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Don't buy a gsx-r, cbr, r-whatever, if you can't park it anywhere but the street.

Guy's got a point there. If you think the EX got fucked around with because it looked crappy, imagine what a nice looking sportbike is going to attract. You need to find a stable storage area before you plop down cash for a sportbike.

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she's a yut-ughher, she's already bewsted her EX500 with nawzz.

Ahhhh... Well in that case, dem SVs are fur pussies. Not like the kind a woman hases. But like one dem guys riding dem thangs. I see a guy on an SV and think he's pussy. He needs himself what I gots - one dem 1000 ninja type bikes, yo!

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Ahhhh... Well in that case, dem SVs are fur pussies. Not like the kind a woman hases. But like one dem guys riding dem thangs. I see a guy on an SV and think he's pussy. He needs himself what I gots - one dem 1000 ninja type bikes, yo!

your bike is made from 1000 ninjas?

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Ahhhh... Well in that case, dem SVs are fur pussies. Not like the kind a woman hases. But like one dem guys riding dem thangs. I see a guy on an SV and think he's pussy. He needs himself what I gots - one dem 1000 ninja type bikes, yo!

This post makes me hate white people.


Edited by jagr
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Hellz no!! It's made from 500 newborns and 500 puppies. Dats why itz so stinkin fast!

I don't understand. Neither newborns nor puppies are fast. Ninjas, however are so fast that their pee can cut the tops off mountains.

If you want a bike that wanders around all the time, keeps putting everything it possibly can in it's air intake and continuously shits itself, by all means keep using newborns and puppies.

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I don't understand. Neither newborns nor puppies are fast. Ninjas, however are so fast that their pee can cut the tops off mountains.

If you want a bike that wanders around all the time, keeps putting everything it possibly can in it's air intake and continuously shits itself, by all means keep using newborns and puppies.

Oh, it's made of shit better than ninjas... It's made with the urine of Chuck Norris and the scent of Flounder. All mixed together with the tears of Born Sinner ('cause Chuck don't cry - EVER!).

Then, I slaughter babies and puppies for icing. It's sweet how fast this thing is. SAWEEEET!

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jus sayin....


I also know of an 03 636 for $3500. He's been trying to sell it for awhile to build up his stang but had no luck, might be able to get it for 3

I don't remember that color scheme for the cbr you linked too. Probably a wrecked bike with chineese fairings. Seller probably forgot to mention that

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I don't remember that color scheme for the cbr you linked too. Probably a wrecked bike with chineese fairings. Seller probably forgot to mention that

pics were too small for me to even figure out what the hell they were :lol:

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Oh, it's made of shit better than ninjas... It's made with the urine of Chuck Norris and the scent of Flounder. All mixed together with the tears of Born Sinner ('cause Chuck don't cry - EVER!).

Then, I slaughter babies and puppies for icing. It's sweet how fast this thing is. SAWEEEET!

now you're just mashing shit together

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Don't buy a gsx-r, cbr, r-whatever, if you can't park it anywhere but the street.

Yeah, my parking situation frustrates me. I can't even roll the bike in my back yard and keep it safe that way. I am sure I could find some one with off street parking in the area but it would still be a pain to have to walk/drive to get my bike.

Why? One of the best bikes to ride and to learn to ride on... Let me guess... That GSXR1000 is the only bike for you, right?:rolleyes:

the look of the SV just isn't appealing to me. The gixxer definitely isn't the only bike for me. I really don't want anything bigger than a 750 but if I can find a great deal on a 1000 I would consider it. I like the Ninja 650R's but haven't had a chance to play around with one. I liked cheech's CBR when I road it but I have a feeling that seat would kill my ass on any thing over an hour long.

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I liked cheech's CBR when I road it but I have a feeling that seat would kill my ass on any thing over an hour long.

corbin seat makes all the difference in the world! Or hell just send the stock seat to be done by http://greatdaytoride.com/Home_Page.php. I'll be going one of these routes whenever I pickup my next CBR. The Corbin on my 05 was absolutely money because anything more than an hour was hell until I got the Corbin.

Also, the stock 636 is pretty damn comfy I came to find out. I did a couple 250ish mile rides with no real complaints

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Yeah, my parking situation frustrates me. I can't even roll the bike in my back yard and keep it safe that way. I am sure I could find some one with off street parking in the area but it would still be a pain to have to walk/drive to get my bike.

the look of the SV just isn't appealing to me. The gixxer definitely isn't the only bike for me. I really don't want anything bigger than a 750 but if I can find a great deal on a 1000 I would consider it. I like the Ninja 650R's but haven't had a chance to play around with one. I liked cheech's CBR when I road it but I have a feeling that seat would kill my ass on any thing over an hour long.

What's wrong with a 600? Don't you think going to a 750 or 1000 is a bit of a steep jump from an in-line twin 500?

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What's wrong with a 600? Don't you think going to a 750 or 1000 is a bit of a steep jump from an in-line twin 500?

I think you are missing the point. From what I gather, it doesn't seem like there is anything wrong with a 600 at all. If a can't miss deal on a 1000 came up, it would be entertained. I assume this because this is how I'm operating as well. I don't need a 1000 but if I were to find a crazy deal on one that was better than any deals I could find on a 600 I would certainly entertain it

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I think you are missing the point. From what I gather, it doesn't seem like there is anything wrong with a 600 at all. If a can't miss deal on a 1000 came up, it would be entertained. I assume this because this is how I'm operating as well. I don't need a 1000 but if I were to find a crazy deal on one that was better than any deals I could find on a 600 I would certainly entertain it


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I liked cheech's CBR when I road it but I have a feeling that seat would kill my ass on any thing over an hour long.

How do you road a bike? :p

And if you're worried about your dainty little ass hurting on long trips :cry: then you should probably quit looking at sportbikes in general. Corbin seat or not.

Sack up. :p

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I think you are missing the point. From what I gather, it doesn't seem like there is anything wrong with a 600 at all. If a can't miss deal on a 1000 came up, it would be entertained. I assume this because this is how I'm operating as well. I don't need a 1000 but if I were to find a crazy deal on one that was better than any deals I could find on a 600 I would certainly entertain it

She just stated she would be scared to death of a 1000. A good deal isn't the reason you should buy one. If you do not have the ability to ride such a bike, why would you buy one just because it was cheaper than a 600 that would make more sense?

I get confused on the idea that liter bikes make any sense to people that are essentially beginner riders...

Let's say that she finds a 1000 that she feels is the best deal. Sure, your mind can tell you that being scared will help not get in over your head, but the fact that her ability level is at the infant stages, just a SMALL error can end up being a HUGE disaster.

It goes back to my analogy of a glass full of water. The water is your reserve. The more reserve you have when in time of need, the more the chance you have to get out of it. If the water is low and the issue pops up that is needing more than you have, you get hurt really quick.

Settling on a bike that is heads and shoulders beyond what you can control is stupid and how people get hurt.

Not saying she sucks as a rider, but a majority of liter bike owners I know are below the ability of the bike they own. That means that if something happens, they have less of their reserve available. Now, some have a good amount of reserve and still cannot ride to the ability of the bike, but that reserve allows them a better chance at controlling what happens...

Newer riders have a low reserve obviously and in this case going from a 500 in-line twin to a 1000 is a step like going from Coach Pitch baseball to MLB. You're going to have some issues hitting the ball...

To each their own, but when I hear questions like this or asking opinions on things, I feel compelled to tell people that liter bikes don't make sense. 600s are tough enough. Adding another 50 hp on top of a 600 isn't the right idea...

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