world, you know the judgmental types that piss and moan about people being judgmental.

First off, idiot, I didn't call fucking Oakley on anyone. You're an idiot... Obviously, you don't fall under attorney and hopefully, not a doctor as your intelligence is lacking...

Second, I highly doubt you give all sportbike riders any credit at all.

When I said demos, I was saying as in I did demo rides all three days and probably logged more miles than you do in a month. There were a shit pile of riders around the track and we had a good sample of folks to consider. In other words, within such a small area, there were more riders than you'll see anywhere else. Pretty decent time to evaluate...

I didn't say all and I didn't lump them all in to the same grouping. Trust me, I know a ton of HD riders that are enthusiasts beyond most. Being at a shop for 6 plus years, I developed some great friends that are hard core HD riders. You know, not doctors that thought it would be cool to own one and be a part of a set image they perceive as really "neato"... You might not want to talk to a hard core HD rider and tell them you are a doctor and you thought you'd reward your years of hard work by getting into motorcycling and getting an HD... They MIGHT be a little harder on you than I am...

Oh, and I like the "people being judgemental about people being judgemental" comment. What are you doing? Thanks. :rolleyes: I judge people because I hate most people. It's no secret on here... You'll get used to it in short time.

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