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So when does the, "come up with a name for our baby" start, and what are the rules. I can see a baby boy named Busa already. Then again...if its a boy, you could always just name it after Me!

A very big Congratulations to you both!

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Congrats Ben and Carie, I know you didn't ask for tips, but I have only one, well 2.... get the baby on a schedule. It will be easier in the long run, and 2 everyone who has ever had kids thinks they know everything about raising them. Everyone is full of Shit!!!! Do whatever works.....well short of breaking the law or harming them too badly. HAVE FUN!!!!

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Thanks everyone. It's going to be fun.

Congrats, Ben!

Now that you've done your part,:D you can relax and take it easy.

Yeah right. LOL
Holy shit that's scary lol congratz. Now we know why the toys are being sold
Actually, no. LOL. I only sold one toy, the DR. The idea was to buy a quad. Now I'm not sure. Just kinda hanging onto the money for right now. Might have to buy a more family oriented toy now. LOL
So when does the, "come up with a name for our baby" start, and what are the rules. I can see a baby boy named Busa already. Then again...if its a boy, you could always just name it after Me!

A very big Congratulations to you both!

If we name it after you, isn't that also naming it after me?
wow, congrats Ben and Carie!

on a similar note.... this is terrifying

Very terrifying. :D
Ahhh, this explains the "would you put your kid in this car seat strapped to a bike" thread from the other week...

Forgot: Congratulations!

Actually, nada. We didn't know then. Hahaha. Or maybe I did subconsciously?
Does Carie know?
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