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Opening my own motorcycle shop in cinci!


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Do you think it will be positive or negative business once the correlation gets made between your assfault junkies shop and your assfault junkies wheelies and wreckless ops down the highway news story? Not being a dick but just saying that little activity could come back to haunt you with a storefront.

Do you think it will be a positive or a negative when your wife finds out you banged 5 different chicks in a week when you were 19?

Its the same thing man...past is the past. That was a few years ago and AFJ actually has a pretty good rep around Cinci now...............when people ask who to join up with to ride, AFJ is the first thing that comes out of people's mouths around here. Just my .022. (Yep, that's 110%)

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Do you think it will be a positive or a negative when your wife finds out you banged 5 different chicks in a week when you were 19?

Its the same thing man...past is the past. That was a few years ago and AFJ actually has a pretty good rep around Cinci now...............when people ask who to join up with to ride, AFJ is the first thing that comes out of people's mouths around here. Just my .022. (Yep, that's 110%)

There is a difference when you have a business. Like I said, I wasnt trying to be a dick but its something to think about when your income may be affected by what you do / have done. Its just something to consider and be ready to deal with if that time ever comes, which I hope it doesnt.

I hope his business takes off and I wish him the best.

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Congrats man, I'm happy for you.. Now you are going to realize how hard running a small business is.. You are going to have to battle with making a profit, and paying employees, or having good pricing and hooking your friends up.. Its gonna suck telling some of your best friends to pay retail. Its a tough world we live in.. You are going to be competing against the HUGE online monsters who get better pricing due to size, and customers expect to pay that at your shop.. Hopefully you guys promote value and service, and customers see that and stay loyal.

Hoping for the best! Good luck Brandon.

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Congrats man, I'm happy for you.. Now you are going to realize how hard running a small business is.. You are going to have to battle with making a profit, and paying employees, or having good pricing and hooking your friends up.. Its gonna suck telling some of your best friends to pay retail. Its a tough world we live in.. You are going to be competing against the HUGE online monsters who get better pricing due to size, and customers expect to pay that at your shop.. Hopefully you guys promote value and service, and customers see that and stay loyal.

Hoping for the best! Good luck Brandon.

Well said...

Some of your toughest and hopefully most rewarding times are ahead of you.

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That's great!

To soften the blow to your friends (see above post) tell them they'll get the hook up after you're established. You're not telling them "no" but just "wait."

Edited by dorifto240
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Thanks for all the positive words! I think we can actually pull this off and its going to be a fun ride. As of now it will be my second full time job so my first job will at least pay the bills. If all goes as planned I can live a fun life traveling and living in the bike world.

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WTF? Seriously?? I'm not a shop, Jeff. Relax a bit and pull back. Personal sales is one thing. Being a business owner and selling something used like tires is asking for issues. You mount them, kid crashes and gets killed, his parents come to you because you sold him race tires for street use.

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WTF? Seriously?? I'm not a shop, Jeff. Relax a bit and pull back. Personal sales is one thing. Being a business owner and selling something used like tires is asking for issues. You mount them, kid crashes and gets killed, his parents come to you because you sold him race tires for street use.

Interesting thoughts around the issue. As long as they're DOT approved, and not worn below a safe limit, I wouldn't think there would be a problem. Maybe even seek legal advice, and if it would be something he would do, come up with some sort of waiver for take-offs?

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Do you think it will be positive or negative business once the correlation gets made between your assfault junkies shop and your assfault junkies wheelies and wreckless ops down the highway news story? Not being a dick but just saying that little activity could come back to haunt you with a storefront.

i dont think that news story would hurt a sportbike race shop. if anything it would i think it would help business.

his target market in cincinnati is already rather small. i am assuming it will be mostly racers and aggressive street riders. if that news story were to air when the shop is open, i think it would expand his customer base and more than likely attract all the stunter kids that lurk all around cincy.

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There is a difference when you have a business. Like I said, I wasnt trying to be a dick but its something to think about when your income may be affected by what you do / have done. Its just something to consider and be ready to deal with if that time ever comes, which I hope it doesnt.

I hope his business takes off and I wish him the best.

That might be beneficial. If they've got a solid reputation with that crowd, then they've got a ready market waiting to be tapped.

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I may try the facebook adds. Really looking into radio commercials for the grand opening,but dam that cost some $$$$$! We have skyline and some other local places signed up for the opening day party. From what the lawyers I've been talking to the take off thing is very sketchy. Maybe a waiver is the only way around the legal issues.

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Maybe a waiver is the only way around the legal issues.

ask the lawyers about that. i don't know product liability law at all, but there is a serious trend in property law (housing) that exculpatory clauses are invalid.

Basically they court can potentially say, "well yes, Joe Squid signed a waiver saying that he knows these are take-offs and might not be as safe as new tires, but he didn't know any better, and the business owner should have. As a matter of public policy, this waiver is invalid."

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+1 on the FB ads, beacuse you can drill those down to your local demographic.

Look into twitter too. there are some good ways to connect with your existing local community of riders and use the medium to attract new customers/riders by amplifying the experience with relevant and engaging content and exposing the community to your brand (of course i know how some of you would "expose" yourselves:eek: )

If you do this right you could become the communities "place to go" for service,parts advice...etc and it can be effective if you pair the two FB , twitter together.

IMO ppl dont use the yellow pages anymore and usually they will visit a website and research before going into a store.

If you have any questions just let me know.

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if your on 52 you would turn on tenneyson and it dead eands at our door. 3926 eastern ave. Kinda near where delta meets 50 and 52 area.

oh hell yea I know exactly where that is. I used to live about 6 mins up Delta from there and went past there every Sunday when I played softball out at Riverstar. I knew it looked familiar! I still have friends that live in Hyde Park so I'll have to stop by some time when I'm down there

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ask the lawyers about that. i don't know product liability law at all, but there is a serious trend in property law (housing) that exculpatory clauses are invalid.

Basically they court can potentially say, "well yes, Joe Squid signed a waiver saying that he knows these are take-offs and might not be as safe as new tires, but he didn't know any better, and the business owner should have. As a matter of public policy, this waiver is invalid."

Since people don't have ANY personal responsibility any more. /rant

I am interested in what you find out about/decide to do with this, just out of curiosity.

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