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Tips to buy a HONDA CBR


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  motociclista said:
Insurance varies tremendously based on your age, type of bike (in this case, a very expensive one to insure) driving/riding record, level of coverage, where you live, where the bike is garaged, and other details, sort of in that order of importance. Get multiple quotes. You can get quotes online from places like Progressive and GEICO, or through an independent agent. You definitely need to make some comparisons, because prices vary and it's going to be expensive. Make sure you can afford the insurance BEFORE you buy a CBR1000. To give you an idea, I have one bike fully insured for less than $200/year. If I had the same level of coverage on my sportbike, it would cost me nearly $800/year. I'm the same person. It's the bike that's different. And both of those are less expensive than a CBR1000 will be. Good luck.

And yes, you have several years of riding experience, but a modern literbike demands respect. Be smart.

And welcome to the forum.

thank you

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  tbutera2112 said:
if this dude rode in india with all those crazy fucks running through the streets, he can handle any bike ever made....those places are mad houses

Hey agree that

but you know what

youll have all the freedom there not like here with fuckin speed limits and crazy people who hit and run.

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  varma917989 said:
Hi Guys

this varma new to db and New to Ohio.

I'm trying to buy a honda cbr1000

could you please give me some tips :confused::confused: in buying it.

Actually this one will be my fist Motorcycle :):).

Thank you for your help

A liter bike is a great fist bike! :D

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What year CBR? If it is the pre genie to the one now, I'd say it isn't going to be any worse than a current crop 600... I find it somewhat silly that people with new genie 600s saying the older crop 1000 CBR is a bad choice.

Sure, CBRs had more HP, but weighed over 40 lbs more and handle like trucks. R6 makes it power at the top of the rev range, so to get it, you are screaming it to do so which means you're riding fast... Liter bike is torque and honestly, the older model might not be a bad thing...

But, it is still a lot of bike. Point is, it is tough to say get a new 600 vs an older 1000... They are so damn close in terms of what ability and experience is needed...

At the end of the day, if you are just starting out, my suggestion would be to avoid a liter bike. They just make things happen too fast to absorb for newer riders. That being said, I have seen guys adapt to liter bikes rather well and VERY experienced riders struggle with liter bikes... It's all what you want out of it and what your brain tells you to do. As someone stated above - it'll be fine if you avoid riding like a douche...

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First welcome to the site...

Second, I read were you had a 250...

But, you are looking at a CBR1000

If you are 6'0" tall and a weigh in at 250lbs might be a wise choice anyway. But if you are like most and medium build you could be biting off more than you can chew!

That thing is a beast man! I had one in High school. But I was 6'2" and weighed in at 180. A 600 was just too short for me.

to each is own man. I dont know you, but I would feel that this is way too much bike.

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I've been led to believe that a 250 in India is like an F650 truck in the states; they exist, but they're hard to find, and considered HUGE due to the scarcity of fuel stations in some parts of the country.

Are we sure this isn't a troll?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  alienpi said:
I'd look at a Hayabusa or ZX14 if your riding on the streets, and a 600 for the track. And then if you decide you need better handling on the street and/or more power on the track sell it and get a literbike.

hmm a busa for the first bike? No Offense. but that is the dumbest advice I have ever heard.

Start off on a 600 man. If your hell bent for leather you want a 1000 buy a 04-07 model

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  nofear_racing1 said:
hmm a busa for the first bike? No Offense. but that is the dumbest advice I have ever heard.

Start off on a 600 man. If your hell bent for leather you want a 1000 buy a 04-07 model

there really needs to be a sarcasm font

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  varma917989 said:
Hi Guys

this varma new to db and New to Ohio.

I'm trying to buy a honda cbr1000

could you please give me some tips :confused::confused: in buying it.

Actually this one will be my fist Motorcycle :):).

Thank you for your help

Find a used 04-05 Kawasaki ZX10-R......

and enjoy a real CRAZY FAST machine.... :lol: :lo::D

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  nofear_racing1 said:
hmm a busa for the first bike? No Offense. but that is the dumbest advice I have ever heard.

Start off on a 600 man. If your hell bent for leather you want a 1000 buy a 04-07 model

He said that he had a 250 for over 5 years. The Hayabusa has a longer wheelbase, additional weight, more torque, and better ergonomics; I think these properties make it more stable and easier to ride on the street than a literbike. The power to weight ratio of modern literbikes is higher than the Hayabusa. I've never ridden a Hayabusa, but I have sat on one so I might be wrong.

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^ he moved here from a different country, perhaps hes not as familiar with how stuff works around here as someone who has lived here their whole life....god forbid he asks questions...better than the squids who come around with no insurance, buy the "phattest" stretched bike they can find, and slam into shit doing triple digits in flip flops

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This year was my first year of riding, and i didn't encounter ANY situation that needed more power/speed/torque/balls than my little 650 could dish out.

Hell, most of the time, after a scary situation, I'd realize it was my fault entirely. Usually because of my very eager wrist.:wtf:

That's why I knew I should not have a liter or even a 600 super sport.

If you actually do get the CBR1000 of your dreams, exercise caution.

Indian drivers may be crazy, but American drivers are assholes.

As far as insurance goes, I found it easier to get my quotes over the phone. Look up numbers to Geico, State Farm, Progressive, The General, etc.

Otherwise, good luck. ;)

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  • 1 month later...

I'd def. go with a smaller bike as your first. Something like a Ninja 500 like this: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2009-NINJA-500-R-KAWASAKI-CANDY-PLASMA-BLUE-/300528340082?pt=US_motorcycles&hash=item45f8e28c72, or a 600. Insurance will be costly on a 1000, my first bike was a CBR 600 F3. Go with something on the cheaper side (in case you wipe out), that you can handle now, and then move up to a bigger one later if you want. Def. get an insurance quote once you find one you're interested in, my insurance on my CBR was more per month than the bike payment was, so that's def. something to keep in mind, good luck in the hunt!

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  Dubguy85 said:
I learned on a Buell xb12r firebolt and then next was a 1098 ducati.. Who cares what size u "learn" on.. Don't be a squid.. You'll be fine

not being a squid has nothing to do with it.

when you are LEARNING, you dont know shit. you dont know what to do and what not to do. you dont know how to listen to what the bike is telling you, and you dont know how to react to that.

a beginner needs something that is forgiving. not something that will not tolerate incompetence. because as a beginner, you are totally incompetent.

should someone who has NEVER driven a car learn in a lambo?

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  tbutera2112 said:
if this dude rode in india with all those crazy fucks running through the streets, he can handle any bike ever made....those places are mad houses

I agree. India's one of the few places I won't drive (+ It's cheap to hire a driver there.) A 1000rr can be a wonderful thing. Just have some respect for the right grip & don't squid around & kill yourself.

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