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35 Signs Your College Days are Over


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1. Your salary is less than your tuition.

2. Your potted plants stay alive.

3. Shacking in twin-sized beds seems absurd.

4. You keep more food than beer in the fridge.

5. You have to pay your own credit card bill.

6. Mac & Cheese no longer counts as a well balanced meal.

7. You haven’t seen a soap opera in over a year.

8. 8:00 AM is not early.

9. You have to file your own taxes.

10. You hear your favorite song on the elevator at work.

11. You don’t get carded anymore.

12. You carry an umbrella.

13. You learn that “bachelor” is a nicer term for JACKASS.

14. “Extended childhood” only really pertained to your salary, which is a little less than your allowance used to be.

15. “Twenty-something” means over-qualified, under-paid and not married.

16. Your friends marry instead of hook-up & divorce instead of break-up.

17. You start watching the weather channel.

18. Jeans & baseball caps aren’t staples in your wardrobe.

19. You can no longer do SHOTS and smoking gives you a sinus attack.

20. You go from 130 days of vacation time to 7.

21. You stop confusing 401K plan with 10K run.

22. You go to parties that the police don’t raid.

23. Adults feel comfortable telling jokes about sex in front of you.

24. You don’t know what time Wendy’s closes anymore.

25. Your car insurance goes down.

26. You refer to college students as kids.

27. You drink wine, scotch and martinis instead of beer, bourbon and rum.

28. The beer you DO drink doesn’t have to be what’s on sale.

29. Your parents start making casual remarks about grandchildren.

30. You feed your dog Science Diet instead of Taco Bell.

31. You’re on the computer more than you’re on the telephone.

32. You no longer go out for something to eat in Pajama Pants and your sorority/fraternity sweatshirt.

33. “The Walk of Shame” is now that long walk from the boss’ office back to your cubicle.

34. You’re actually glad to hear to hear those two words you hated for 4 years – “LAST CALL!”

35. The friends you’re making now just don’t seem to measure up.

#33: Is one I like :lol:

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36. When you're about to turn 26 and still refer to yourself as "college-aged" but your friends laugh at you that you're old

Good one, I'll be saying this in three years. Continue to add on to these.

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37. When getting blackout drunk and having to hear from your friends the next day what actually happened isn't nearly as fun

38. Hangovers that last TWO fucking days

39. Hooking up with freshmen now seems creepy

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27. You drink wine, scotch and martinis instead of beer, bourbon and rum.

I like my Sailor Jerry & Cpt Morgan yet... So I guess it's still Game On! :D

#40) You finally have to start paying on your student loans

#41) After 20 years you finally earn your degree

Edited by Fonzie
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yea that ones bogus. All I drink is Captain and Jack. Attempting to get into scotch though

I've never understood the difference between bourbon, whiskey, & scotch anyways... A smell of any of their caps turns my stomach equally

Could have something to do with those whole bottles of Southern Comfort, Jack, & Crown that I chugged in high school/college ;)

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I've never understood the difference between bourbon, whiskey, & scotch anyways... A smell of any of their caps turns my stomach equally

Could have something to do with those whole bottles of Southern Comfort, Jack, & Crown that I chugged in high school/college ;)

I'm not a huge fan of any of them really but Bourbon would easily be my favorite. Not a big fan of the Canadian whiskeys and HATE SoCo. Scotch I only know of from what my roommate drinks and I get whifs of that since he drinks it on the rocks and damn is it potent

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34. You’re actually glad to hear to hear those two words you hated for 4 years – “LAST CALL!”

38. Hangovers that last TWO fucking days

if anything my drinking skills have improved since i graduated lol.

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if anything my drinking skills have improved since i graduated lol.

I can hold my liquor pretty welll :D. On a good night I can finish a 30pk and and other drinks in between.Needless to say was feeling #38 and regretting :nono: but a good night none the less. Just saying

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I can hold my liquor pretty welll :D. On a good night I can finish a 30pk and and other drinks in between.Needless to say was feeling #38 and regretting :nono: but a good night none the less. Just saying

those are the days I don't miss. When a 30pk of stones only got me through one night of partying, I knew I had to change it up

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this didn't happen to me, but my apparently old looking gf:

wake up call was when using your college ID for discount at the movies, they asked "exactly WHEN did you attend Ohio State?"

she cried and cried and cried. ok, she didn't cry, but i lol'd and lol'd and lol'd.

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this didn't happen to me, but my apparently old looking gf:

wake up call was when using your college ID for discount at the movies, they asked "exactly WHEN did you attend Ohio State?"

she cried and cried and cried. ok, she didn't cry, but i lol'd and lol'd and lol'd.

Ouch...that is kinda funny though in a rude way. When I quit getting carded for beer and getting into bars I knew it was game over. I miss the 130 vacation days too.

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