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Thanksgiving Sucks... so far anyway


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Hopefully today goes better then my yesterday did!

My day started off yesterday with me getting battery acid all over me

changing out some extremely corroded batteries in a fire panel. That shit burns.

Next my schedule got all screwed up cause my next call that was scheduled

for 3hrs ended up taking 5.5hrs. Didn't get a lunch break cause of this.

Traffic sucked getting to my last job cause it was fricken sleeting.

Finally finish up work, heading home and I have a damn accident, end

up blocking the left-hand turning lane on Westbound Lane avenue at Riverside

Drive, at 5:30pm. That was fun, people were so nice to me.

So the idiot that I slammed into is a cop, has his whole family in the car

and is requiring a police report, so he calls UAPD, who promptly shows up

and gives me a $115 ticket for not keeping assured clear distance.

Happy Thanksgiving from the UAPD. Anyway, no damage to his fricken suv

but the front of my truck is damaged fairly good. Can't wait to fill out the

paperwork for that shit at work. :nono:

But wait. There's more! Finally get home just to find out that the furnace

isn't working! It did this the other day and Moose helped me get it going

again, but the trick we tried then isn't working this time, of course.

Well after swearing at the furnace for a few minutes we call Moose again,

he calls a friend about it, I talk to the friend and we get it working!

Thank god, cause I was 5minutes away from placing a emergency service

call to Airtron the night before Thanksgiving, that wouldn't have costed

much would it :rolleyes:

So anyway, what am I thankful for, like the other thread asked?

Well me answer has changed, I'm thankful for two things!

1. That yesterday is fucking over!

2. For friends like Moose! Thanks bro. I owe you and your buddy and I will

hook you both up later!

Happy Thanksgiving yall.


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Wow David, I thought you were going to say you lost your job, your house was foreclosed on, your wife left you, you have only eaten one meal this week which was cold and the card board box that you are living in now is not keeping you warm or dry from this weather.

Put it in perspective, you have so much to be thankful for compared to others out there.

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Hopefully today goes better then my yesterday did!

My day started off yesterday with me getting battery acid all over me

changing out some extremely corroded batteries in a fire panel. That shit burns.

Next my schedule got all screwed up cause my next call that was scheduled

for 3hrs ended up taking 5.5hrs. Didn't get a lunch break cause of this.

Traffic sucked getting to my last job cause it was fricken sleeting.

Finally finish up work' date=' heading home and I have a damn accident, end

up blocking the left-hand turning lane on Westbound Lane avenue at Riverside

Drive, at 5:30pm. That was fun, people were so nice to me.

So the idiot that I slammed into is a cop, has his whole family in the car

and is requiring a police report, so he calls UAPD, who promptly shows up

and gives me a $115 ticket for not keeping assured clear distance.

Happy Thanksgiving from the UAPD. Anyway, no damage to his fricken suv

but the front of my truck is damaged fairly good. Can't wait to fill out the

paperwork for that shit at work. :nono:

But wait. There's more! Finally get home just to find out that the furnace

isn't working! It did this the other day and Moose helped me get it going

again, but the trick we tried then isn't working this time, of course.

Well after swearing at the furnace for a few minutes we call Moose again,

he calls a friend about it, I talk to the friend and we get it working!

Thank god, cause I was 5minutes away from placing a emergency service

call to Airtron the night before Thanksgiving, that wouldn't have costed

much would it :rolleyes:

So anyway, what am I thankful for, like the other thread asked?

Well me answer has changed, I'm thankful for two things!

1. That yesterday is fucking over!

2. For friends like Moose! Thanks bro. I owe you and your buddy and I will

hook you both up later!

Happy Thanksgiving yall.


Great story of a shitty day. Some days you just have to start drinking early. Happy Thanksgiving David!

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Shitty days like that sure do make you appreciate the good ones.

What would any of us do without the :moose:?

Take Moose lessons?

Fate is what it is. It comes at us without much warning. But when it arrives, it's best to pay attention and take care.

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Perspective Dave,

The Pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts. No Americans have been more impoverished than these who, nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving. ~H.U. Westermayer

Today you have heat, food, football, friends, a roof over your head and it's Thanksgiving Day.

On Thanksgiving Day, all over America, families sit down to dinner at the same moment - halftime. ~Author Unknown

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So today was great, most of the family just left now it's time to fall

asleep on the couch, again :o

I hate crappy days like yesterday, I don't have them very often which is

why I needed to vent a little bit about it.

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I'd almost trade that for my evening. I ended up being so sick feeling that I could eat, ached so bad I couldn't find any way to get comfortable, fever so bad that I was shivering in a HOT bathtub of water, couldn't sleep all night, but fortunately, it was all over by this afternoon, so I could eat dinner!

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This weekend is STILL sucking. Worked over 8hrs on my "day off" yesterday,

and the furnace went out again :nono:

Airtron just left. $89.95 and we have heat again :o

At least the Buckeyes are winning! :rolleyes:

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