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Anyone get their boys snipped lately?


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Thanks. I think it's a crapshoot. Some swell up and are in agony for a week, Some have stomach pains, some are fine a day later.

Did you expect different. It's Man-o-pause. Of course its gonna suck.

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True Story.... Got clipped in September of 2005. Waited the recommended 12 weeks before flying without a net. Made absolutely sure that I met the required number of ..... well, you know. Took my cup in. "Looks good" says the doc. Wife conceives that night. The moral of the story... If the doc says "12 weeks", wait 20 weeks. If the doc says 20.. well, you know, do it 50 times. 99.9% effective still leaves .1%.

Great kid though. Glad it happened.

The boys hurt for about 2 days. Wife's sympathy lasts for about 2 hours.

And now you know....... the rest of the story.

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had it done last year. Had sex 2 days later. didnt even have to take any of the pain meds. had it done on friday and was back at work on monday. I laid in bed and watched 3 seasons of lost over the course of that weekend while exchanging out ice packs. No swelling or ill side affects. Read a lot of bad experiences other people had and some studies show that it may put at a higher risk for certain cancers but in the long run it was worth it to me.

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Had it done myself, but as I think about my 8 year old daughter, I realize it wasn't all that recently. Doc said he schedules procedures for Fridays to give a weekend to recover. Back at work on Monday with no ill effects.

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get it done or you will be like me with 4 kids...

So I'm not the only one? Number 4 is on the way in June. Only 2 are officially mine, but that's just a technicality.

She is responsible for the birth control

That's the route we're taking, "while they're in there" for number 4.

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Friend of mine had it done because he hates kids so much but can't find a girlfriend because the option of children down the line is gone. They went through the abdomen to snip so the boys weren't touched. Just get a ton of movies to watch and lounge around while your wife brings you sammiches.

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A buddy of mine was going to get his done, and I think the week he was suppose to go, or something, they found out the wife was pregnant....

Don't think I could go through it after that video. My stomach is killin me!! Jags, not right my friend...

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They went through the abdomen to snip so the boys weren't touched.
???? ouch.

decisions, decisions... I think asking about this has made it harder to want to do this....

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