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Marysville Ride For Kids -- July 23


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My work schedule and the lateness of me finding out about this poses a question.

If I have no donations, is it still $35 for me to ride with the groups?

Others I have done, not this one, has been no charge, so I was just wondering.

Thanks for any input.

Ride safe all.


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I's sowwy. :(( Well if it makes you less sad.. we'll be plenty hot. Promises to be a scorcher.

Greg- $35 gets ya a 'Ride for Kids 2011' pin and a spot in the group to ride. Yup!

Btw, we have a partayyyy known as Shimmy Fest at our neighbors (super bike friendly group) following the ride. You're welcome to attend.

Hey Ben (Bootycall) you in on this again this year too?

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Am thinking of heading up to do this ride. Its right up my ally and could use a break from Patriot Guard Duties and work for a bit. Let me know if anyone else from Lancaster area is heading up and if we are meeting once we do get up there. Is the party still on afterwards? Gonna be blazing hot for us it seems....but worth the effort for the kids.

Let me know...will check post. Email me for a phone number to make faster contact...

Checking around I believe this will be the address we go to for morning registration think reg starts at 0800 with the ride starting at 1000:

14111 Scottslawn Rd, Marysville, OH

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Well I just got home from todays ride, it was a hot one to say the least. Ran into Dgtl Girl and her sig. other, and we discussed how this cause should be looked at by this OhioRiders group.

As a whole, with contributions from dealers and independent groups , this Marysville ride donated $60,048.00 dollars for a yrs worth of donations.

A husband and wife cxontributed $10k , just from their efforts.

I would like to make a challange to this group of riders, to try to get into this cause for these kids. This group is raising money for research into Pediatric Brain Tumor Care and Cure. I have no problem being a chair person for this effort. It would be amazing if we as a group could do something, anything in the contribution field for these kids and their families.

Give me some input on this if you would. I know money is tight for everyone, but this just seems like a cause that could affect anyone of us at anytime. And our good luck in it not happening, is worth a few bucks here and there.

Let me know if you would like to participate, again, I have no problem being the rep for this. Lets do something good here.

Thanks for looking and considering, ride safe all.


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