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help me with my GF breakup......that happened 5 days ago


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I heard this saying on Live with Regis and Kelly, or some other morning show. The best way to get over a woman is to get under another.

I suggest meeting lots of women at bars, ski resorts, parties and the like; get lots of numbers. A few days later, after some casual texting, request a picture of their boobs via text. The first woman to send you a picture of her boobs is the one you want to go out on a date with.

If multiple ones send the boobs simultaneously and you can't decide, ask for pictures of their panties or lack thereof.

Edited by alienpi
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Btw... I found when I became newly single it was best to keep my self busy... and highly intoxicated lol

+1 :D Highly intoxicated, behind closed doors of course.

(when you are not behind closed doors you do stupid stuff... at the bottom)

Short story. I went out with a girl for 5yrs stuck by her through everything and vice versa. I was in college for 2 of those years she was in H.S. one year and college the next. It was OK for me to stick by her in College but when she got there it was a different story... Go figure. I got a job as a medic/FF and she continued with her schooling. Couple years go by and I am doing great! Took overtime shifts as I could find them and worked at two other firehouses along the way, when time permitted. I head great friends and family. My brother and I fished semi-proffessionally. I had no spare time to put thought toward.

One day she shows up on the door step. Wants to talk. Wants to know why I never came to talk to her. As I am standing at the door talking to her the floozy in my bedroom comes walking out with one of my t shirts on and nothing else and walks past the door. She goes into defense mode, wants to know who that was and what was going on like we had been together all this time. I looked at her kind of funny, chuckled and slammed the door in her face. The reason we broke up, she said was becuase I needed to grow up and make some life altering changes...

This came from a PHD licesed phsycology major. Uh huh! :wtf:

Dude find the time to do things for yourself now! Make yourself happy! No one else (well except for your daughter)! Put forth the extra efforts now where needed in your life. People pay attention to that stuff.

...the bad side to this story... I kicked the floozy to the curb to have one more night in the sack with the Doc. the following night :D

yeah I used to be a dog when I was a Medic/FF

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itll start out with her hanging out with a guy thats just friends...then he will slowly work his way in and show her that real relationships are better than long distance...then there gonna fuck, shes gonna find a way to break it to you and break up with you...then if it ever doesnt work out with the new guy, she will try coming back to you figuring youre so head over heels you will forgive her (you would have to be to even bother with a LD relationship, right?) and its a cycle

you cant trust women from that far away...theyre too gullible, too emotional, and too needy....theyre going to want things you cannot give them...sure it may be easier on you, but its not for them...some other guy is going to show her a good time and get her mind rolling about what it would be like to do that stuff with you in person, then substitute you with him, etc..its all downhill man

8 months isnt long...its easy to be good for 8 months, once you start hitting those 1 yr 2yr 3yr mark etc, its going to just get worse and worse...assuming it even makes it that long

this mentality was exactly what ruined one of my long distance relationships. No trust at all.

I suggest meeting lots of women at bars, ski resorts, parties and the like; get lots of numbers. A few days later, after some casual texting, request a picture of their boobs via text. The first woman to send you a picture of her boobs is the one you want to go out on a date with.

If multiple ones send the boobs simultaneously and you can't decide, ask for pictures of their panties or lack thereof.

This sounds like a good way to get herpes from an easy chick.

Sorry about your breakup :( The only thing that really helps me with these sorts of things is an odd balance of being alone and feeling sorry for myself, and surrounding myself with people who care about me. Hang out with some friends, get a new hobby! Rebounds are a terrible idea because someone usually ends up getting hurt.

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#1 All women are crazy, the degree will vary.

#2 If you want to know what a woman will be like in the future, look at the mother.

#3 All women are crazy.

#4 If you get dumped and you think it is the end of the world, you're wrong, it's the beginning of new times with a new and better woman.

#5 All women are crazy.

#6 Be sure to find a less crazy woman this time around that you can rub in her face.

#7 All women are crazy.

#8 Focus your thoughts on your children.

#9 All women have ghey and lesbian tendencies.

#10 All women are crazy

Saw you left one off there, at least according to a friend of mine. LOL!

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okay so ive seen breakup threads on here so here comes mine....i need help because i cannot stop FLIPPING OUT ! bullshit!! i was single for three years prior to this which only lasted 6 months.....but still im telling you what i liked her more than any ive had!

problem one was we lived 100 miles away.....long distance relationships are for the birds i now believe.....but strong enough love shouldnt matter with distance right?

tons of jobs where she lives none here.....i cant leave becasue my daughter lives with me half the time

she finally said its over after all we been through in the short six months.....i went back and forth wathcing her kids while she was at work every week or a little over a week.....we traveled well went to see fenway park camped out in penn.....whatever!!! help me get through this OR!!!(bitch lives in Pickerington by the way)

Man you gheys are slippin! I gotta do everything around here :nono:

CRF.... It's been clinically proven that revenge by posting nakid pix of your ex on motorcycle websites makes you feel 100% better 100% of the time.

You can trust me... I'm a doctor

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1st . Quit crying and moaning to random dudes on the interwebz about your girl problems.

2nd. Go out with some buddies, get some drinks and find something female to keep you occupied for the night.

3rd. Ask female companion who you dont remember their name to leave in the morning because you have stuff to do.

4th. Wash sheets

5th. Repeat 1-5 until you are no longer crying in your cereal to people on the net and are comfortable picking up chicks.

Eventually you will find one that is worth not booting out in the morning. I may sound like a dick here but most people would agree that I am but this works. You need to be comfortable being alone before you will ever be happy being with someone.

I call this cycle of events above "Coping" It works well trust me and Ive done allot of "Coping" in my days. Of course step 1 was never a problem I had.

Other rules to follow that help with the coping process.

1. Washing sheets is so you dont have to explain different color hair and perfume smells to the event of the night.

2. Always have Red and White wine as well as some hard booze on hand.

3. Walmart bulk packs of condoms will save you money

4. Strategically place #3 throughout your place so you dont have to stop in the moment and go grab one. (Dont want to give them time to change their mind)

5. Candles. (Vanilla, and Cucumber Mellon works best. )

6. Always check the couch cusions for earings, belly button rings, etc. (A girl getting poked by one that doesnt belong to her will ruin the moment quick.)

7. Keep your place clean. Helps with #1 and #6 and when a girl walks into a very clean and nicely decorated place, you have much better chances of game on.

8. Strategically placed cameras are always a good idea. In the middle of the events, just reach over and grab and and snap away. :) - Share pics with buddies at breakfast the next day. :)

Edited by flounder
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1st . Quit crying and moaning to random dudes on the interwebz about your girl problems.

2nd. Go out with some buddies, get some drinks and find something female to keep you occupied for the night.

3rd. Ask female companion who you dont remember their name to leave in the morning because you have stuff to do.

4th. Wash sheets

5th. Repeat 1-5 until you are no longer crying in your cereal to people on the net and are comfortable picking up chicks.

i will next time....wait next time? ha! im getting there man im getting there....i wanna fucking ride thats all i can think about now!

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says the woman :D. For chicks yes I agree, but guys I would say its a 90% success rate

I've never been a rebound.

I actually based that comment on a number of guys that i know that have fallen victim to being the rebound guy and being crushed about it later.

Its ok, I think its cute when guys are in denial about the fact that they have feelings too....

Edited by OsuMj
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I've never been a rebound.

I actually based that comment on a number of guys that i know that have fallen victim to being the rebound guy and being crushed about it later.

Its ok, I think its cute when guys are in denial about the fact that they have feelings too....

Feelings? what the hell are those? I kid of course

I've been a rebound before and I guess it was just my mindset but I enjoyed it. Simply because I knew the girl and she wasn't really my type or one I'd wanna keep around for an extended period of time. Not to mention it was a mutual using as I needed her to make another girl jealous and oh did it work

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1st . Quit crying and moaning to random dudes on the interwebz about your girl problems.

2nd. Go out with some buddies, get some drinks and find something female to keep you occupied for the night.

3rd. Ask female companion who you dont remember their name to leave in the morning because you have stuff to do.

4th. Wash sheets

5th. Repeat 1-5 until you are no longer crying in your cereal to people on the net and are comfortable picking up chicks.

Eventually you will find one that is worth not booting out in the morning. I may sound like a dick here but most people would agree that I am but this works. You need to be comfortable being alone before you will ever be happy being with someone.

I call this cycle of events above "Coping" It works well trust me and Ive done allot of "Coping" in my days. Of course step 1 was never a problem I had.

Other rules to follow that help with the coping process.

1. Washing sheets is so you dont have to explain different color hair and perfume smells to the event of the night.

2. Always have Red and White wine as well as some hard booze on hand.

3. Walmart bulk packs of condoms will save you money

4. Strategically place #3 throughout your place so you dont have to stop in the moment and go grab one. (Dont want to give them time to change their mind)

5. Candles. (Vanilla, and Cucumber Mellon works best. )

6. Always check the couch cusions for earings, belly button rings, etc. (A girl getting poked by one that doesnt belong to her will ruin the moment quick.)

7. Keep your place clean. Helps with #1 and #6 and when a girl walks into a very clean and nicely decorated place, you have much better chances of game on.

8. Strategically placed cameras are always a good idea. In the middle of the events, just reach over and grab and and snap away. :) - Share pics with buddies at breakfast the next day. :)


I think the crew that lived with me had this engraved in the back of the door at college. Wow! almost word for word! But we could play #6 off, that it belonged to one of the other winches that was in the house! :D

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That was just the quick version. Im not going to post the other rules and strategic tricks we had for fear of exposing too much information of who I used to be. Lets just say, Ive considered writing a book before of the results and experiences.

If I knew the things I know now back when I was in college, I would have been a menace to society. Notice I said, who I "used" to be.

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I've always said when it comes to women life is like a batting cage. You can't strike out so swing at everything. You never know you still might knock a home run out.

Basically hit on every girl you can there is no harm in flirting. Just don't be creepy about it and remember no means no. Even if they are not interested it will boost their self esteem and you've done a good deed. After being turned down a bunch it won't worry you any more and you can become the guy your friends see as the stud who has no fear of hitting on any chick any time any where. I couldn't tell you the number of dates I got by walking up to random girls and starting a conversation. Or the free desserts I'd get by hitting on a waitress. After a while it just comes natural. My friends never understood it but they never tried to do it.

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